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What’s more, even if Yao Shengjun is not strong enough now, but how to say it is Monster Sovereign reincarnation, and his attainments are there, even if other Star Domains have ordinary gods to guard them, it is useless, but they will only cause death.

Chili Divine King trembling with fear: “Yao Shengjun is a trivial matter, if she colludes with Demon Race, it will make Demon Race take advantage of our vain emptiness …”

As soon as this remark came out, Xiahou Zuntian’s face changed suddenly!

Not to mention, this Banshee can really be done!

But looking at the God Realm powerhouse, Xiahou Zuntian felt irritable and irritable. Obviously, his ancestor was the winner.

Why nowadays, they are terrified and over-cautious!

“What’s special, Yao Shengjun, bitch! Do you come back! Here does not belong to you!”

Xiahouzun weather is so divine might surge: “Yao Shengjun, get out of me!”

“If you don’t show up for a moment, I will kill you a descendant of clansman! Also, let your helpers go! Unless you want the whole family to die!”

In the starry sky, Yao Tianfan clenched her fists tightly. She used to be a woman, never married, so she did not have a biography of Bloodline.

But she also has siblings!

Her clansman is alive now, not lucky, but unimaginable torture!

“Xiahou Dog Thief, take your life !!!”


I saw a starlight penetrate the sky dome, mixed with monstrous anger, Qin Yichen follow closely from behind!

“sou sou!”

Two streams of light flew, except that the resentful atmosphere made Xiahou Zuntian startled, and immediately, he and Guwen were all stunned.

“Two people!?”

“She just asked a helper!”

I saw Yao Tianli standing in the sky, a pair of peach eyes glowing with bright stars. At this moment, she is no longer Yao Tian elder sister of sexy bearing and charming temperament, but Yao Shengjun of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

“Reverse thief, put my clansman!”

As soon as this word came out, Gu Wen laughed suddenly: “I let them go as soon as I met, it seems that you care very much!”

The more Yao Shengjun said, the more weight he had in his hand!

Xia Hou Zuntian looked at Yao Tian and had to admit that if the peerless face was not full of endless hate, how pleasing was it?

“Hmph, Yao Shengjun, Yao Shengjun, didn’t expect you to be so brilliant in your life, but unfortunately, your True Dragon is dead!”

Guwen is also said with a sneer: “It ’s not as good as your stay. If you can serve me well, then this emperor is not unable to consider you as the empress.”

Originally as Guwen and Xiahou Zuntian, they would not say such frivolous words, and in the hatred of both parties, these rigid irony and scorching satire are not even fueled by fire.

They say that they want to mess with Yao Shengjun’s state of mind. The more chaotic, the more spot we will have when we start to use it later!

But soon, Xiahou Zuntian and Guwen’s pupil light fell on Qin Yichen.

Although the helper is only a person, but the more so, the two talents are more afraid to underestimate!

“Guwen, do you see his realm?”

“Unable to see …”

Yu Guang of the two of them secretly glanced at each other, secretly thought could this be Yao Shengjun’s new backer?

“So young, how strong can it be?”

“You can’t judge a person by appearance, maybe which terrifying power, bullying us, naturally does not want to show the public with its true face.”

“Can be friends, never enemies!”

The two thoughts came together, and Xiahou Zuntian immediately said: “This Senior, under the Xiahou Clan God Emperor Xiahou Zuntian.”

“I don’t know what Enchantment Technique this Banshee has made, and Senior is willing to take the lead for her, but Junior asks courageously, what benefits can this Banshee get into the eyes of Senior?”

“It ’s better to be here, Senior is a guest, Junior is not talented, but the ancestors have dominated this place for a few years, a little treasure, Senior is interested in what, even if it is taken …”

Guwen also quickly said: “Junior also controls countless Monster Races, has several points of Bo Li ……”

“Oh? It’s pretty …”

Qin Yichen dashing eyebrows, but the next moment is cold and severe: “I will kill you all. Would n’t it be the same if I pick it myself?”

Not to mention the collection of a god emperor, even the inheritance of Sky Monarch, he does not look down on!

It’s not that you don’t look down on it, but the love between him and Yao Tian, ​​which cannot be measured by treasure!

However, when this remark came out, Xiahou Zuntian and Guwen’s face changed suddenly!

Not looking good? !

“No! He doesn’t look at our treasure, then he can look at Yao Shengjun’s treasure?”

Guwen simply sneered out loud: “Treasure ca n’t look down, I ’m afraid I ’m going to look at this lady!”

“Yes, Yao Shengjun, I’m still as proud and as proud as before, didn’t expect, I’m still close to a man!”

Xia Hou Zuntian also ridiculed: “tsk tsk, where did this boy come from? It looks like there is a pretty boy potential.”

“But Ken is willing to take your place, his strength is not weak, and his age shouldn’t be too small? Let’s show his true face, let’s see, Yao Shengjun, who was once Renowned and Lianlong Imperial Capital doesn’t throw away, how hungry he is now! /p>

“ha ha ha ha ……”

Guwen raised his head and laughed loudly: “What’s the matter, would you like me and Brother Xiahou to give you a congratulatory gift?!”


I do n’t know if it ’s anger or shame. At the moment, Yao Tian ’s peerless face is full of blush, but Qin Yichen sneered: “No, your treasure son, has already given you a gift!”

“Come on!”

When referring to Xiahou Zhongyi and Gutianxing, their faces were suddenly cold.

“It seems that it is impossible to make friends!”

Xiahou Zuntian appeared divine might, which was vaguely connected with Xiahou imperial city, showing tyranny: “Boy, since that is the case, then I might as well tell you that although our lineage is down, but in the bones still flows Xiahou Divine Race blood! “

“Look at the thousands of soldiers behind this emperor, you have to weigh them clearly! This emperor has not prepared a coffin for you!”

tone barely fell, I saw everywhere in the imperial city of God, each Deity King divine might surge, a deity and even God Realm powerhouse, also urged divine power.

In an instant, the imperial city of imperial god imposing manner!

However, the slender silhouette of the arrogant sky dome looks as if it is ridiculous to see thousands of ants in trouble.

“This is it?”

More than one hundred thousand Fiendgod he is not afraid, can this battle also scare him?

“This is it?”

The gnashing teeth are heard alone, and the evil spirits are full: “On this, unless the Demon Emperor Divine Emperor is close, it is still a matter of losing or winning today!”

“The Emperor hasn’t seen it yet. Demon Emperor Divine Emperor as young as you, even if there are people in this world, I’m afraid I can’t look down on Yao Shengjun as a girl!”

“Stop beeping.”

Qin Yichen glanced at Yao Tian and suddenly pulled his knife!

That knife, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

Looking around, everyone in the imperial city of imperial city, a flash of blade light flashed through everyone’s line of sight!

The blade light destroying heaven extinguishing earth is full of endless killing intent!

blade light flashed, but everything seemed safe and sound!

But only for a moment, I saw the god shadows standing everywhere in the imperial city, all broken into countless flesh!

“boom ~ boom ~ ……”

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