After avoiding the corpse, qinluo God soon came to the river in the rainforest.

Because there was a rainstorm just now, the water in the river was very muddy, and there were some rotten wood like things floating.

If it was normal, Qin Luoshen would stay away from such water, but now listening to the "Hua la la" sound of water, she could not help her dry mouth, and her sore throat became more intense.

After she was thrown out of the cabin, she did not know how many times she screamed in the sky. She was already thirsty. Even though the river was only muddy water, she remembered that she had seen it on the discovery channel. She said that the water in the river in the rainforest contained a lot of bacteria, and it was easy to have diarrhea when she drank it, but she still wanted to drink some to moisten her throat.

"Just a little to moisten your throat."

After hesitating for a long time, Qin Luoshen still couldn't resist the temptation. He walked to the river carefully, bowed down and took a handful of water to his mouth.

Even the turbid river makes her feel as delicious as rain after entering.

"On this side of the river, there are all kinds of ferns. It's hard to walk. The opposite side should be a little flat. Maybe you can jump from the river to the opposite side!"

After a mouthful, Qin Luoshen resisted the urge to drink a little more. After glancing at the opposite bank, he began to rest and ponder the possibility of jumping over the river.

But at this time, those sections of dead trees floating in the river were slowly coming to her.

"Put these dead trees together and step on them But why do they look so strange, like a knot in one's heart... "

When Qin Luo Shen saw the dead wood, he couldn't help but move. He just wanted to find a branch to pull it over. But when he looked at it carefully, he felt that the dead wood was different from the wood he had seen.


Almost at the same time that she was puzzled, the dead trees suddenly rushed out of the water with water, and several terrible mouths rushed directly to Qin Luo God.

"It's not dead wood, it's crocodile..."

Qin Luoshen saw the rows of snow-white sharp teeth, and the huge mouth, and instantly realized what he had met.

But at this moment, she squatted on the Bank of the river, frightened, and could only climb backward with both hands and feet. But the speed of the crocodile was far faster than her. In the blink of an eye, she was already in front of her, and even she could smell the strong smell from the crocodile's mouth.


But when Nathan's white teeth were less than a few centimeters away from her, along her body, the clear and transparent light curtain appeared again, and the crocodile whistling towards her flew as high as a ball, and fell into the river, with its white belly in the sky.

"He He saved me once more... "

Looking at this scene, Qin Luoshen hurriedly took out the amulet from the collar. When he saw that its luster was dim, he felt grateful and lost.

"Step on this alligator and jump across the street."

After that, she carefully stepped on the alligator's belly, jumped from the turbulent River to the opposite bank, and then carefully walked along the direction of the river.

However, after experiencing the crocodile, she has become a bit of grass and trees, picked up a long branch and held it in her hand. When she walked forward, she always smashed it hard towards the ground for fear of wild animals hiding in the grass.

If she saw such a picture on TV at home, she would think it was ridiculous, but now, she can't laugh at all. Her nerves were so tense that she felt that if it had not been for the warm breath that was constantly passing along the amulet, she would have nearly collapsed.


I don't know how far ahead. Looking forward, I still can't see the end of the rainforest. Just when Qin Luo was a little anxious, her stomach suddenly cried out.

It's been a long time since she jumped off the plane, and she has never lived in the wild virgin forest since she was a child. Such a short journey makes her tired and eager to supplement nutrition.

"I knew earlier that I should try to cut off the crocodile's leg, but it's useless even if I cut it off. I can't make a fire at all. If I eat raw meat, I can't eat it..."

Qin Luoshen rubbed his stomach and laughed bitterly.

She really did not expect that, as the first lady of the Qin family, one day she would be hungry and worried about what she ate.

"What is Ye Tian doing now? He must be worried. No, he should be looking for me now..."

Thinking of this, Qin Luoshen can't help looking up at the sky, hoping to see ye Tian stepping on the flying sword and suddenly appear in front of her.

But when you look around, you can hardly see the sky except for the dense branches and leaves on your head. There are only scattered sunlight scattered along the leaves and falling on your body, which makes you feel hot like being burned by coals.But Qin Luoshen did not feel the hot temperature. He just raised his hand and picked up the hot temperature with his palm.

Because, compared with the surrounding dense green, although the sun is hot, it is bright and vital.

"Stick to it, you must see him again..."

After a long time, Qin Luoshen slowly took back his hand and rubbed his stomach to make himself strong. He took the branch and continued to walk forward.

"This is..."

After a long time, Qin Luoshen suddenly saw that not far from the riverside, there was a strong trunk, but the surface of the trunk was covered with all kinds of black, round and beaded trees.

In that tree, there are still some monkeys squatting, picking the fruit from the tree trunk and stuffing it into their mouths.

"If monkeys eat, then I should be able to eat too!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Luoshen was very happy. He immediately trotted in front of the tree with a branch. He felt that he had picked a fruit and even could not wipe it, so he put it in his mouth.

Sweet and sour It's like grapes You can eat it!

A bite down, Qin Luo God immediately feel happy tears are about to flow down.

Without any hesitation, Qin Luo God wanted to pick more fruits and take them to eat on the road.

"Twitter Chirp... "

But at this time, the monkey in the tree saw her picking fruit, but he was not happy. He yelled at her and broke some branches. He threw them at her.

Seeing this, Qin Luoshen quickly raised the branch, shook it, opened his mouth, and made a fierce appearance to scare the monkeys.

Fortunately, these guys should have no contact with human beings at ordinary times. Seeing her action, they immediately yelled and ran to another tree.

Seeing this, Qin Luoshen quickly picked a handful of fruit, stuffed it into his mouth and put it in his pocket as much as possible. Then he folded several big banana leaves and woven them into a small basket. He put a basket in it and planned to keep it for the evening.

A moment later, she almost plucked all the ripe black fruits from the whole tree trunk.

"Twitter Chirp... "

The monkey on the treetop in the distance looked at her and kept shouting.

"Or leave them some..."

Qin Luoshen raised his head. When he saw that many monkeys were still holding little monkeys, his heart suddenly softened. He put down the small basket, took out some fruits from it and put them on the ground. Then he waved to the monkeys and walked forward.

Although she knew that she was in a bad situation, she still couldn't bear to look at the monkeys and lost food because of her.

"Twitter Twitter Chirp... "

Seeing this, the monkey on the top of the tree jumped down. When he took a few bites of the fruit, he stared at Qin Luo's back and screamed wildly. His eyes were full of strange looks.

It's like watching a little fat sheep wash itself and put it into the wolf's mouth

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