With fruit to fill his stomach, Qin Luoshen felt much more energetic. He went on along the river.

However, the area of the rainforest is too large. She feels that she has walked for a long time. Her legs seem to be leaded, but she still can't see the end of the winding river.

"It's so quiet here..."

Not only that, she also found a strange place, that is, the more she walked forward, the quieter it was around. At the beginning, she knocked on the grass, and sometimes she startled a few snakes and lizards, or some other small animals.

But for a moment, even if there was thick grass in front of her, she knocked hard, and there was nothing in it.

Not only that, even here there is not a bird call, the whole rainforest is as quiet as death.

This kind of situation not only makes Qin Luo God feel that she can not be so nervous, but also makes her feel uneasy, afraid that the silence is the peace before the storm.

After a long time, the light in the rainforest gradually became dim. Under the shelter of the dense branches, the road ahead was almost invisible.

"If you want to find a safe place to rest, you can't keep on going. Otherwise, you will not only be unable to support yourself physically, but also be likely to encounter wild animals that come out to hunt at night!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Luoshen immediately made a decision in his heart. As he moved forward, he looked at where he was suitable for the overnight rest.

A moment later, she saw a fairly clean open space in a banana forest in the distance.

"Here it is!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Luoshen immediately made a decision. He went into the open space, picked some banana leaves and spread them on the ground to avoid meeting mosquitoes. At the same time, he put some banana leaves on the top of his head to avoid rain at night or heavy water vapor in the rain forest at night.

Almost at the end of her busy life, the rainforest had become completely dark. She could only hear the clatter of the river in the distance and the rustle of the wind blowing through the treetops.

The extreme darkness and quietness made Qin Luo, who had been used to the bright life, involuntarily curl up into a ball, holding his knees tightly in his hands and staring at the night in front of him.

"Ye Tian, where are you?"

Qin Luo God looked at the front of a piece of ink, in the heart of tired at the same time, there is a kind of sad.

Moreover, she never like this moment, so eager to see a person!

Is this miss love?

What happened on the plane, as well as the tiredness of the day on the road, finally made Qin Luoshen fall asleep.

At the same time, ye Tian, who has entered the dense forest for a day, keeps searching along the river.

He believes that with the wisdom of Qin Luo God, he will surely think that walking along the river is the way out of the rainforest.

Although the sky is dim, ye Tian doesn't stop. Instead, he uses the light of his mobile phone to light the road ahead, and continues to move forward, emitting the five layers of cultivation atmosphere of his cave.

In this powerful breath, he didn't need to do any driving action at all. The wild animals around him felt a kind of fear from the soul, and avoided the position of Ye Tian far away, and didn't dare to approach him.

"This is..."

At midnight, ye Tian's flashlight suddenly shines on a large white object in front of him!


When ye Tian's flashlight was shining and his mind was probing, he immediately found that it was a parachute. Not only that, he also found that although the parachute cloth had been broken, the rope had been untied.

All this shows that someone landed here, then untied his parachute and left.

Is that her? Or those two guys?

But ye Tian couldn't be sure whether the people who fell by parachute would be Qin Luoshen or the two mountain people.

"It's her! It must be her

But a little later, ye Tian's heart made a judgment. According to what he learned earlier, the plane crashed in the stratosphere. At that altitude, the protective effect of this kind of parachute for aircraft rescue is limited. Even if it lands, people will lose their lives.

Now, however, the parachute shows signs of unraveling, which means that the skydiver has survived.

Among the three people on the plane, only Qin Luo was protected by amulets.

"She's near here! Qin Luoshen

Ye Tiannian went to this place to use his magic power, perform the method like the roar of a lion, and call Qin Luo God, trying to elicit a response.

But when the call came out, there was no movement except for a few birds who stayed at night.

"Far away? But keep looking along the river and you'll find her! "

Although Ye Tian did not hear the response, he still showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Anyway, it's great news to see this parachute being untied!In the dark, he had seen a glimmer of hope.

Without any hesitation, ye Tian continued to walk along the river bank. A little later, he passed the corpse of the middle-aged man and smelled the strong odor. He was startled. He was afraid that Qin Luo was in danger, but he was relieved when his mind scanned him.

"It's up to you! Qingmingzong! Li Muran

Ye Tian looks at the corpse, with an indifferent sound, and a touch of cold appears at the bottom of his eyes.

During the exploration, he sensed the incomplete breath of Qingming Taoist formula from the wreckage. On earth, the only one who practices this kind of secret art is qingmingzong, and there is no semicolon.

Besides Li Muran, the first son of Qingming sect, he couldn't find the second one who would attack Qin Luo God.

Not only that, from this means, he also realized that the previous turmoil of qingmingzong may have subsided now, and Li Muran may have become the beneficiary of this turmoil of qingmingzong.

But even so, ye Tian's heart is still fearless.

Don't say Li Muran is just a profiteer. Even if he becomes the leader of Qingming sect, since he dares to blackmail the people around him, he will never have a good life again!

Immediately, ye Tian continued to move forward. A little later, in the river, he saw a few crocodiles that had been swollen and turned white!

Not only that, from the crocodiles, he felt the touch of amulet!

"It's her. She's alive! Great

This scene, let Ye Tian completely confirm the fact that Qin Luoshen is still alive, let him face can't help but float a smile.

What happened before was only his conjecture, but now the bodies of these crocodiles are the real evidence that Qin Luo God is still alive.

Moreover, through the alligator killed by the amulet, ye Tian also judged that the amulet he made for Qin Luoshen still had efficacy after the plane crash.

In this way, the possibility of Qin Luo's escape from the rainforest is much greater than before.

"Forward! Forward! Go on and you'll find her! "

Without any hesitation, ye Tian immediately speeds up and goes on along the river, looking for the traces left by Qin Luoshen. He pursues all the way, hoping that he can appear beside Qin Luoshen as soon as possible.

He knew that what happened in the daytime and the dark night of the rainforest must have frightened Qin Luo!


But at this time, along the sky, suddenly there are dense rain, like pouring general, suddenly fell down.

"It's raining, trouble!"

When ye Tian saw this, he frowned. He immediately quickened his pace and walked in a hurry. He wanted to appear in front of her before the heavy rain did not destroy the trace left by Qin Luo God.

"It's raining..."

At the same time, when the cold rain fell, Qin Luoshen touched his wet cheek and woke up from the confusion.

"Why Rustle Why "Rustle..."

But almost at the moment when she was conscious, she suddenly heard the sound of something pressing over the grass and bending the dead branches and all kinds of ferns.

What the hell!

In the silent night, this strange voice suddenly appeared. In an instant, Qin Luo's sleepiness completely dissipated, and his heart also hung to his throat. In the bottom of his heart, there was a feeling of extreme uneasiness!

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