The monk stopped his body and looked around suspiciously. Seeing that his eyes had no focus, ye Tian immediately made sure that the other side didn't find his whereabouts.

The monk's eyes were suspicious. He was also nervous and alert. He seemed to want to ask a few questions, but because he couldn't lock Ye Tian's position, he couldn't use his magic power to transmit sound. If he spoke directly here, he would be exposed in an instant.

Seeing that he was hesitating, ye Tian continued to say: "what I said just now is all true. I can make this kind of array card in the protective field. If I want to enter the demon palace, I can make one."

When he didn't say that, the friar was still hesitating. When ye Tian finished, he immediately waved his hand, then hugged his fist. Then he moved, left the spot and continued to chase the White Ape.

The defense shield of the demon palace has been studied for many years in the general Hall of Wanyu League, but no solution has been found.

The only way you can think of is to take the array card from the general hall.

Now suddenly, a monk came to say that he could refine array cards. How could he believe that?

In the blink of an eye, the monk of huashenjing has gone far away. Ye Tian is afraid to continue to transmit sound. It takes more mana to transmit sound in a long distance, which will cause greater mana fluctuation and can be easily detected by the orcs.

Although the orcs can't hear the sound, it's a very serious thing to expose that there are Terrans here.

Ye Tian knew that no matter how to say it, the monk of the spirit realm would not believe it. Even if he took out the array card, the other side would not be sure to use it.

It seems that their reputation is not strong enough!

and these friars should not have watched the ceremony in Wanlu Valley and heard their own names during the qualification test of the son of God.

Ye Tian sighs to himself. If the other party knows that his field skill is very powerful, it may be another time.

The next thing, ye Tian has been able to predict, will be a jifeigoutiao, it is possible that those Terran friars will still be casualties.

However, judging from the situation of the other party's three groups of troops, it should be that they have some plans for the imminent danger and have made the worst plan. Even if their whereabouts are exposed and they are chased, they will not be destroyed.

The White Ape, who was followed by the monk, disappeared all the time in Ye Tian's field of vision.

After a while, he came back alone and went straight to the outer shield of the demon palace. He thought that he had captured the White Ape and won the array card.

It's too late for ye Tian to stop him. He immediately sends a message to the nearest monk: "retreat quickly, it's dangerous."

With that, no matter how the other party reacts, he drifts back first.

The friar heard the voice and whispered a few words with others. He didn't go his own way as the friar who changed the divine realm did. As ye Tian said, he retreated slowly with kindness. The other group in front also got the news and stepped back at any time.

But the seven friars in the first group, after receiving the voice from their companions, were still in the same place.

After a distance of more than ten li, ye Tianyan saw the monk escape many White Ape guards, come to the field shield, put the array card on the shield and input mana.


As ye Tian expected, at the moment of mana input, the ban of the array card detonated, making a loud noise, and the array card exploded under the huge self explosive force.


Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of the White Ape guard.

A White Ape roared and made a gesture. A white ape's shadow of mana flew to the burst of the array card.

Almost at the same time, many White Ape guards also rushed to the place, and many White Ape monsters in the demon king's shape changed into human beings were able to fight out within a few breath.

A lot of intensive attacks covered hundreds of kilometers outside the territory.

Facing the intensive attack, the monk could not evade in any case, so he had to open two attacks and take the road.

Many white apes sensed the sound of the wind from the monk's flight and followed.

More White Ape guards quickly shot into the distance, attacking the seemingly empty space at will. The seven friars in the first group were found by the White Ape group in such an attack.

At this time, the friars went away stealthily. Although they could not see their bodies, they had already fled to the distance. Then they came back and blocked with other White Ape guards.

Countless mana attacks fill the sky in a flash.

At the moment when the array card explodes, ye Tian is determined to escape and dive deep underground. As for anything that happens above, he has nothing to do.

No matter what your accomplishments are, you can't do with the six level monsters who have been able to transform themselves.

After ye Tian realized the peak of the earth attribute Taoism, Tu Dun not only no longer left a trace on the ground, but also remained silent. After escaping tens of thousands of feet from the ground, ye Tian finally stops and shows his eyes to the ground. Up to now, many white apes flash past the ground and chase after him in the distance.And the figure of those friars has disappeared out of Ye Tian's sight.

Ye Tian felt speechless for a while. He was destroyed by the monks. Then he wanted to sneak into the demon king's palace and catch the White Ape demon king's offspring. Not only the difficulty doubled, but also the risk factor increased a lot.

It took a long time for white apes to return to the demon king's palace through the sky above Ye Tian. However, the number of people who returned was far less than those who chased them out. It can be imagined that the rest of the people may still be chasing the human friars.

It should be a good chance to enter the demon Palace at this time. Unfortunately, ye Tian can't break the defense shield and enter the demon palace empty handed.

Little by little, ye Tian quietly watched the situation above, and did not act rashly.

After a long time, he suddenly felt a cold feeling all over his body, and seemed to be watched by some extremely terrible existence, but this feeling only occurred for a moment, and then disappeared.

According to Yuantian's eye, he found a white ape with strong breath releasing his mind to explore underground, but the other side didn't find himself.

Looking at its appearance, it is one of the two seven level monsters guarding the demon palace.

Ye Tian didn't dare to be careless. He hid quietly in the deep underground without making any sound or taking out the space-time tower.

Two or three hours later, the seven step White Ape explored again and again, and finally no exploration happened in the next three hours.

Ye Tian knows that the other party may be completely relieved here.

After a while, ye Tian continued to dive underground. After continuing to hide for thousands of feet, ye Tiancai created a space, took out the materials for the layout of the field, and set up a small anti God exploration field. Then he safely took out the time and Space Tower and entered it.

Every time they come in, Qin Luoshen and Yi'er ask about the situation outside.

This time is no exception. When ye Tian talked about the grim situation of the Terran, the second daughter was also worried.

But now they can't do anything about it. All they can do is not to delay Ye Tian's time.

It's true that ye Tian doesn't have much time. After finishing the conversation with ER Nu, he immediately takes out one of the materials for refining array cards. Call out the original spirit fire to refine the array card body, and engrave the corresponding field symbols.

Just doing these things, the night and the sky took quite a few hours.

When the last Rune was finished, ye Tian checked it carefully and made sure there was no problem.

The same shield field must use the same pattern to pass, but even the same pattern can be excited by two means.

For example, the demon palace uses Orc mana, while the rune depicted by Ye Tian uses Terran mana.

Both kinds of mana can activate array cards, and the array disk can also pass through the shield field. The shield field is not for orcs, but their array cards are for orcs.

The truth is so simple!

Next, ye Tian put away the space-time tower and removed the previously arranged field for the exploration of defensive thoughts.

Carefully from the ground to go up, while diving, while using the source eye to observe the situation on the ground.

Demon king mountain has stepped up its patrol efforts, and the frequency of White Ape guards and patrols that pass back and forth from the ground has increased significantly. Even every patrol team has a sixth level monster leader.

This kind of monster, which is equivalent to the cultivation of the divine realm of the human race, is just the leader of a patrol guard. It's really a luxury lineup.

Ye Tian stayed underground for a long time when he was still several feet away from the ground.

To enter the demon king's palace and capture the offspring of the White Ape demon king is not so much to make a fool of himself as to play with fire.

But in addition, there is no other way. The demons and the underworld also fight against the Terrans. If any of them drive straight in, the Terrans will also face extinction.

Like Ye Tian himself, the human race in the great wilderness spiritual realm also needs time most.

If the Terran takes the lead in winning against the other race and makes the other side withdraw, it will be able to spare many people to support the other two battlefields.

The fight for this time, before that group of Terran friars has failed, it should be that the last illusion of the king of the north of the town has been disillusioned, and the next step is to step back, until one city after another is lost, life is ruined.

Ye Tian made a careful deduction and thought that he could have a try.

So thinking, he quietly out of the ground, to the direction of the demon palace.

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