Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 465: The key to breaking fate

"The key to breaking fate? Everyone? What do you mean?" Dashi Tibetan asked with a frown.

"No hurry, you will know later, and the business I want to say is not only the truth about all of Hinamizawa, but also has something to do with Mr. Akasaka..."


"Yeah, didn't you come back because you cared about pear flowers?" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, and faintly spit out three words, "Lolita..."

"Cough cough cough..." Akasaka, who was choked by these three words, had a slightly red face, and said embarrassedly, "Lolita or something... I just cared a few years ago. That’s what Ewha said to me..." Akasaka said, her face solemn, "Ewha said that at this year’s Mianryu Festival, she would die, so she asked me for help... I can't let go of her, so..."

"Will die?" The Dashi Tibetan was taken aback, "This book seems to be able to predict the future..."

"It's true," Akasaka said with a smile, "Ewha is still my benefactor, because I came to Hinamizawa to rescue the grandson of the minister, and wanted to stay for a while after it was over, but Ewha said she would let me go back to Tokyo, otherwise I would regret it. Later, I followed her and returned to Tokyo, and found out that the wife who had given birth to the baby was going to go to the rooftop..."

"It turns out that a cleaner on the roof fell down the steps later. If I didn't catch up at that time, maybe my wife..."

Sure enough, looking at Akasaka Wei's lingering expression, it was the interference of the world that caused Akasaka to not lose his wife. That's why I cared about Ewha's words for help and rushed over. Akasaka...One of the keys to breaking fate...

"Unbelievable..." The Dashi Tibetan was still surprised. unbelievable.

"It's really unbelievable, but I will tell you the truth, perhaps even more unbelievable. This is also related to Ewha. When the others arrive, I will explain them one by one, and wait," said Mu Xiaoxiao Took out the phone. "I'm calling, it looks like they are about to arrive..."

"Hello? Doctor lo*ic*n? Are you too slow, right? I'm waiting for the flowers to thank you," Mu Xiaoxiao answered the phone, and immediately preached unceremoniously.

"No way, I still have plenty of time, but Jiro will have to trouble a little bit..." Kyosuke Irie's voice came over, "But we are almost there."

"Well, hurry up, the two guests here have already arrived," after hanging up the phone. After waiting a while, Mu Xiaoxiao saw a car stopped at the door. The two men walked down, and the corners of their mouths immediately curled up, "It's already here, the other two key keys to breaking fate..."

"Yo, we are here, little."

"Doctor lo*ic*n and the King of Lunch," Mu Xiaoxiao also waved, watching them sit down, and nodded in satisfaction, "Since everyone is here now, it's almost time to tell you the truth. ..... Well, where do I start from, let’s start with everything, Hinamizawa Syndrome."

"Hinamizawa syndrome?" Oishi Tibetan and Akasaka were stunned. "What is this?"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao's face turned gloomy, "This is a very terrifying infectious disease that spreads through human skin contact, but because this pathogen can only survive in Hinamizawa village, so Hinamizawa The village decided that people in this village should not go out, or they would be rumored by Lord Goshejin, and at the same time, no outsiders would be allowed to enter the village..."

"This..." Akasaka Wei and Dashi Tibetan were stunned.

"As for the specific horror of Hinamizawa Syndrome, Dr. lo*ic*n, as a researcher of this disease, you can explain it."



"Hinamizawa syndrome?!" Everyone at Mu Xiaoxiao's house gathered here, listening to Gushou Rika's explanation, and screaming, Rena looked at her and asked, "In other words, we are all infected. Got it...Is this disease right?"

"Yes," Gushou Rika nodded, "This infectious disease is very dangerous. Usually l1 and l2 are not major problems, but if it reaches l3, symptoms such as auditory hallucinations will occur. If it reaches l5, it is basically There is no way to save..."

"This..." Everyone shook.

"But don't worry, everyone," Ehwa smiled, "This matter will not break out so easily, the next thing is the point," she said with a solemn expression, "about the behind-the-scenes researcher of this pathogen... ..."


"Hearing hallucinations... the lymphatic itching is unbearable..."

"Yes, Dr. lo*ic*n is specialized in researching this stuff, but in fact, the first year of the dam supervision dismemberment and killing incident was caused by their l5 outbreak..."

"This..." The Dashi Tibetan didn't know what to say.

"That's it. The annual Mianliu Festival events are the cause of the outbreak of Hinamizawa Syndrome 15, and the main messenger behind the scenes is Takano Sansi..." Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were cold. , "She just needs a living subject, so she pretends to be Sakutaka of Lord Mishajin."

"Using living humans as experimental materials? I haven't heard of this?" Bento Wang Fuzhu Jiro said in surprise, "Takano has always done this..."

"How could she tell you," Mu Xiaoxiao sneered, "I think no one knows except Doctor lo*ic*n?"

"Well, she doesn't allow me to leak this matter," Kyosuke Irrie nodded, "After all, it's not a good thing. As her subordinate, I can't refute it. It's just Xiao Xiao. The confidential work of Takano is very good. Why do you knowledge?"

"Huh, no matter how secret it is, it's useless, I'm a high school detective... ahem, well, I'm just an ordinary high school student, but there is no impermeable wall in the world, even if it is done secretly, I can also know," said Mu Xiaoxiao with a faint smile, "and after this year's Mianryu Festival, the Takano Sansikai will first kill the bento king, pretending to be the **** of the gods, and then kill Hinamizawa. Everyone in the village..."



"Ewha?! Are you serious?" Meiyin and the others widened, "Miss Takano would actually..."

"It's true. After this year's Mianliu Festival, Takano Sansi will launch a brutal end plan to kill the entire village..." Seeing everyone's pale faces, Ewha comforted Smiled, "It's okay, there will be little ones who will help us, and help everyone to deal with Yingye Sansi!"

"Xiao Xiao..." Everyone fell silent.

"These things will be arranged for a little bit, what we have to do," Gushou Rika paused and scanned the crowd, "what we have to do is to help the little one to resolve the misunderstanding in the village!"

"Is this matter? It's Wu Shi nodded, "Xiao Xiao was hostile by the villagers in the village because of my affairs with Shaduzi..."

"Help him anyway!" Meiyin Sonozaki waved his hand, "I'll talk to my mother-in-law about this. It just so happens that my mother-in-law seems to be very optimistic about the petites," Meiyin suddenly blushed, no Knowing what I remembered, it took a long time to recover, "If the mother-in-law comes forward, everyone will believe it."

"Then I'll go and talk to Grandpa Gongyou," Shiyin pouted, "Although that guy is a fool, but it's not good to be hated by everyone, I will help him reluctantly," full of arrogance. .

"Sadoko is also fine!" Hojo Sadoko stood up and shouted, "Sadoko can be used as a witness, but Xiaoxiao is actually a good person..."

Mu Xiaoxiao, you have been issued a card.

Seeing everyone so positive, Gushou Lihua couldn't help showing a smile, and her heart was also warm. (To be continued...)



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