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The invitation to battle at the Blood Rock Terrace issued by Lishan, at an extremely fast speed, spread in the 10000 monster cities.

In the suspicion of many people, the voice of challenge came from the Cangyun restaurant.

This news, I do not know true or false, but in this dry time waiting for the admission of top powerhouse, it is undoubtedly an extremely interesting thing.

In the 10000 demon domain, everyone who has a little knowledge has heard of Li Shan’s fierce name.

Although he cannot be compared with the geniuses in the Peak race, among the geniuses of the 10000 ethnic continents, Lishan is definitely a powerful and background person!

A nameless junior, in order to offend a mountain in a room, this news really made many people secretly murmur. In their opinion, what kind of stupid people can do such brainless things.

Some people are ridiculing, and some people are interested in watching the battle that Lishan is hard to get.

And with countless people waiting, the time of the day quickly passed.

On this day, the sky is bright, and there are many silhouettes walking on the streets of the 10000 monster city. Their directions are the same, that is, the Blood Rock Terrace located in the northeast of the 10000 monster city.

Blood Rock Terrace, originally called Life and Death Stage, is a place in 10000 monster cities dedicated to solving personal contradictions.

In the long years, the hundreds of Life and Death Stages inside were stained with blood, and even the colors of many battle stages presented a heart-warming dark red color.

Therefore, over time, the name of Blood Rock Terrace has begun to replace Life and Death Stage.

The top powerhouse is about to be accepted, and there are too many young geniuses from all races to gather together. In this Blood Rock Terrace, it is also very enthusiastic and extremely lively.

Because if you can see other people’s hands, for many powerhouses, you can infer the latter means, so that you can be prepared for it in the future.

Or … you can invite some guys who you think will threaten you to become a top powerhouse disciple and take the opportunity to get rid of it!

Of course, among them, there are some who want to take the opportunity to become famous and will seize this opportunity to gain eyeballs.

And Li Shan’s invitation to battle pushed the atmosphere of Blood Rock Terrace to a climax.

Powerhouses at the level of Lishan, even among the first-class races, many powerhouses secretly consider them to be a strong enemy, so after getting the news, it is not only some boring people who watch the liveliness, but even Many notable powerhouses have also come here.

In the middle of a sea of ​​people, there is a vast battle stage, on which a dark red color appears, as if soaked with blood.

“Didn’t expect to have a chance to see Lishan do it.”

“I heard that the nameless junior was not invited. Whether he dares to come or not is still a problem.”

At the battle stage all around, looking at the crowded scene, many people were secretly talking.

“His, look ahead, isn’t that Xiong Xiong of the demon bear clan? He even appeared here!”

“It’s not just him. Look at the other side. The elephant elephant of the giant elephant family is here.”

“They and Lishan are rivals. I guess they have not seen each other for a while. I want to see how much Lishan has improved this time?”

“Only they can fight for those top powerhouse disciple places with those evils!”

“That’s not good. I remember Master Mo Sheng said 3 years ago that if he wants to be his Disciple, he doesn’t just rely on his strength!”

In the vast crowd, from time to time, some people make a path of amazement when they find some notable geniuses.


Amidst the skyrocketing noise, a silhouette suddenly looted from a distance, with a fierce wind, but after a few flashes, it appeared in the vast battle stage.

“Lishan is here!”

Looking at this burly silhouette like Iron Pagoda, the battle stage all around suddenly burst into a booming sound, and a line of sight became a bit hot, and the protagonist finally came.

Near the battle stage, there are several silhouettes that are not weaker than Lishan. When they saw Lishan, their eyes were also a little stunned, apparently a little surprised by the speed that Lishan had exposed at random before.

Originally, although the giant spirits had unparalleled brute force, the speed was a shortcoming of their race. Just now, the speed displayed by Li Shan was obviously a little unexpected.

“It seems that Lishan has gained a lot of opportunities in recent years.”

Under the battle stage, like Lin Zi sneaked, Tao.

“Hmph, such insignificant ability that’s all.”

On the side, a man who is equally burly and even bigger than Li Shan, coldly snorted, said.

For the sound below, Li Shan seems to have noticed. When he saw the opposites in those normally, his brow couldn’t help being lightly frowned.

“Hmph, want to see my hole cards? You think too much!”

Lishan was coldly snorted in his heart. He naturally knew the purpose of these guys here, but he didn’t think that it was necessary to do his best to deal with the unknown person who dared to provoke himself.

Immediately, Li Shan’s eyes stared at a certain direction, as if waiting for something.

The noise has continued, and time has passed slowly.

“What time is it, that junior wouldn’t be tempted to come?”

“Hmph, it looks like it is.”

Under this kind of waiting, some people gradually became a little impatient, a path of some dissatisfaction with complaints, also constantly sounded.

Until Late in the morning, there was finally a sound of wind breaking in the distance, and then, under the gaze of a path of, a slender silhouette, carrying a charming and charming shadow, rushed to this side.

With the emergence of that silhouette, a hearty laughter with no trace of fear echoed.

“Lishan, Young Master is here to fight!”

With the appearance of this silhouette, the vast crowd around Blood Rock Terrace suddenly became boiling.

Countless lines of sight, full of curiosity, look at the slender silhouette that flees, seems to be curious, does this person who dares to be so provocative of the mountain have Three Heads Six Arms?

I saw that silhouette with a handsome face, with a smile, without a trace of fear, and so imposing, it suddenly made many people secretly nodded.

However, some keen people also noticed that Qin Yichen’s body was just a respectable elementary breath.

When they felt the scent of being only a junior elementary, their eyes suddenly became a little ridiculous.

“Qi Yu is good, but is this any different from courting death?”

“Maybe you want to die heroically.”

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