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The news of the Thunder-Legend Family Alliance spread the news of the imperial imperial city quickly. For a time, an infinite number of lights on the 10000-thousand continent projected into this area.

Everyone knows that after the existence of the Great Imperial Family that fell, their strength is greatly damaged, and the strong rise of the Thunder Monster family has a tendency to replace it.

After several battles, the Thunder Monster Alliance finally gained the upper hand. In the end, the Peak race under the Imperial Family was destroyed one after another, leading more than ten top powerhouse soldiers to the city.

If it wasn’t for the presence of the 3 presences like Lion He Fan, the imperial imperial city would have been broken.

However, despite their intentional blocking by Lion He Fan, they will never sit here all the time, and their purpose is to be the demon who has swept their face in Huangjitian!

While marveling at the domination of this area, the numerous powerhouses and forces are secretly sighing for the end of Qin Yichen.

Lion He Fan they left because of reliable news from the black pond restricted area. Their trip must be to catch Qin Yichen!

In less than ten years, he can grow from a respectable junior to Number One Person under the top powerhouse. This guy’s aura is too dazzling.

And this dazzling halo finally caused him to kill him!

Although Qin Yichen’s various achievements have made countless powerhouses amazing, in the face of 3 top powerhouses, I am afraid that even if he is a demon again, he cannot escape the end of the Fa-rectification in situ!


Willow City is located at the edge of the Great Evil Imperial Family.

Because of this special area, Liumucheng’s popularity can be regarded as extremely lively, and various caravans can be seen every day.

And no one has ever noticed that in a certain team, I do n’t know when a slender silhouette is added. He is wearing a strong suit, his face is covered with dust, and he has endured the hardships of a long. The bodyguards of journey are no different.

Among the many caravans, the convoy was not eye-catching, and went away with the crowd walking towards the distance.

However, at a certain moment, many caravans in front of Willow City stopped abruptly, and the eyes of each and everyone powerhouse looked at the sky, and their complexions were unable to help.

At this moment, the red clouds were rolling above the sky, and a kind of violent and hot wave was continuously emitted.

“what happened?”

Looking at the fluctuations in the sky, countless powerhouses were looked at each other in blank dismay, and under these natural phenomena, they all felt a great deal of pressure.


In the next instant, the fiery cloud suddenly surged, turning into a giant eye in mid-air.

“What is this Magical Powers ?!”

With the emergence of that eye, under its gaze, the body trembled of countless powerhouses, they had a feeling as if all the secrets in themselves were seen through by that giant eye.

With a slight rotation, the giant eye suddenly stopped and his eyes fell somewhere.

“Rat, you can hide it!”

And while everyone was still in doubt, a laugh full of jokes filled the sky like thunder.


Then, under the eyes of countless startled eyes, the space above the sky was suddenly torn apart and slowly came out from one of the fiery silhouettes.

With the appearance of this silhouette, this piece of Heaven and Earth was suddenly filled with a terrifying coercion. Under this coercion, countless powerhouses felt that breathing was a bit difficult.

“To … top powerhouse ?!”

Looking at the silhouette of the mighty shore, countless powerhouses have changed dramatically. The next moment, they all bent down to show respect.

Top powerhouse, looking at the 10000-thousand continents, is the existence of Old Ancestor, which can be a Peak race. In the area of ​​Liumucheng, it is a symbol of invincibility!

But why did the top powerhouse come here? Who was the “rat” in that voice just now?

The eyes of the crowd projected along the silhouette of the great shore silhouette, and finally fell on a man who had endured the hardships of a long journey.

“Did you still find it? Really a top powerhouse …”

Under the gaze of a line of sight, the man lifted the head slowly, his gaze turned directly to the existence of the mighty shore on the sky.

“That man is a black pupil, is he …”

Although Qin Yichen seemed to be inconspicuous in the team under the deliberate cover, when the public saw the deep black eyes, the name of a continent with a reputation of 10000 appeared to everyone In mind.

“If this guy is Qin Yichen, then that exists, is it the top powerhouse of Chiyan Imperial Family ?!”

After guessing Qin Yichen’s identity, the hearts of countless powerhouses were throbbing.

“Rat, you have been hiding for so long, did you dare finally show up?”

Above the sky, the silhouette like Vulcan, staring closely at Qin Yichen, a sneer sounded between Between Heaven and Earth, anyone can hear it, and the cold voice in the sound color.

“Hidden? It’s just that you don’t have the intelligence to realize that’s all.”

Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, Qin Yichen laughed a little, and in his voice, there were quite a few points of irony.

Hearing this voice, countless powerhouses have all changed slightly, obviously it was unexpected that Qin Yichen dare to speak out when facing the top powerhouse!

“is it?”

Hearing the ironic voice of Qin Yichen, the appearance of Red Storm was a little deeper, and a gloomy voice also sounded between Heaven and Earth.

“Junior, are you obediently surrender, or do you want to do it yourself?”

In this gloomy voice, there is an unquestionable majesty! It is impossible to doubt that as long as Qin Yichen dares to show a little resistance, that existence will use Supreme Magical Powers to subdue him.

At this time, countless powerhouses around Qin Yichen wanted to escape from here.

To be able to see the confrontation between Qin Yichen and top powerhouse is certainly a matter of great pride, but once that gets angry and surrounds them, I’m afraid they have no chance to survive.

However, even if they wanted to escape here, under that coercion, they found that their bodies could not move at all, let alone left.

“Obediently surrender? Do you think you qualify?”

With countless lights watching, Qin Yichen’s face suddenly burst into a smile, and as his lips lightened, a faint voice came out quietly.

Hearing this voice, all powerhouses were stunned and looking at that silhouette, how dare he speak to top powerhouse so? !!

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