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Even though it had been expected in his heart, when he heard the news from his own population, the power of the great halls in the great hall still changed.

In the first few months, Qin Yichen has evaporated like a human. Even in the huge intelligence network of the 3 Great Imperial Family, there is no word about him.

However, when the soldiers of the Thunder-Legend Alliance were disheartened, he suddenly broke the news. This was probably Qin Yichen’s intention.

Although this action solved the urgent need for the Thunder Monster Alliance, he himself was in danger.

In order to save face, the Three Great Emperors race sent 3 top powerhouses!

The three top powerhouses headed by Lion He Fan, even if the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor is confronted, I am afraid they will have some headaches. This gesture also proves the importance of Qin Yichen by the Star Lion Imperial Family.

“The red storms have already played against Qin little friend.”

However, at the time of the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor, they were anxious, but that top powerhouse opened the mouth and said again.

“Have you fought? Isn’t that kid …”

On the side of the great hall, a top powerhouse eyebrows slightly frowned, could not help asking.

“Lei Lao, we seem to underestimate Qin little friend. According to witnesses, Qin little friend fell into the wind when he was fighting with Red Storm, but the latter simply could n’t catch him, and he was still a lion. He Fan, they show up together … “

Under the gaze of many eyes, that top powerhouse opened the mouth and said again.

“What? He actually fought with Red Storm ?!”

Hearing this, many powerful faces in the great hall appeared with a stunned look.

Red storm, that is the top powerhouse of the Chiyan Imperial Family, whose cultivation technique is overbearing, and the avenue he has learned makes his explosive power an absolute leader in the same level!

This kind of existence, even the many top powerhouses in the great hall, except the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor, I am afraid no one dares to say that he can fight with him!

Qin Yichen fights with him, and the latter can’t help him!

“Did he break through and become a top powerhouse?”

On the tailstock of the great hall, the moonbrow eyesbrows are slightly frowned, and then immediately speculated.

Although he ranks second in the 10000 clan top 100, but in the face of top powerhouse, there is only one way to escape, such as the existence of red storms and lion He Fan, he is even more powerless, in Tian Tian In City, he clearly felt the horror of existence.

And Qin Yichen can fight with Red Storm students. From the perspective of everyone, maybe there is only one possibility, that is, he breaks through and becomes a top powerhouse!

However, it was only a few months. He just broke through to the Holy Peak. Soon, logically, if he wants to break through to become a top powerhouse, shouldn’t it be possible?

“His cultivation base doesn’t seem to break through …”

Under the gaze of a line of sight, that top powerhouse slightly shook the head, and then said again: “However, he seems to have received an incredible pair of armors, and it is also by virtue of the protection of that armor. He crashed and failed to hurt him. “

“God armor?”

Hearing this, there was a chilling sound in the great hall.

What kind of god armor is actually able to withstand the power of top powerhouse?

Above the top spot, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor also has a look of wonder, but in his view, Qin Yichen should not only rely on the power of the god armor, even if the god armor is strong, if the strength is poor, Can’t resist the attack of the avenue!

“and after?”

When everyone was a little surprised, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor waved his hand and motioned the latter to continue.

“After repeated misses by Red Storm students, Shi Hefan and Jing Xu finally couldn’t help showing up.”

Speaking of which, that top powerhouse’s face is also imperceptible: “their three people are really to have no shame, and under the watchful eyes of countless people, the blatant alliance manually uses Magical Powers to deal with Qin little friend.”

“Well, it’s still the top powerhouse of the Sovereign level race. It’s really for the purpose. Everything to have no shame can be done!”

On the occasion of its tone barely fell, there was a sudden rage on the faces of the powerhouses in the great hall.

The top powerhouse has the existence of “Dao”. In their eyes, under the Xeon, they are all ants!

However, when dealing with a junior, the 3 long-established top powerhouses have joined forces. This kind of thing is really shameful!

In the anger, the hearts of the people who had just eased suddenly tightened again.

It was a surprise to be able to play head-to-head with the Red Storm students. However, in the face of the three top powerhouses and the merciless Magical Powers, I am afraid that even if Qin Yichen was promoted to the top powerhouse, it would be difficult to deal with?

“go on!”

At this time, the look of the thunder monster Old Ancestor was also drastically sinking. In his majestic voice, there was a rare vibrato. Obviously, he also felt very much about the behavior of the lion He Fan to have no shame. Anger.

But even so, what can he do?

Jingyun Imperial Family and Chiyan Imperial Family are Sovereign level races with a long history. Even with the current strength of the Thunder Monster Alliance, I am afraid it is difficult to shake this huge monster.

As for the Star Lion Imperial Family, it is even on the 10000-family continent, and no force wants to provoke it!

The same Sovereign level race, but the reputation of the Star Lion Imperial Family is far superior to other Sovereign level races!

If it offends the Star Lion Imperial Family, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor has no doubt at all. With just one sentence, the latter can lose the fruits of the victory that the Thunder Monster family has just gained, and even escape on the 10000 family continent!


Under the question of Thunder Ancestor, that top powerhouse did not answer directly, but with a wave of his arm, a terrifying scene emerged.

Above that scene, 3 magical powers that exude terror power. Even if the scene is only reproduced by means of top powerhouse Supreme, everyone in the great hall can feel the horror of those Magical Powers.

Immediately, in the scene, the mighty masterpiece, the three horrific Magical Powers whistled down. With the movement of sight, it was discovered that the type of Magical Powers that was sufficient to damage the top powerhouse turned out to be Qin Yichen.

At that time, Qin Yichen was wearing a mighty armor, and under the imprint of 3 horror Magical Powers, the handsome face had clear diamonds on his face, which had a unique temperament.


However, the silhouette of Qin Yichen only appeared for a moment, where he was filled with the power of 3 Magical Powers. From the scene, everyone can feel the kind of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. .

The strength of the three Lions is truly horrible. Together, they are here. Except for the old Thunder Ancestor, I am afraid that there is no top powerhouse who dares to say that he can retreat.

As for Qin Yichen, the scene just now is probably his last scene on the 10000 ethnic continent.

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