Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 444: L five burst

The phone rang quickly, and Jingsuke Jing, who heard the sound of the phone, couldn’t help but look at each other with Mu Xiaoxiao, and then carefully picked up the microphone...

"Hello?" Rujiang Kyusuke said tentatively, and then widened his eyes under Mu Xiaoxiao's gaze, "Wu Shi?! What's wrong? Why did you call me suddenly...what happened?"

Hearing that it was Hojo Goshi's call, Mu Xiaoxiao also looked at Irrie Kyosuke quietly, without disturbing him.

"What?! Your uncle?! Are you in Xinggong?! Okay, okay, I see." After a long while, Jingjiang Jingsuke put down the phone, with a solemn expression on his face, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao anxiously. , "It was a call from Goshi. He is now in Xinggong... Said that he saw his uncle and was planning to disadvantage him..."


"Now Wu Shijun's mood seems to be very unstable, we must hurry over, otherwise... Xiao Xiao, let's go! Let's drive to Xinggong!"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, seeming to be thinking about something, and kept up with Jingsuke Rujiang.

On the Jingjie car entering the river, there was silence, and the atmosphere was a little depressed. Mu Xiaoxiao sat in the passenger cabin and was silent for a long time before speaking, "Hojo Tieping is not in Xinggong..."

"...How do you know?" Kyusuke Irie asked while driving.

"Do you know the news about the Sonozaki family? I have a good relationship with the head of the Sonozaki family," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed. It is easy to find two people. The Hojo couple stayed in Xinggong after being driven out of Hinamizawa for a while. They left there, so it is absolutely impossible for them to be in Xinggong."

"But..." Kyusuke Irrie frowned, "Goshi-kun said..."

"The first possibility is that the Hojo couple are very capable. Even the Sonozaki group can't find them, and then they have been hiding near Hinamizawa Village, looking for opportunities to retaliate against us in the dark, but... ..." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "They don't have this ability."

"Then the second possibility..." Kyosuke Irie's expression was very ugly, "Because of Hinamizawa syndrome... the hallucinations we saw..."

Mu Xiaoxiao also told Jingsuke Rujiang that he knew about Hinaizawa syndrome, so Jingsuke Rujiang was not worried about telling Mu Xiaoxiao, but he asked Mu Xiaoxiao to keep it secret and could not tell anyone. Jingsuke Rujiang was on the surface. A doctor is actually from the same place as Takano Sansi. The Iriver Hospital was set up to study this Hinamizawa Syndrome, and it is also known as Iriver Organization.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao believed that he would not tell Ying Ye Sansi what happened to him. Of course, Mu Xiaoxiao also hoped to tell that woman in his heart. It's better to shock her a little bit.

"Yes," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "There is only one reason, and that is Hinamizawa Syndrome..."

"But... if it's Hinamizawa syndrome... why..."

"Are you trying to say why the disease occurred?" Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and started to think, "Hinamizawa syndrome...or Hinamizawa syndrome, usually in a dormant state, unless you are emotionally affected. It's only after extreme stimulation..."

"Now the village has driven Hojo and his wife out. After your diagnosis last time, there was no major problem. It is basically impossible to get sick..."

"In fact, in the afternoon, when Goshi-kun was still here, he did not act abnormally... The Hojo and his wife were not in Xinggong either... So it shouldn’t be the reason for the mental stimulation. I really don’t understand why. I got sick suddenly..." Irie Kyosuke said bitterly.

"No, you have forgotten one thing that can cause illness," Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly smiled strangely, and slowly said in Jingsuke's horrified eyes, "h173..."

"Impossible!" The horrified Jing Jiang Jingsuke even ignored why Mu Xiaoxiao knew such secret things, "h173 has obviously been completely abandoned and used by us! It has also been destroyed! How could this be the reason... ."

"Now there is only this explanation, and don't forget, even if it is abandoned by you, you can't be quite sure that no one will hide it privately," Mu Xiaoxiao sneered, thinking of Yingye Sansi. It seems that it is Yingye as expected. Three four good things this woman did...

h173 is a drug researched by the river-entry agency. It caused l5 to erupt immediately after the injection. It was too dangerous and was abandoned, but Yingye Sansi secretly hid some of it. Mu Xiaoxiao is almost certain that this is it. What a mad woman did!

"..." Jingjiang Jingsuke stopped talking, and a few drops of cold sweat dripped on his forehead. When Mu Xiaoxiao said this, it is really possible...The more he thought about it, the more horrible he was even driving. Unstable, if it is really h173 medicine, then...

"Don't think about these things for now, just drive well. It's important to get to 54 as soon as possible," Mu Xiaoxiao paused, "Also, don't tell Shaduzi about this matter."

"I know," Kyosuke Irue nodded, "No one will say anything except a few of our insiders."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and wanted to say don't tell Takano Sansi, but in the end, forget it. Having said that, she is also infected with Hinaizawa Syndrome now, although it is only l1. Latent state... Generally speaking, those with stronger mental power can kill the pathogen of Hinamizawa Syndrome with a strong will. Ryugu Reina is an example.


"Huh...huh..." Hojo Satoru was half lying in the phone booth, panting, watching the surroundings with alert eyes, suddenly, his body froze...

Da da da......

There was a slight sound of footsteps, making his body suddenly stiff, "Yes...who is it?!"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..."

Hojo Satoru's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted, "Yes...who is it?! Who is it?!" He couldn't hear that voice, only a faint sound of footsteps, but even so. Enough to make him fall apart, because he remembered the legend in the village-Sakusaka of Lord Goshejin.

"Gosha God... is Osha God Lord? Could it be... It was Misha God Lord who came to kill me?" Hojo Satoru, who thought about it and became more frightened, trembled, and began to use his hands unbearably. Scratching his neck, because the neck is unbearable.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..."

Not far in front of Hojo Satoru, a figure that no one can see stood there, with an apologetic expression on his face, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... it's all my fault. ......Really sorry......"

Furute Yuri, the **** of the gods, except for Rika, only those who are in the l5 state can slightly feel her presence, but because of this, and Yuri’s act of not malicious but just wanting to apologize, let Every patient who developed 15 thought it was the work of Lord Mishajin, that is, killing himself. In fact, Yuri would not do this at all.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, Lord Gosheshen, don't kill me..." While muttering, he scratched his neck. Soon, blood began to flow out, and then he started scratching himself again. wrist.

"This...what is this?!!!" Hojo Satoru's eyes suddenly widened. Under his gloomy eyes, his wrist was scratched with blood, but what made him terrified was that the blood went out. At the same time, countless maggots crawled out of the wound and fell to the ground along with the Bug? How could could there be such a bug in my body! Don't...don't! ! ! What the hell, why... will it be like this..."

When Mu Xiaoxiao and Irijiang Kyosuke arrived, they were stunned, and saw Hojo Satoru next to the telephone booth, lying on the ground constantly scratching his neck, blood surged, his pupils were dull and pale, and his face was pale. , Tired, murmured in his mouth, "Don't come...Don't come..."

"54...I finally found you!" Mu Xiaoxiao rushed over, frowning at Hojo Goshi who fell on the ground in front of her, "What are you doing?! lo*ic*n over there. Doctor! Come and see him soon!"

"Come here... Go Shi-kun!" Rujiang Kyusuke also rushed over, then took out the phone and called the hospital staff, "Hello? Tell everyone to be prepared. Now I am here. One patient...must be treated as soon as possible..." (To be continued...)



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