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Xiong Xiong at the battle stage, like Lin Zi and the others, when they saw Qin Yichen, their brows were also slightly frowned.

They thought that if they dared to provoke Lishan, their strength should be almost the same. They originally wanted to take this opportunity to see what progress Lishan has made in recent years.

However, what they didn’t expect was that the kid who was rumored was just a respectable junior guy.

This strength, for Lishan, is simply a punch with no difficulty, nothing to look at.

By this time, Qin Yichen and Mei Le’er had come outside the vast blood rock.

“Boy, I thought you were afraid to come.”

In Blood Rock Terrace, Li Shan’s eyes slowly fell on Qin Yichen, and the sound of killing intent resounded slowly.

“If you insist on humiliation, how can I don’t give face?”

Qin Yichen stepped slowly onto the blood rock, with a confident smile on his handsome face, said.

“is it?”

Looking at Qin Yichen who came up, there was a sneer on Lishan’s face.

He doesn’t know where this junior elementary kid is, confident.

At this time, he didn’t want to talk with Qin Yichen anymore. He wanted to completely crush his self-confidence, and thunderbolt the kid who dared to provoke himself to shatter.

At the same time, it is also necessary to warn everyone and provoke him to Lishan’s end!

“This guy is trying to borrow that kid’s hand to make that’s all!”

Looking at Lishan’s expression, the old opponents who knew him couldn’t help but shook the head.

They knew that under this provocation, Lishan was not furious on the surface, not that he was broad-minded, but that his heart had already moved.

Today there are many powerhouses in 10000 monster cities. It is not a simple matter to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of those big shots. It seems that Lishan is trying to kill the chicken to warn the monkey and spread his reputation.

The idea of ​​crude in most matters, but subtle in some also proves that Lishan is not as stupid as it looks.

“I gave you a chance, but you didn’t grasp it!”

Li Shan whispered, staring at Qin Yichen, the sneer on his face gradually faded away, replaced by a kind of dark color, a terrifying Ominous Fiend Qi slowly spread out from his burly body .

This waits for baleful qi, without dozens or hundreds of lives, simply cannot be formed!

Under this baleful qi, some of the powerhouses that are a little closer to each other are instantly white, and around this bloodstone platform, the crash-bang was suddenly vacated a large circle.

There is no so-called protective cover in Blood Rock Terrace. Although generally speaking, the battle in Blood Rock Terrace will not spread to the outside. However, once 10000 is brought to disaster to innocent people, they do not want to bear the consequences.

“Boy, reborn in the next life, remember to polish your eyes, some people are not your fault!”

Lishan was coldly snorted, and immediately blasted out. Suddenly, the surging True Origin whistled out. It turned out that the air in front of it was compressed to the limit, like a shell, enough to kill the junior The fierce power of powerhouse blasted away at Qin Yichen.


The air cannonball, at an amazing speed, was directly frontal fiercely strikers on Qin Yichen’s body. For a moment, the ground around it was instantly shattered and shattered, arousing the dust of the sky.

Seeing this, many people shook their heads with sighs. This guy didn’t even make a scream, was he blasted into pieces?

Not far away, jade hand in Meileer’s sleeve robe couldn’t help but clenched, so Qin Yichen was so defeated?


At this time, beside this Blood Rock Terrace, there were only a few dozen people. They were all powerhouses with a level of Lishan. At the moment when the dust was rising, they didn’t sigh like that, but were a little surprised.

“That guy doesn’t seem to be dead?”

And while many people were taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, suddenly a sound of suspicion sounded, and then a line of sight was quickly transferred away.

I can only see that, as the dust dissipated, a silhouette appeared slowly in it, and even some people with bad eyes found that under his feet, they had never retreated halfway.

That look, just like the previous offensive that was enough to kill the top-level junior powerhouse, it did not cause him any harm!

This scene has seen many people feel absurd for a while.

Lishan show mercy?

This is absolutely impossible. Li Shan’s fierce name can kill him with one punch. He will never work harder!

Moreover, this guy dared to provoke Lishan in front of countless people, and he could not have any sympathy!

“hu ……”

Seeing this scene, Mei Leer quietly sighed in relief in her heart.

This guy really is to stand out from the masses! She was worried for nothing.


Below the Blood Rock Terrace, there was a playful smile in the corners of Xiang Linzi and the others. It seems that this kid is not as unable to withstand a single blow as they imagine!

In Lishan opposite Qin Yichen, seeing this scene was also helpless, his eyes and pupils shrunk slightly, and he realized it. The boy who didn’t seem to be a junior in front of him seemed to have some outstanding ability.

In a path of horrified eyes, the slender silhouette stepped slowly out of the gravel, and with the movement of its lips, a bland voice with a touch of ridicule also sounded slowly.

“Djinn Race Lishan, do you have that strength?”

Hearing this, the whispering crowd around the whole Blood Rock Terrace suddenly quieted down.

A line of sight looked at Taichung with an incredible color.

In this area outside the 10000 Demon Realm, Lishan is almost a sidewalk!

Normally, among peers, it was too late to see him dodging, and in front of him, a boy, who was so provocative three or five times, would not have believed it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.

“Boy, you are bringing about one’s own destruction!”

Li Shan apparently came back to his senses from the previous surprise. Although he was surprised that Qin Yichen did not lose in the blow he just made, he did not think that the latter had the qualification to compete with him.

After all, he used to think of Qin Yichen as a junior junior with a bad tongue. The hit just now was just a random gesture, and he didn’t use much power at all!

However, at the moment, it seems that after his contemptuous move was resisted, the guy who made him feel malicious in front of him now regarded it as his pride!

“so what?”

The corner of Qin Yichen’s mouth set off a slight radian and whispered softly.

“That uncle will give you a ride!”

Lishan was coldly shouted, and his eyes suddenly sharpened.

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