Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 443: The beginning of disaster

"Hey?" Not only Sha Duzi, but also Rena and Mu Xiaoxiao were in a daze, "Aren't you dating?"

"When did you see me dating Goshi?" Sonozaki Shion said with a blushing face and gritted his teeth. "We usually just chat. It's a very good friendship, but it's not what you think. ....."

"Isn't it? Friendship?" Mu Xiaoxiao touched her chin, suddenly squinted at Shion Sonozaki in front of her, "Could it be that you were given a good person card? Remember the last incident, 54. Knowing that you like him, that's why he said, "You are a good person, I'm sorry, let's be friends." Is that correct?"

"...Mu Xiaoxiao, you bastard! I am not as miserable as you said!" Sonozaki Shion immediately rushed to fight Mu Xiaoxiao, but fortunately Sonozaki Meiyin caught her in time.

"Well, let's not talk about it, let's hurry up and participate in the festival. Rena and Xiao Xiao are both participating for the first time. I just want to introduce you to the interesting activities here..."


Before Yuanzaki Meiyin finished speaking, a voice rang, and Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head and instantly lifted her dead fish-eye, wiped it, and it was this woman again.

"Miss Takano? Are you also coming to our Mianryu Festival?" After seeing Takano Sansi, Reina immediately smiled and asked, and suddenly saw a man next to her wearing a hat and holding a camera in his hand. , "Huh? This is..."

"Hello, my name is Tomitake Jiro, it's...Miss Takano's colleague, this time I came to visit Hinamizawa Village with Miss Takano," the man nodded politely. There is a smile on his face.

"..." It turned out to be the king of bento. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him. It is said that the king of bento actually appeared so early...but it will not start to receive the bento until next year's Mianliu Festival...

"We just came over from the river, and we didn't expect to meet the little brother so soon. We were lucky," Yingye Sansi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and smiled, with a very friendly smile on her face, which made her feel like a smile. Tomitake Jiro next to him looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a little hostility in his eyes.

But at this time, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about these anymore. Instead, his expression changed, "Into the river..."

"Eh. What's weird?" Takano Sansi smiled slightly, "By the way, I saw the boy from the last time at Irie Hospital...Is it called Hojo-kun? He said he was a little bit Things are going to be done, the festival may not be back in time..."

"Hey? Why do things happen to my brother? It's the same every time," Sha Duzi pouted, and suddenly turned to look at Shiyin, "Isn't it because you want to find Shiyin?"

"How is it possible? I just met with Goshi. He should have something important...Saiduko! Don't all things related to Goshi get involved with me!" Shion said very much. angry.

"Well, after all, Shiyin has also changed a little..." Meiyin was not surprised at Shiyin's strange reaction.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about these. He stood in place, in a cold sweat. Lifting his head, he met the weird look of Takano Sansi, his heart suddenly chilled, his body trembled involuntarily, and an inexplicable feeling enveloped himself in it.

"This is...what..." Mu Xiaoxiao stroked her forehead with one hand, panting heavily.

"Xiaoxiao? What's wrong with you?" Rena noticed Mu Xiaoxiao's abnormality and shook his body.

"What's wrong? Is it physically uncomfortable?" Meiyin also looked over and asked.

"Little?" Sha Duzi asked worriedly, "If you feel unwell, go home first..."

"It's okay," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, thought for a while, and gritted his teeth abruptly, "You can play slowly at this time of the Mianliu Festival. I have something to do... I have to leave... ..."

"Wait? Where are you going, Xiaoxiao?" Meiyin hurriedly yelled when he saw him suddenly like this, only to find that Mu Xiaoxiao had rushed out, leaving only one back. Meiyin Rena and the others looked at each other. Neng could helplessly spread his hands, while Yingye Sansi, with a mysterious smile, watched Mu Xiaoxiao disappear from his sight.


In Xinggong Town, a young man with short blond hair is walking on a crowded street with a huge doll bear in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, "In this case, Shaduzi should be very happy, right?" Shatoko had always wanted this doll bear, so Hojo Satoru used his part-time job money to come to Xinggong to buy this gift.

"It might be a little troublesome to go back... Just call Dr. Irie to pick me up... This should be able to catch up with the Mianryu Festival... Mianryu Festival... ......" Thinking of this, Hojo Satoru sighed suddenly, "Mianryu Festival...Sadoko Shion and the others should have participated in the Mianryu Festival now, right? Little and they too... "

"Also... I really don't know why Miss Takano just wanted..."

While thinking about things in a daze, while planning to go to the public telephone booth to make a call, suddenly... Hojo Satoru’s pupils shrank suddenly... I saw a golden flat head in his line of sight. A somewhat sluggish man dressed up was coming from the opposite side.

"That's..." Hojo Satoru's body stiffened, and then he began to tremble violently, as if he was being weighed down by a heavy burden, and his feet were filled with lead weight, and he couldn't move it. He moved his feet, and his pupils gradually lost their brilliance and turned gray, and his eyes were full of fear.

"..." The guy on the opposite side also found Hojo Satoru. After the other party was taken aback, his eyes quickly cooled down, and his face also wore a grinning smile. Hojo Satoru saw this scene as if it were all. All his strength returned to his body, and he suddenly turned and ran wildly.

"Why, why, why, why..." I wondered in horror while running, "Why is that man...uncle here...obviously so long in Xinggong? Time hasn't touched...why..."

Hojo Satoru didn't even dare to look back now, but ran wildly, hoping to find a safe place, "It turns out...that man...uncle and aunt didn't leave here... ...It turns out that they have always stayed around Hinamizawa Village, watching us...retaliation...They must want revenge for us! Retaliation we made them like this... ..."

" they have finally started to retaliate! What should we do? What should we do?" Hojo Satoru panted heavily, shaking his head, and what caught his eye was He couldn't see anything clearly in the dark darkness, but he felt that someone was about to come out of the darkness, and then rushed to him in an instant.

"By the way! Go back to Hinamizawa! If they go back, they won't be able to retaliate against us! If they go back..."

At this time Hojo Satoru realized that he had run in the wrong place. This was not the way back, but the opposite direction. But at this time, it was impossible for him to go back the same way. What should I do? correct! telephone!

After searching for a long time at noon, I found a public telephone booth. Hojo Satoru looked around with fear and dialed the number...


When Mu Xiaoxiao arrived at the Irrigation Clinic, it was already Is it Xiaoxiao? "Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao rushing in panting, Jing Jiang Jingsuke asked strangely, "What's wrong?" What's going on in such an eagerness? Isn’t it a Mianryu Festival tonight? Don't you go to the festival with Shaduzi and others? "

"Doctor lo*ic*n, where's 54?" As soon as he came in, Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked around, looking for the figure of Hojo Goshi.

"Hey, they all said not to call me Doctor lo*ic*n. This is not good for my reputation. As for Wu Shijun, he has already left in the afternoon, as if he went to Xinggong... What's wrong? Is there anything important?" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's anxious expression, Jing Jiang Jingsuke's expression also began to solemnly.

"...I hope it was my illusion, no matter how to find 54 first, he might..."


Before Mu Xiao finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly. (To be continued...)



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