Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 464: Respective actions

"But... Am I still a little unbelievable..."

"Have you never noticed it? What an idiot," Yu Jin snorted, turning his head, "Forget about the others, don't you, the client, can't tell?"

"I can't see it at all, isn't Shiyin quarreling with me every time? Who knows..." Mu Xiaoxiao paused, "and she should like Wu Shi.. ...."

"Who's right, Shiyin should be the one who likes Wu Shi very much, but I don't know why..." She said that she also took a complicated look at Mu Xiaoxiao, "In fact, it's not just Shiyin. Even Meiyin, Rena, and Shatoko are all..."

In previous reincarnations, the reason why Shiyin broke out of l5 has always been because of Wu Shi, and she has always liked Wu Shi, so the situation now makes her feel a little weird, and other girls are also... . Gushou Pear Flower suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart...

"Huh! Playboy!" Yuri shouted.

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed. Although he didn't know about Shiyin's situation, he still knew what Renai Meiyin and the others had in mind, so there was no way to be despised like this...

"It's not the time to talk about this. Now that I know the reason, what should I do?" Gushou Rika sighed, "Little, do you have any idea?"

"Isn't it very simple?" Yu Jin stood up and said, "Keiichi, as long as he doesn't touch the Tibetan people of Dashi. Rena also don't let her get Takano Sansi's notebook. In the end, Shion is here. On the Stream Festival..."

"No!" Mu Xiaoxiao vetoed it. "K1 was misled by the Tibetans in Dashi, and Rena was misled by Takano Sansi. These are the fuse, not the root cause. If you only solve the fuse, there will be no way to solve everything. At that time, if l5 erupts due to other reasons. ,so what should I do now?"

"The short story is good," Ehwa nodded in agreement. "Now we only have one last chance. In any case... there can be no mistake! As long as it is uncertain. It must be more careful!"

"What should I do then?" Yuri didn't know what to do.

"...Rena's l5 broke out. I thought it was because of her father and Mamiya Rina, but I didn't expect it to be my cause, and Shion's l5 broke out. I thought 54 nothing happened. If you do, there will be no problem, but I can’t think of it... It’s also because the people in the village are hostile to me... The cause of the final k1 and l5 outbreak is still with me. As a result, everything is because of me. Me..." Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and sat weakly on the ground.

It's all my fault, I'm carrying this pot!

"Perhaps... from the beginning, Xiaoxiao, you sacrificed yourself to help Goshi and Shatoko this method was wrong. Although you saved both Goshi and Shatoko, Rena Shion and Keiichi were because of this... ..." Li Hua hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's arm tightly and whispered.

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless. After a long while, he stood up, his eyes drenched, "In other words, the first thing to do is to ask the villagers in the village to forgive me..."

"It's not to forgive, it's to resolve the misunderstanding!" Ewha tightened her hands. Putting his head on Mu Xiaoxiao's chest, he whispered.

"It's all the same..." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled wryly. Touched her head.

"..." Yu Jin was sitting next to him, looking at the two guys who were beginning to show affection with a reluctant expression. His eyes were very complicated and his expression was very disappointed.

"It would be great if you didn't do this at first, Xiaoxiao..." Lihua said suddenly.

"But if you don't do this, won't Wu Shi and Sha Duzi be difficult to save?" Mu Xiaoxiao raised her mouth, "Although they broke out for this reason at k1, but if we want to go back to that time, I will still That's it," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, then stood up, "Ewha, I'll leave it to you here in the village. I'll contact several other important people."

"Xiaoxiao!" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao was about to go out, Lihua quickly stood up and looked at him worriedly, "Xiaoxiao..."

"Don't worry, it won't happen," Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, then blinked her big eyes that were shining, revealing a bright smile that she hadn't seen for a long time.

"...Be sure, be careful..." Li Hua looked at his back, knelt down on the ground, and bowed, "I wish you...Wuyun Changlong... ..." Then stood up, showing a long-lost smile, turned his head to look at Yuri, "Harui, let's go! We also have what we should do, almost, it's time to tell Keiichi Meiyin everything... ...."


"Hey? Transfer student?" Meiyin exclaimed as he looked at Yurii in front of her, "It looks like Ewha, is she a relative of Ewha?"

"Um... it's my important friend slap~" Ehwa nodded and smiled.

"Hey? Unexpectedly, there will be transfer students at this time," Shiyin leaned over and looked around, "Why didn't I see the little guy? It's rare that I have transferred back... "

"Ahahahaha, Shiyin seems to have been begging her mother-in-law for a long time before transferring back to school," Meiyin laughed immediately, "but where did Xiaoxiao go? Do you know Ewha?"

"Speaking of it, it's Mianliu Festival soon, don't run away!" Sha Duzi said with a small fist.

"He has some things to do, so let's not talk about him. Meiyin, Shiyin, Keiichi, Shatoko, and Goshi, I want to tell you something," Ewha looked at everyone with a solemn expression, "After school, Come to my house...come to the little house."

"What's the matter? Such a solemn look," Kei touched his head and asked suspiciously.

"I can't say it yet, I'll tell you later."

"But such a serious pear blossom sauce is not like pear blossom at all," Meiyin smiled, completely unaffected by the serious atmosphere.

"Then let's wait for school," Wu Shi smiled slightly.


When I started to act on Lihua’s side, Mu Xiaoxiao also came to Xinggong and sat in a dessert shop, seeming to be waiting for someone. After a while, a car stopped at the door, a slightly older man and A middle-aged man got out of the car and walked into the dessert shop.

"Police Officer Dashi, are you here already?" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly as he watched the man sitting in front of him, but after seeing a man next to him, he stayed for a while, "This is... .."

"Akasaka, can you be regarded as my colleague and friend," Dashi Tibetan introduced briefly, "This is Mu Xiaoxiao, not a simple character."

"It's really an honor for me to be said that by Police Officer Dashi," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled calmly, "Actually, I'm just an ordinary high school student, there is nothing great about it, hello."

"Hello," Akasaka looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, nodded, and stretched out his hand to nest with him.

"My colleague came here to hear that you have a very good relationship with Rika, so he wants to tell you something, but before that, let's talk about you first," Dashi Tibetan narrowed his eyes. "I really want to know, what is it that you, who are closely related to the Sonozaki family, came to me on purpose?"

Akasaka also looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Okay," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "The topic is temporarily postponed. The keys to breaking fate have not yet been gathered, so let's talk about your business, Officer Dashi...In recent years, Officer Dashi You have been pursuing Hinamizawa's continuous strange deaths, right? You even followed me as an outsider, but unfortunately there was no gain..."

"What do you want to say?" The Dashi Tibetan, I just want to ask you, do you still think the Sonozaki family is the murderer behind the scenes? "

"..." The Tibetan Dashi was silent for a while before he looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and said, "Are you sent by the Sonozaki family to threaten me, or did you come to defend the Sonozaki family specifically?"

"It seems that your misunderstanding is really deep," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, "I only represent myself, not anyone, and I don't defend anyone... About the very beginning, big The dam supervising the corpse killing incident...I know, the supervising officer of the dam is your friend, Officer Dashi, right? That’s why you are so persistent in trying to solve this case..."


"But I want to say that the real behind-the-scenes is not the Sonozaki family," said Mu Xiaoxiao when he saw what police officer Dashi wanted to say, "about this, I will tell you the truth when everyone arrives. I hope you can wait a while..." (to be continued)



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