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“This guy, aren’t you crazy ?!”

Countless powerhouses looked at Qin Yichen with amazement, but couldn’t help muttering to themselves.

top powerhouse, that’s the symbol of Supreme!

Even more how, this existence in front of me is still from the top powerhouse of the Chiyan Imperial Family …

Even the Peak race and even the Sovereign level race saw him and treated him with courtesy.

Who would have thought that in the face of this existence, Qin Yichen even dared to speak provocatively.

This scene made countless powerhouses wonder if they should admire Qin Yichen’s courage or laugh at his overestimate one’s capabilities.

However, I have to say that under such coercion, only Qin Yichen’s body was upright, and the wind was blowing his robes, and the momentum was convincing.

Looking at this youth, the expressions of countless powerhouses are a bit complicated.

This guy has already shown his horror potential vividly and thoroughly, and his growth rate is amazing. If given another period of time, he will definitely become the existence that makes the Sovereign level race jealous.

However, unfortunately, on the 10000-thousand-continent continent, the more dazzling genius, if you do n’t know how to cover your rays of light, it is easier to fall!

At this time, countless powerhouses had no time to admire or sympathize with Qin Yichen. They were more worried about their situation.

Such a provocation by Qin Yichen, if there is anger at the top, once the top powerhouse starts to operate, even if there are some aftermaths, it will be enough to make them broken.

Hearing Qin Yichen’s provocative words, under countless horrified eyes, the appearance of the red storm also slowly gloomed, with an unshakable killing intent in his eyes.

“Junior, it seems you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin!”

Above the sky, the sound of red storms slowly sounded, a horrifying breath wafted from its body, and suddenly the True Origin above the sky suddenly boiled, and an extremely strong space appeared in the space around Qin Yichen. The force of squeezing is as if even space is repelling him.

This is the horror of the top powerhouse. He can do whatever he wants, even if the Red Storm doesn’t have any action, his way is to let this Heaven and Earth be used by him.

“Do you think I’m cracking that waste?”

Under this pressure, Qin Yichen’s body trembled slightly, then suddenly raised his head.

This kind of coercion on the avenue, even his Spirit Power can’t isolate the influence, but now he is no longer the Qin Yichen who has no power against the top powerhouse!

Although the top powerhouse is powerful, it is far from enough to just want him to straighten out the Fa just because of this coercion.

“hmph! ”

Hearing Qin Yichen even insulted the Great Elder who had died in his tribe, the red violent coldly snorted, the killing intent in his eyes was even more intense, and the space around him at this time all made a slight buzz .

Obviously, this young man who killed the Red Fire Cracker is still so mad that he can’t bear it anymore!

“Junior, you succeeded in angering me, don’t expect someone to come to your rescue …”

The red storm was coldly snorted, and came out of the air. With every step he took, a strange energy in the space was automatically condensed, like a staircase. Finally, he stayed in the air in front of Qin Yichen. .

“You think you can kill me, just take out your ability. This is not enough!”

Qin Yichen sneered, as his mind moved, a pair of divine glow flashing armor emerged.


With Qin Yichen’s footsteps, the forceful ripples directly shook the ground out of the cracks in the road. Under this wave of fluctuation, the kind of strength of Space that was originally squeezed around it was suppressed forcibly.

Seeing this scene, even the eyes of the Red Storm could not help flashing a look of wonder.

The reason why top powerhouse is so powerful is because of the horror of power of Grand Dao. Like the pressure of space squeeze, simply cannot be resisted by the power under top powerhouse.

And now this junior, with a pair of armors, did this step, how this made him wonder.

“Boy, since you are obsessed with obsession, this seat will let you see clearly what is the power of top powerhouse, no matter how wicked you are, in this seat’s eyes, it is just an ant!”

The red storm was sneered. Immediately, his arm was stretched out, and his palm was slammed out. With the grasp of his big hand, the boiling True Origin quickly condensed, and finally turned directly into a giant palm covering the sky. Here is a bang to Qin Yichen.


The giant palm slammed down like a mountain. In the space below it, it instantly collapsed. Below, on the 1000-square-foot ground centered on Qin Yichen, a deep palmprint suddenly appeared.

In that deep pit, the blood was mottled, and the powerhouse of 100 to 1000 was too late to scream, and it was directly shocked into blood.

The formidable power shot by top powerhouse is far beyond anyone’s imagination. Seeing this scene, Qin Yichen’s complexion can not help but change slightly. It seems that those caravan powerhouses in Liumu City are at the level of red storms. In the eyes, there is no difference between simply and ants.

Although his purpose is only himself, the red storm student will never be reserved for kindness.

Looking at the palm under the suppression of the destruction of Heaven of Heaven, a grave expression appeared on Qin Yichen’s face, and even his body shook slightly.

However, only Qin Yichen himself knew that this reaction of his body was not because of fear, but excitement!

After perfecting 10000 Taoism, he couldn’t wait to try its real power!

At the time, Luban Master, with this set of armor, slaughtered countless demons, you know, Luban Master simply did not cultivate Martial Dao!

Even in his hands, there is a powerhouse-level heavenly demon body falling, which is related to the unparalleled Spirit Power of the Luban Master, but from this, it can be seen that the horrifying effect of 10000 Taoism armors!


However, the Red Storm didn’t care about the lives of the numerous powerhouses below, but Qin Yichen didn’t want to cause unnecessary slaughter because of himself. He stepped on his feet and his body was flying away.


The giant palm fiercely with a terrifying power was shot at the place where Qin Yichen stayed before, with a loud sound, the ground there instantly collapsed, exposing a huge bottomless pit, and within 1000 feet of the surrounding Powerhouse, almost instantly, was shocked by the aftermath of that terrible air wave.

“Want to run?!”

One shot was missed, but the red storm was sneaked. With the palm of the hand, True Origin surged rapidly, and a giant palm once again emerged.

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