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Above the sky, 3 silhouettes exuding horrible waves flickered by, and a terrifying atmosphere kept glanced between Heaven and Earth.

Under this aura, countless powerhouses and even Demonic Beasts wherever I go are shocked to their place and dare not have any resistance.

The atmosphere of 3 people shrouded 1000 squares. Even in many hidden places, they didn’t miss anything under their glance. However, even after such an inescapable net search, they didn’t find it. Qin Yichen’s trail.

“Where have you gone, Junior?”

After half a ring, Jing Xu’s brow could not help lightly frowned, whispered in confusion.

Even if Qin Yichen is fast, he is unlikely to cross a distance of 1000 miles in such a short time, right?

“Will that junior be bombarded by us before it escapes?”

The red storm’s eyes were slightly swept, and then lightly said with a smile.

Although there is some remaining strength of space in the deep pit, but maybe, Qin Yichen simply didn’t have time to leave! After all, the speed of their Magical Powers, ordinary people can’t even react, even Qin Yichen has this possibility.

“No, the junior cunning very well, Jingxu, use your avenue to sense …”

The lion He Fan murmured, even if he turned to the side of Xu Xu, it seemed that he was completely sure that Qin Yichen was still alive, and Sen Leng said, “Since we have started, we must cut weeds and eliminate the roots , We must not give this junior a chance to breathe, otherwise, let him grow up, it will pose a great threat to us. “

Although he had some doubts about this, Jingxu still clearly believed in Shi Hefan’s intuition. He was lightly nodded and said, “Brother He Fan is right. Since he shot, then he can’t stay in trouble!”

With the sound, Jing Xu lifts the head, and there seems to be a surge of wind in his eyes. This Heaven and Earth shows some changes at this time.

With the breath of astonishment, the scene between Heaven and Earth seemed to be illusory, and a bunch of light clusters appeared in them. These light clusters are the source of all kinds of energy.

In this section between Heaven and Earth, there are countless powerhouses and demonic beasts. Jingxu directly skips these light clusters and looks for some extremely subtle waves.

It took him a while to finish this, and his eyes were finally a meal, looking to the north, where there was a very fine wave, if I did not look carefully, I am afraid it will be directly ignored.

“found it!”

Jing Xu took a deep breath, countless Heaven and Earth True Origin was swallowed down by him at a visible speed. Obviously, using this kind of communication also has some consumption for him.


At this time, the flashes of the figures of Lion He Fan and Red Storm appeared beside the hidden wave.

“This junior really escaped!”

In front of them, the hidden spatial fluctuations are exactly the same as those in the previous pit. Obviously, before their Magical Powers arrived, Qin Yichen silently used any weird means to ignore their blockade and escape. Got here!

“Jing Xu, can you continue to pursue?”

However, there was only such a slight fluctuation there. Obviously, Qin Yichen did not flee directly after arriving here, but used the weird Magical Powers to escape again.


Jing Xu was lightly nodded, and from within his body, the wave of exploration was flowing again.

After the 10000 Taoism armors were perfected, Qin Yichen found that the transmission function of his leggings could completely ignore the closed space of the top powerhouse avenue.

However, although he fled with this teleportation function, Qin Yichen obviously did not expect that under the insight of top powerhouse, the slight spatial fluctuations would even expose his whereabouts!


At this point, the battle in the Great Evil Imperial Family is nearing completion.

It seems to have long known that the defeat cannot be recovered. Xie Cangyuan has already transferred the countless clansman of the Great Evil Imperial Family, and even his ancestors have been taken away.

With only the resistance of Xie Cangyuan, this disparate war did not last long, and it ended with the fierce defeat of the Great Imperial Family.

Although many Bloodline Strengths have been retained, the Great Evil Imperial Family must have had no time to transfer all of its wealth. After this battle, the Great Evil Imperial Family also suffered great vitality.

Moreover, fleeing to other Sovereign level races to find a foothold, they will be exploited again. Although knowing that their clansman situation will be difficult, to this day, Xie Cangyuan has no choice.

If he ran away, the old Lei Yao Ancestor would not be able to give up, so in the end, he could only choose to fight for the great evil Imperial Family to death.

Only in this way can their great evil Imperial Family escape the pursuit of the Thunder Demon family, and it is expected that they will rise again, although this process will definitely take a long time.

In the great evil imperial city, although it has experienced a war, most of the buildings in the city are still there and have not been reduced to ruins.

In front of the Great Hall of the Great Evil Emperor’s Palace, many high-level members of the Thunder Monster Alliance gathered here, and most of his powerful faces were covered with joy.

After this battle, the Thunder Monsters are eligible to be known as the Thunder Monster Sovereign, and they will also receive all the benefits promised by the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor.

However, in the great hall of the Great Evil Palace, the atmosphere seemed somewhat depressing.

All who can enter the great hall are the leaders of the main forces of the Thunder Monster Alliance. Except for Xuanyueyu and Shexier, they are all top powerhouses.

This dignified atmosphere is all because of that silhouette above the first.

Above the original position of the Great Evil Emperor, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor sat still, but after the capture of the Great Imperial city, his face did not all smile too much, and even there was a touch between his eyebrows The color of haze.

With regard to the move of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor, these seniors can guess some.

Although they successfully killed the evil Cangyuan and expelled the Daxie Imperial Family from this area, the details of the Daxie Imperial Family were not destroyed, and it is not good, a big evil emperor appeared in their race, even if They did not have the power to kill them back in a short time, but this is also a great hidden danger.

Moreover, they all know that the Thunder Monster family has a deep affection for Qin Yichen, and the Thunder Monster Family alliance can successfully win the Great Evil Imperial Family. This child contributed, even the Lion He Fan who left because of the latter’s whereabouts. Reason for exposure.


At one moment, there was a sudden wave from the outside, and the next moment, a silhouette flew in from outside.

“How’s it going?”

When seeing that silhouette, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor stood up suddenly and asked.

“Qin little friend was found.”

That silhouette is truly a top powerhouse. He is obviously the one sent by the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor to inquire about Qin Yichen. However, at this time, his face also looks a little dignified.

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