Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 133 Yuki, Give Up

"Ha-ha-ha! It's me!!

"Oh! You're a tourist god! Long time no see!!

... I've got all the noise...

What stopped the game and appeared in the gray world was the god of play (●).

I did shake it for about a month... but I didn't want to see you at all.

"I'm tired of the demon world! I'm in the game, too! Then I'll break down my cousinless cub god!!

The black shadow of Nigredo came upon me, unable to move in the paused space.

The part being touched dissolves slightly and is forcibly broken down into magic.

... This is by far the most critical situation. I don't think you're serious.

I dare not play God...... curse me if I say no. It may be pointless, but I curse.

Sending such thoughts, the tourist god laughs softly.

"Ha ha ha ha!.................. if you do that, the golden guy will kill you"


- Nigredo solidified with Bicilli.

"And the tourist gods have been wiped out, except for my own! Ha-ha-ha!"

"Huh? Huh?

... Is a long time for God long enough for one group of gods to perish?

Besides, is the demon kingdom wide enough for the Great Divine Being to play for so long?

Did nigredo's granules and peels occur because nigredo played in the demonic realm?

The doubts are endless. I mean, could this situation, which at first glance seems to be happening, have also been assumed by the gaming god who made this game?

... Thank you. I can't trust God.

"Nig Yikes! Sayuki's soul. Come on, hey, take a look!... you might find out a lot!

With that said, God reached out to me.

"Hi-ha!? Don't rub your chest! Can you say...?

The next moment I miniaturized due to humanization in order to escape the gaming god who suddenly began to rub thick chest armor


- Tied the movement of the body by the mighty power of the Travel God.

I can move now, but I can't. Scary.

"Come on! Look, nigga!

The hands of the Travel God accompany my chest, forming a heart-shaped senseless.

There Nigredo turned to the head of the shadow.

"Uhm...... ho?

"What is this, some great shame?"

A situation where you don't know what it means when you just look at the shape, but you're being peeked at by its real soul.

That's as if they're seeing everything, subtly embarrassing and unpleasant.

Perhaps the fact that Nigredo and the Travel God are not hesitant to peek at everything and that I am not accepting both affects and my gaze itself is slightly damaged.

"As long as it takes place... when does the Golden Man have the power to this point... is he beyond my power, a pillar of the ancient gods...?

"Oh, because I'm stronger than Nig, too."

"Huh!?... really... why are you doing this..."

"Pu dull. Nig, you're weak! Miscellaneous fish!!

"Grunt. Remember, you gaming god..."

Poor nig glances at the god of fucking games that stir up everywhere, and nigredo peeks at me again.

It is no longer the frontier of giving up.

There's still room for resistance if you're as godly as Eve, but it's pointless if you're a tourist god or a nigredo class.

It's good to give up because they're not going to kill you.


"Nig, why don't you join the tourist gods?

"Good. There is no way to do this in this situation. I really want to play, but I'm gonna help you."

"Yes. Guided by one person."

The game god who says that in his deceitful behavior...

"Then I'll be ahead of you. Because I'm afraid of Sayuki's resentment. Ca. Colossalelu.... Well, die, be! Ha ha ha ha!!

- I left such a fucking witch mountain play word and vanished.

"... the tourist god is dead. Ten times is good, so scatter your soul."

What the hell is that guy? Can't you live without stirring it up? Smash your soul.

In the end, as the tourist god thought, I was supposed to shake my emotions and leak my grudges.

"... ha... you're not going nigredo?

He sighs where he curses frequently and speaks to the black shadow immediately beside him.

"That attitude to me at the time of the young god... you little girl who borrows the power of the dragon"

"Pre-built is good. I'm guessing you didn't stay here to curse me?

"Fuck, stretch out your back, you loving bastard. I thought I'd give you a hand, too."

That being said, Nigredo put up one hand.

"I am Black of the End (Nigredo). Remember, your real name is not too early for you, a wicked god who gives an end to everything in general.... well... if you don't want to die, you need to help yourself... and you need to return this favor 10 times more."

Leaving those words behind, Nigredo vanished.

I get bosoms and squeals toward the void where Nigredo disappears.

"... I'll give it back in equal measure"

I don't even know what you got, and hey!

"[Mythology] Quest] Completed" The Love of the Collapsed Black God "

[Mythology Quest]

"The Love of the Collapsed Black God"

Conditions of participation

Conditions of achievement

Failure condition

Achievement Reward

· Weapon: The Divine Nucleus of the Collapsed Black God (Nigredo Divine Core)

The Black God's Divine Nucleus has been sealed.

Did you think you could use it? Too bad! Puddle dull "

"I cannot resist the Lord God..."

"... Well, I've found out that Nigredo is evil and euphoric, but he's basically a good guy.... some parts of the tourist god looks too evil and good...... Phew... tourist god, smashed and scattered!!

Well, putting a Divine Nucleus item into this game is definitely a game balance breakdown, and that's no choice.

It's the same thing you can't use Eve for.

The only thing allowed to use is the divine nucleus of the amusement god broken down into multiple chips.

The current situation only collects energy for one crystal bead, so we need about 5600 more chips to unseal it.

Let's say we make a few bucks by hitting it and destroying the demon army.

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