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Bai Cang all left and right, Zi Yun scratched his head said with a smile: “sister-in-law.”

“You are …”

“Ziyun, have you forgotten?”

While speaking, Ziyun changed shape, Purple Gold’s mad dragon surged in the hall, Feng Qianxue looked in his eyes, jade hand covered his cherry lips: “This is … Fujun, Ziyun looks more like you now. Brother! “

“It was originally brother.”

Qin Yichen secretly praised Feng Qianxue’s knowledge. It seems that Phoenix Clan hasn’t waited in vain in recent years, but then said: “Don’t talk about him, let me introduce you.”

“This is an insider, Feng Qianxue.”

“This is patriarch here, Brother Feng Tian.”

Feng Tian nodded with a smile, pouring tea for everyone, and Qin Yichen said: “This is Yao Tian Senior, but Monster Sovereign reincarnated.”

“ka-cha …”

Monster Sovereign reincarnated when the tea cup in Feng Tian’s hand shuddered?

How did Yichen make friends?

And being able to bring these demon gods to him, it means that this Monster Sovereign reincarnated and knew Qin Yichen’s identity!

Fengtian is even more shocked. Nowadays, there are people willing to make friends with Yichen? Come to him as a guest? And it’s Monster Sovereign!

Feng Qianxue has a well-behaved face, full of gifts: “Yao Tian Senior.”

However, Yao Tian is squinting slightly. Compared to the elegance of Feng Qianxue, she is more sexy bearing and charming temperament, more mature and charming: “Before, did you call me Yao Tian elder sister? ? “


Qin Yichen’s mouth was slightly drawn, and he quickly changed his mouth: “Yao Tian elder sister, Yao Tian elder sister.”

“This is Bai Cang, this is Madam Bai-Wu Yan.”

“Mrs. Qin, the little demon is polite …”

What makes Feng Qianxue stunned is that the strength of these demon gods is arrogant, why are they still full of restraint, and even many call her sister-in-law!

Although there is nothing like this, but … this means that they respect their husbands as brothers!

After the introduction, Qin Yichen replied: “Ge Shi, ancestor, are you convenient?”

tone barely fell, Feng Tian looked surprised: “Ge Master?”

But I haven’t asked any questions, but I saw a burst of laughter from Qin Yichen dantian. Then, a short light and shadow flew by!

“Haha, it can be considered breathable!”

Ge Qian hammer came out carrying the hammer, and regardless of Feng Qianxue ’s consternation, she looked around her for a while: “Yes, the girl needs to look and look, she needs temperament and temperament, and Yi Chen has a good vision! “

Hao Zhouguang also flew out, just more elegant, just nodded and smiled at Feng Qianxue.

“Ge Shi … and this one, are you the ancestor of Yi Chen?”

Hao Zhouguang just nodded and saw Ge Qian hammer pats Feng Tian: “Yes, Little Brat, your name is Feng Tian, ​​right? We have just heard and saw that, and you have worked hard.”

The last half of the sentence made Feng Tian’s nose sore, but then quickly said: “Yi Chen, these two Seniors are … why is there only Divine Soul left?”

At this point, Qin Yichen has some regrets: “This is Ge Qian hammer, my Master, and Dwarf Emperor.”

“As for the ancestors of Zhou Guang … Brother Feng Tian, ​​have you heard of True Dragon Divine Court?”

“Divine Court ?! Emperor Master!?”

Fengtian as if was struck by lightning, vaguely recalled the glory that the ancestors left behind, almost buried, and immediately shook all over, three knocks and nine worships.

“Feng Tian has seen Emperor Master and Sky Monarch!”

Feng Tian ’s tears were blurred, he did n’t expect, and he had n’t seen them for years. Qin Yichen even brought back an imperial master and Divine Court Sky Monarch!

This means that Feng Tianyu is incoherent, and Feng Qianxue is so dignified that he quickly looks up, and then salutes.

“Qian Xue has seen Emperor …”

However, before the fair forehead touched the ground, he was grabbed by Ge Qian hammer: “Oh, girl, you are different from him. If you see Senior, it’s okay, but if you worship the old man’s emperor status … … “

“Then I have to call you Empress.”


Feng Qianxue froze, she always felt, why is this relationship so chaotic!

This is the emperor!

Feng Qianxue listened to Feng Tian who said Phoenix Clan’s ancestor of Phoenix in these years! And it is said that nowadays the master of a vast world is just an emperor!

And the Emperor’s Master, even calling himself Empress?

However, Ge Qian hammer is stubborn. Even though the status of the emperor is respected, it is also under Sky Monarch, and the wife and concubine of Sky Monarch is naturally Empress.

“Easy dust, this …”

Feng Tian lifts the head, he is not sure how to call Qin Yichen now!

However, Qin Yichen smiled and helped Feng Tian up: “Brother Feng Tian, ​​shout whatever you want, Master Ge, we have different opinions.”

When Feng Tian was lifted to his seat by Qin Yichen, he also felt like a dream: “Yi Chen, what have you experienced in the past few years …”

“This is a long story.”

Ge Qian hammer took a sip of tea and felt it was not addictive. He took another packet of God tea directly from Qin Yichen ’s ring.

The tea fragrance is slim, Ge Qian hammer knocked on the desktop: “Do n’t talk about this, Yi Chen, you brat Do n’t patronize the intimate, Fengxin things! Hurry up to Qianxue!”

“Yes, yes!”

While speaking, Qin Yichen quickly took out that light ball, and saw a Fire Phoenix fluttering in the light ball. When the wind and snow were felt, the head of the Phoenix lightly hit the light curtain, which seemed to be the same as the former. Refers to contact.

“It’s hot!”

Feng Qianxue was scared and quickly withdrew her hand. Qin Yichen saw this scene and couldn’t help worrying: “Ge Shi, Qianxue her realm, can it be used?”

Ge Qian hammer struck the silver whiskers: “It should be no problem, Qian Xue girl was just scared.”

“That’s good.”

Feng Qianxue felt the warmth of her fingertips, from the very beginning of the hot, became her warmth: “Fujun, this is …”

“This was given to me by an ancestor. She was the first Heavenly Phoenix Emperor and said that it was for me, but she told me again and again that I would give it to you.”

“First Heavenly Phoenix Emperor?!”

Feng Qianxue exclaimed, innately she didn’t know what it meant, but she still knew the word Fengdi!

“Husband, this is too expensive …”

Qin Yichen smiled: “It ’s because of its high value that I want to give it to you.”

Ge Qian hammer was beside him, but before Ziyun responded, he was given a hammer: “Look at Yi Chen, then look at you!”

Zi Yun’s face stumped, but he also felt that his knowledge had grown …

Ge Qian hammer smiled, and it seemed that the big bag on Ziyun ’s head had nothing to do with him: “It ’s said that Dragon Phoenix is ​​a perfect match, but Qian Xue, you have to cheer too, realm has fallen too Ca n’t even bear the dragon pillar, let alone give birth to Yichen ’s children … “

“dragon pillar?”

Feng Qianxue Liu frowned slightly, but then realized what, pretty face suddenly shy red as Hao, Hao Zhouguang saw this, and suddenly his face was calm: “Lao Ge, the guests are still there! What are you talking about!” p>

Ge Qian hammer shouted injustice: “I am all for the purpose of race reproduction!”

tone barely fell, another beautiful figure floating out, it is the red lotus.

“Finally home!”

“Qianxue younger sister, let me tell you, in recent years, this guy was outside, but he did n’t have a lot of flowers to make Fuck ……”

When I get home, Honglian feels that she has finally been able to vent her wickedness in the past few years!

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