Close to the demon palace more than ten miles, ye Tian stopped.

The guard of the demon palace is much stricter than before. In addition to the increase of the patrol team, the defense force around the shield field is also increased.

Almost one or two meters apart, there is a White Ape guard. If you want to enter the shield field, you have to use array cards to enter it from those white apes.

Using array cards to open the field will make the field ripple. For those third-order and fourth-order monsters, as long as this wave appears, they will be detected, not to mention the fifth and sixth order monsters.

And some monsters are more sensitive to the smell. Although Ye Tian has treated the smell of his body, it is almost the same, but once there is a mistake, he will still be found.

After meditating for a moment, ye Tian suddenly moves in his heart and looks around. Suddenly, he finds a peach forest not far away. It's supposed to be specially planted for the White Ape. The peach tree is covered with fresh and tender peaches.

Ye Tian stealthily goes over and takes out the monkey wine from Kunlun Mountain God. With a gesture, a water attribute spell is sent out, and a drizzle with strong wine fragrance falls quietly, watering the plump peaches accurately.

Then, ye Tian steals himself and leaves here quietly. Now he has realized the highest level of wind attribute, that is, fast flight, without the slightest sound of breaking the wind.

This is far more powerful than the previous group of friars, and it is also the biggest reliance for him to enter the demon palace.

Ye Tianfei is five or six miles away, and the rich aroma of the peach has spread to the distance and filled the air.

The White Ape people are addicted to wine, but they are short of wine. Especially, the wine brewed by Kunlun Mountain God is mellow and full of aura, which is the best wine.

Smelling the aroma of wine, a White Ape guard followed the direction of the fragrance, and finally found the peach forest.

As soon as the peach was drenched with wine, its color was more colorful and its aura was more abundant. The White Ape couldn't help picking off one of the peaches and tasting it. Then he let out a howling sound, which attracted some White Ape guards to follow.

At this moment of chaos, ye Tian, who was close to the shield field, quickly found a gap, took out the array card, and the mana was pressed onto the shield.

In an instant, a few light waves appeared on the shield, and ye Tian quietly flashed into the demon palace.

Inside, ye Tian's heart slightly down, but here the edge of the danger is greater, he had to be more careful to find inside.

The demon palace covers an area of thousands of acres. Except for some white apes who are on duty, the rest are basically white apes.

Ye Tianyuan opened his eyes and observed carefully. His goal was to find the most luxurious and spacious palace. The descendants of the White Ape demon king would not be as humble as other royal families.

However, there are more than a dozen luxurious palaces, which are scattered and not close to each other.

One of the largest and most luxurious palaces is in the center of the demon king's palace. Ye Tian estimates that it should be the residence of the White Ape demon king.

At this time, ye Tian seemed to be the air, floating around in the demon king's palace. Under Yuantian's eyes, all the palaces were seen through, and the situation inside fell in front of his eyes one by one. When

looked as like as two peas in the third luxurious palaces, ye Tian finally found out that he saw a beautiful white ape in the same way as the great princess of the White Ape king.

The ape is sitting on a futon in the palace, and several white apes are peeling nuts for it.

Ye Tian takes a look and leaves here. I'm afraid the princess's weight is not enough. The White Ape demon king may not be willing to withdraw for a princess, especially when it comes to the survival of the orcs such as huajiechi.

Even if you get the son of the White Ape demon king, it can only be used as a bargaining chip with the orcs. As for the aspect of robbing the pool, the Terrans must make some concessions before they have enough power to suppress the orcs.

However, ye Tian has only one chance to fight here, otherwise he may be trapped.

He is looking for the youngest son of the White Ape demon king, who has only three levels.

Around the palace, ye Tian continues to explore. In a palace guarded by four white apes, ye Tian finds the second daughter of the White Ape demon king, who is also a clean looking white ape.

Ye Tian ignored the White Ape.

Go around and keep looking.

The palaces where the eldest daughter and the second daughter of the White Ape demon king live are guarded by the White Ape. It is certain that the palaces where the prince is located are also guarded. The search scope is getting smaller and smaller. Ye Tian gives up other palaces and only selects palaces guarded by the White Ape to investigate.

Finally, half an hour later, ye Tian found a chubby white ape in a palace.

Compared with the memory carefully, the color of the hair is not bad, and the top of the head of the White Ape is also covered with wool rolls. This is the physical characteristics of the youngest son of the White Ape demon king, and the realm is also in the third level.

Everything's right.

However, the palace also has four guards, and the realm is five levels, which is equivalent to the cultivation of Yuanying realm of human friars. It's easy to enter the palace quietly, but it's not so easy to catch the little white ape unconsciously.Ye Tian pondered for a moment outside the palace, a little more than ten feet away from the palace, stopped under a big tree, and quietly called out a wire ant.

As soon as the ant appeared, it fluttered away and did not attract any white ape's attention in the dense forest.

Then ye Tian approached the little prince's palace again.

More than ten minutes later, thirty feet away, a white ape's wail suddenly came out of the palace where the two princes lived, and the guards outside the palace immediately burst into the palace.

Even outside Xiao Wang's palace, two guards jumped into the air and rushed to the palace. The remaining two white apes also focused on the other side of the second prince's palace.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, ye Tian floated into the little prince's palace.

In a twinkling, he tried his best to send out magic power to cover the little prince, and then his heart moved and sent him into the spirit beast ring.

After winning, ye Tian didn't stay for half a minute. He left the palace quietly and quickly flew to the nearest field.

At this time, the little prince's palace is a mess.

The two remaining guards sensed the power fluctuation in the palace, but they were a little slow because they paid attention to the second prince. When they entered the palace to check, they found that the little prince was missing for no reason.

These white apes who were chosen to guard the prince in the demon palace were all delicate minded people. Seeing this situation, they all gave out loud warning.

The whole demon palace suddenly ape shadow flying, some White Ape out of the shield to the outside to report.

Taking advantage of the panic, ye Tianshun takes back the released iron line ant, sticks the array card on the field shield, and urges him to go outside through the field shield from the subtle ripples.

At this time, besides the passport, there was also the sound of apes. Countless white apes were flying around looking for the enemy.

Ye Tian, like the same invisible breeze, dived a hundred Zhang distance and easily inspired a small moving sign.

With the appearance of several ripples, ye Tian stepped into the portal and disappeared at any time.

In this short moment, hundreds of white apes found the abnormality of the shield and rushed to yetian's position, but they could not find yetian's trace any more.

Then, a large number of white apes came and began to look around. There were panic white apes all over the mountain.

At this time, ye Tian has finished his transmission through the small moving sign. He is standing on a hillside, and his eyes are a strange scene. There are towering ancient trees everywhere in the high mountains, and he can't see the edge at a glance.

"Should it be a wild land or a wild land!"

Ye Tian looked around at random and quickly escaped into the ground. Now he didn't know exactly where he was, and he didn't know how far it was.

But there is one thing that needs to be solved in the first place.

After entering the underground, ye Tian quickly dug the space, took out the space-time tower and entered it.

There is no time to say a word with Qin Luo God and Yi Er. Ye Tian takes out the captured little prince from the spirit beast ring.

Although he is a little prince and has a low level, he is much taller than ye Tian. He is fat and big.

Ye Tian put his right hand on the top of the little prince's head and began to search for his soul. He quickly looked at the memory of the White Ape. He skipped all the irrelevant things and only looked for the thing he was eager to know.

More than ten minutes later, ye Tian finally got the answer.

There is no trace of breath in this White Ape, but the White Ape demon king can find the general location of the little prince according to the blood sensor.

This is not good news for ye Tian.

Ye Tian doesn't know if he can escape from the pursuit of an eight level monster. That's the equivalent of a monk in the heaven palace of the human race!

Even in the last life, ye Tian had never seen a monk in the heaven palace. But he knew that with his current cultivation, it would be very difficult for him to take away the little prince if he was faced with a seventh level monster and the other side really had blood sense.

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