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With the appearance of more than a dozen strong silhouettes above the sky, the atmosphere between this Heaven and Earth was slightly stagnant. Immediately, countless powerful faces emerged with a touch of wonderful color.

The powerfulness of these silhouettes, in the whole Huangjitian, rarely can rival them.

However, anyone can see that the large number of powerhouses led by Shijie are the ones who are waiting!

Although the powerhouses led by Qin Yichen and Xuanyueyu are extremely energy-intensive, in the eyes of everyone, compared with the lion ’s robbers, there is still a considerable gap between them in terms of quantity and Peak battle strength. !!

In all previous Emperor Jitians, there will be extremely violent and sensational battles. Originally, countless powerful people thought that Emperor Jitian looked extremely bland at this time, but at present it seems that they have not touched that’s all.

Right now, a battle that captures the most Peak battle strength, I’m afraid it will start soon, and it is still before Huangji Tianlou!

“It seems that the fame of the Star Lion Imperial Family is really not weak. After losing the red fire cracking and the terrifying battle, you will immediately pull a bunch of cannon fodder!”

When those men and horses first appeared in this sky, the sound of Xuanyueyu’s full of ridiculous charm suddenly sounded.

“What? The red fire cracking and the terrible battle really happened unexpectedly ?!”

When hearing this voice, countless powerful faces were suddenly changed, a kind of shocking emotion, was instantly shrouded in the hearts of all powerful.

Red fire cracking and frightening battle, that is the 100rd and 3th top 4 superman!

Even if it is a 10000-family event like Huang Jitian, such a super fierce just need to be careful, it is not difficult to get the chance and retreat.

And listening to Xuanyueyu’s words, it seems that these two super-humans have been buried in Huangjitian? !!

Under the look of a path of amazement, the face of Lion Robbery could not help becoming gloomy. Behind him, some powerful people who had just been drawn by him had brow frowns.

Although they have a big gap compared with the existence of Xuanyueyu and Lion Robber, they are also Peak power who can rank among the top 100, and it is a bit too much to describe themselves as cannon fodder, right?

Moreover, under the control of Lion Robber, the not at all people spoke about the red fire cracking their bodies, so they still have doubts about the words of Xuanyueyu.

After all, no matter how you look at them, Xuanyueyu simply doesn’t have the ability to kill red fire cracks and shocks under the hands of Lion Robbers.

Even if the red fire cracked and they really encountered an unexpected event, that should be a feint of hitting some fierce creature in Huangjitian.

“Shua! Hey!”

Under the gaze of a line of sight, when the tone was barely fell, the sound of the rushing wind broke out. More than a dozen Peak powers led by Qin Yichen and Xuanyueyu fell directly on. Hundred zhang on the opposite side of Shijie Kai, it looks like that, not at all any fear!

Seeing this scene, originally some whispering between Heaven and Earth suddenly became quiet, the atmosphere was suddenly tense, a line of sight, all looking at the distant confrontation of the two parties and horses.

Among these two batches, there are the most powerful Peak battle strengths under the top powerhouse representing the 2 ethnic continents!

Once the battle between them breaks out, it will be destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

Moreover, according to the current situation, this kind of battle is unavoidable!

However, what is a bit confusing is that after Xuanyueyu arrived, the eyes of Shijie just fell on Qin Yichen’s body, and he didn’t open his mouth. It looked like he was afraid of something.

On the other hand, Xuanyueyu, and even those powerful people behind him, have a dignified look, but they have no fear in their eyes. It looks like they really think they have a battle with each other. capital!

This weird atmosphere can not help but let countless powers burst into shock. In the face of the top 100 in the top 1 list, these guys, where is the courage?

“Being able to come here, you are beyond my expectations!”

For a long time, in that tight atmosphere between Heaven and Earth, a breeze passed by, and a faint sound also sounded quietly.

Hearing this voice, the eyes of many mighty eyes were a little stunned, and the lion robbery, which had never spoken, finally made a sound.

“Do you think that those blocked soldier soldiers and crab generals on the road can pose any threat to us?”

Xuanyueyu chuckled, and the irony in his voice was undoubted.

Obviously, they came here and encountered many obstacles along the way. However, it seemed that the mighty powers instigated by the lion robbery simply did not threaten Xuanyueyu.

Surprisingly, in the face of Xuanyueyu’s ridicule, Lion Jie’s face was not angry. Even, his eyes never left Qin Yichen’s body.

“Lion robbery, if you rely on this, I advise you to let it go, so as not to ask for help!”

While everyone was suspicious of the mind of Lion Robber, Xuanyueyu’s voice sounded again.


Hearing this arrogant voice, countless powerful eyes have a touch of incredible color, an uproar, even louder.

Obviously, no one thought that at this time, Xuanyueyu actually said such crazy words!

Doesn’t he know that it seems they are the weaker side now?

However, Lion ’s response was to confuse everyone ’s hearts, and he was still not angry in the face of Xuanyueyu ’s repeated provocations.

“Junior, are you still Qin Yichen?”

After watching for a long time, a smirk sounded from the corner of Shijie’s mouth, and his voice sounded slowly.

“What does he mean?”

Hearing this, many powerful people behind Qin Yichen are brow with lightly frowned, and Xuanyueyu also has a strange expression flashing in his eyes.

In fact, when the latter accepted inheritance, Xuanyueyu felt something wrong, but fortunately, Qin Yichen came out in the end in good condition, and they didn’t find anything wrong.

“Did that guy find out?”

Xuanyueyu’s eyes froze slightly, and he felt faintly that the reason why Shijie did not make trouble is that he has discovered some unknown secrets, and now he has some unfathomable mystery words, which even makes him My conjecture was confirmed.

“Will you try it understood?”

In the skepticism of Xuanyueyu, Qin Yichen’s feet moved, but stepped out, a voice full of provocation, also swept across this piece of Heaven and Earth.

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