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Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, the silhouette of the thirty-forty road above the sky with a strong and turbulent atmosphere swiftly stormed. When you see the silhouette in front of you, the plain below is boiling instantly. stand up.

That silhouette is the first ruthless person in the top 100 list, from the old star lion emperor patriarch old … lion robbery!

Lion robbery, based on this name alone, is to jealous of the countless powers of the 10000 ethnic continent.

Regardless of his background or his own strength, looking at the power on the 10000-thousand continents, it is difficult to find a comparable.

Such a character, wherever he goes, is the most dazzling existence.

However, it is a little surprising that all the mighty people thought that Lion Robber had returned with a full load and was about to leave. However, under the watchfulness of countless lines of sight, the silhouette of Lion Robbery finally fell from the distance. Tianlou several hundred zhang outside.

“Shua! Hey!”

The powerful people behind him also fell down one after another. Seeing what they looked like, they didn’t seem to want to leave.

“What’s going on? Lion Jie seems a little unhappy?”

“Is he overcast by Xuanyue Yu?”

“Is the red fire cracked and frightened? Didn’t it mean that they were drawn to by the lions, why didn’t they see them?”

After the arrival of the lions, the atmosphere on this plain was slightly stagnant, and a path of suspicion sounded even more immediately.

And in this piece of suspicion, many savvy powers are found, and the appearance of the lion robbing them seems to be in the and others.

Looking at this piece of Emperor Heaven, the only thing that can compete with Lion Robbers is Xuanyueyu, and his posture is probably related to the latter.

However, what is a bit confusing is, can Xuanyueyu still make the lion eat?

Although countless powerful hearts are full of doubts, but no one dares to ask without looking at the expressionless face of Shijie.

As time went by, Lion Robber still stood there quietly, and even many of the mighty rushed to see him look like he was stopped and stopped, even Huangji Tianlou dare not go.

Of course, the vast majority of power is waiting with a wait-and-see attitude. Who is it that can make Lion Robbery treat this way?

With such a quiet wait, a day passed.

As the sky just dawned, from the distant sky, there was suddenly a path of rushing windbreaking sound, and there were at least ten more roads like that, and the strong breath that suddenly appeared in this Heaven and Earth, Suddenly, the spirit of countless powers was refreshed, and their eyes were projected in the same direction.

“Xiu! Hey!”

But for a long time, under the gaze of countless lines of sight, more than a dozen silhouettes exuding powerful fluctuations appeared in everyone’s sight.

When looking at those silhouettes, the expressions in countless powerful eyes have become exciting. At the forefront of that silhouette, it is the super-human who ranks No. 10000 in the 100 clan 2 list … Xuanyueyu.

However, it is a little surprising to many powers. In this batch of powerhouses, Xuanyueyu is not like a leader, but a silhouette half step behind.

“That’s Qin Yichen!”

“His … he came back alive ?!”

“Oh my God, how could he come here alive, is it possible that the red fire cracks happened unexpectedly?”

When the identity of Qin Yichen was guessed, there was a sound of panic immediately above the plain, and countless powers were all surprised that he could appear here.

Moreover, it seems that even Xuanyueyu is headed by him in the batch of powers at this time, and it makes the countless powers feel a sense of astonishment.

Maybe other powers will stagnate because of Qin Yichen’s identity, but for Xuanyueyu, the countless powers are too much understood.

Moonfish is a very proud and arrogant man. Although the race behind him is not far from the Sovereign level race, even in the face of the existence of the lion robbery, his personality does not Will bow one and a half minutes.

When he was provoked, he swept across the 100 Peak races, and even the Peak power of the Sovereign level race.

At the time, his actions shocked countless forces of the 10000 ethnic continent.

And such a fierce man who is unconvinced, at the moment, faintly regards a young man as the center, which makes many powers wonder.


At the moment when these silhouettes appeared, Lion ’s originally closed eyes suddenly opened. When his eyes fell on the slender silhouette, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

“Has it been possessed by Vicious Spirit?”

A lion whispered in his heart, and his complexion became a little dignified.

Before, he took the initiative to retreat because it was found that simply, the pearl of inheritance, was not a chance, but a great scourge.

Because, in the pearl of inheritance, there is a transcendent existence unwilling to fall!

With the inheritance pearl of Vicious Spirit, simply is not trying to pass on his legacy to others, but is choosing a host for his rebirth!

Theoretically, even if Xuanyueyu could not see the existence of Vicious Spirit in the pearl of inheritance, they should be able to detect some abnormalities, right?

Why are these guys headed by Qin Yichen at this time?

Are they so stupid that they didn’t find it at all, or that Vicious Spirit is hiding very good?

“It’s coming …”

Although he had some doubts in his heart, lion ’s not at all was going to wake up, and in the corner of his mouth, a faint smile appeared gradually.

“The Lion Robbers are really waiting for them!”

“Tsk tsk, Xuanyueyu’s energy is so great, they have drawn so much power.”

“There is a good show here!”

Seeing the change of the face of the lion, a path of low laughter also resounded. The powerful people who were originally near the Huangji Tianlou were also a great distance to exit.


“Is there Huanghuang Tower?”

At this time, Qin Yichen above the sky, looking at the attic enveloped by a streak of divine light in the middle of the plain, could not help whispering.

“Well, as long as we enter there, we can leave Huangjitian.”

Behind him, Xuanyueyu said lightly nodded, and some dignified voice sounded immediately: “Be careful, lions are here …”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s gaze swept slightly, and finally fell in front of Huangji Tianlou, where a silhouette full of majesty was standing quietly, and the cold glow glowing in his eyes was even more impressive. Can not help but a palpitation.

“Is it a lion …”

Qin Yichen whispered in his heart, but a strange smile was raised in the corner of his mouth.

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