Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 134: Sweet Daughter Fox

The battle on the urban battlefield ended without much hardship.

You can't have boulders participate in the next battle, and even though the usage capacity is protected and the aftertreatment is appropriate, the accumulation of fatigue due to the abuse of limit breaking (limit breaking) is not silly.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of Miscellaneous Plant Golems left, and there is no way the Beast will refuse to accept a Liberion that has wiped out 100,000 massive enemies.

Let's say Liberlion gets a rest in the city and leaves those defenses to Plant Golem.

When this battle is over, shall we proceed with the Reborn Awakening Plan (Project Revnants) while maintaining our souls?

Urban warfare was extermination, whereas fierce battles were waged in the Devil's main battle.

Well, it was caused by successfully regulating the combat power in order to gain combat experience for everyone under my command.

The Great Devil who suffered a major injury or... Meteor Impact? Since it was a good salt plum on the battlefield, such as a bunch of demons and demon beasts that were safe because they were outside the range of, everyone would have been able to grow a little.

It was the white night and the saffron that confronted the evil demon king, who was almost intact.

White nights have a magical clash with the Evil Demon King, and saffron beats each other in a melee.

Overall, some spare battles were fought, and finally the main black fog destroyed the shards of Nigredo that emerged from the demonic realm.

Carcasses of monsters that never look like giant octopuses are stored in the inventory due to the effects of auto collections.

The shards of Nigredo themselves began to break themselves apart by the power of the ability (ability) that the flesh possesses after death for every surrounding attribute magic, so careful attention would be needed to study it.

The battle of the plateau was startling and modest with all the mothers and daughters at first, but even if they grabbed it, they could escape. Hit me and I'll bounce. Fly. After realizing that the enemy giant would roll to the ground just by waving his arms, it was already raging around for fun.

My mother seems to have remembered the operation from halfway through the battlefield to exterminate the demon army that was still approaching an unstructured Federation of Beasts, but not my daughter.

Even though she is a beauty with a more fleshy appearance than her mother, she has a fairly instinct-faithful personality: she eats every day, sleeps and has a strong lust for colour.

Eventually, she transformed into the Great Fox of the Seven Tails and rammed around, surrounded by demons and tied up with jamming magic, such as restraint systems, and is now just where she is attacking the Demon Army in total.

The battle on the plains is over, so in a few moments, a successionable delivery will arrive on the plateau front.

Do you want to speak to Jasmine for once?

"Yes, Yuki, but"

"- Ouch! Yu, Yuki!? Taku, taku! Tick! '

"Yeah, yeah, 'cause reinforcements will be here in a little while."

"Yuki. Empty!

"I'd rather not open my eyes, ahhh"

"- Ahhh!? Eye, eye. Ahhh!?

... Well, you'll be fine.

It doesn't crush me because I got hit in the eyeball by a level 60 or so arm strength specialist type.

- Different physical strength.

It may hurt a little, but it would be better than getting a pointed weapon plugged in.

In other words, I don't want to fight any more today to leave room, as I have been forced to waste my time on the Divine Two Pillars and I have to protect the Peach Raven Sisters.

Even if they look at us, they have trouble.

Next, Sleep Lotus.

"Yes, Yuki, but"

"Ah, Master Yuki.... Is Maturika safe?

"By the way, why are you saluting me?

"Well, that's... Lord Cocum..."

"Did the black fog tell you?

'Yes, no, you say you were told... scared...'

Were you conscious of the words spontaneously enough to be true? Isn't that a good idea?

But well, it wouldn't be good to be nervous in vain.

'I'll tell the black fog. You don't have to use respectful language. No, don't use it.'

'Ugh... um. I got it. "

Don't you have to use it? Can I use it? Let's use it then. I give the order because it is troublesome when it comes to that. If there is an order, I will obey it.

Sleep Lotus is serious and turns heads, so there's no point in wasting distance on talented people.

"Jasmine will be fine."

"Ho, are you sure you're okay? It looks a little unsavory!?

'It's okay, it's okay. If you humanize it, you can get away with it, but it remains foxylated. I'm stretching my body and attracting enemies. Fine Dayonnais'

'Oh, you were...! I can't believe I'm ready for that girl... my concubine... I'm so glad...!

"Yeah, Soudaney... so that Sleep Lotus can wait on the spot and keep the enemy troops away from the Federation of the Beasts."

'Uhm! I'll take care of it!

And I give that much instruction and connect him again to Jasmine, who was only making his voice heard unilaterally.

"So, jasmine. You can work hard, right?


"Mother, you said you were happy."

"... you can work hard."

'Heh heh, good boy. You should give your mother a cup of sweetness when you're done.'

"...... n"

Jasmine resembles white night.

I get on with my cowardly habits right away, and most importantly, I'm hungry for love.

Those of you in the white night betrayed your best friend in a previous Hydra battle, but managed to overcome your fears.

The next time a similar crisis strikes, there will be no escape by day or night with his companions.

Likewise, in order to encourage the growth of jasmine flowers, rescue is the last.

First, it would be a good idea to surround them and scrape them off the perimeter.

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