Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 491: Mutations in the Goers Mountains


In the study of a luxurious mansion, Liang Xinwu, dressed in plain clothes, sat at the desk, saying that even if Liang Xinwu did not wear armor, when he did not need to fight or was at home, he was still wearing a leather that was easy to move. She has never worn armor or strong clothing, the kind of gauze worn by women.

Liang Xinwu held a scroll in her hand, which seemed to be an urgent transmission of information, while the underground was a female soldier half-kneeling on the ground. Liang Xinwu looked at the information on the scroll with an angry face on her face. His look, he slapped the table sharply.

"Damn it! Is there something new in the Gorse Mountains," she gritted her teeth.

"Yes, sir," the female soldier nodded, her face full of gloom, "the area of ​​death in the Gorse Mountains is getting bigger and bigger...I believe it will spread to our star empire soon. Border cities in China...Several border cities have now issued A-level warnings. If you don’t move anymore..."

"It seems that this matter can't be dragged on any longer. I will report to your Majesty, hoping to act early," Liang Xinwu nodded and put away the scrolls in his hands. "This time you did a good job. Fortunately, Even if an anomaly is found, otherwise... But this time you can't get involved in the Gorse Mountains mutation event, this is not something you can solve, so go back and take a good rest."

"Yes, I get it!"

Seeing her back disappearing into the room, Liang Xinwu sighed, after thinking about it, she walked outside the house and walked into her room. It was a man with only a bed, a wardrobe and an ordinary dressing table. Room. The rudimentary can't be more rudimentary. For a girl's room.

She walked to her closet. I opened it and looked at the rows of exquisite and gorgeous gauze and neon phoenix robes placed inside, frowned deeply...


"That's it," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the fox girl Zimei, frowning deeply, "It seems that you orcs still haven't given up on the aggression against the Star Empire..." His eyes looked like one. Cold, "This time directly disguised as a Fengchen woman sneaked in here, intending to directly cause a devastating blow to the imperial capital of the Star Empire?"

"I'm like this in your heart?" Zi Mei looked very aggrieved. Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with gleaming eyes, she suddenly exuded an aura of temptation, "I said I was just visiting the kingdom of mankind, do you believe it?"

When I saw Zimei like this, Sakiya frowned, and knew from Mu Xiaoxiao's words that the other party was an enemy. Coupled with this upright temptation to Mu Xiaoxiao, Sakiya's eyes became worse and worse. It seemed that as long as Mu Xiaoxiao gave orders, he would take action to solve this woman who was exuding a charm.

"...Are you telling a joke?" Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "Where can I trust you?" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes drenched as he said. A long knife appeared in his hand and pointed at Zi Mei in front of him, "Although I let you off last time, I can't tell you this time."

"Really rude," Zi Mei sighed and shook his head, "Don't you know Lianxiangxiyu?"

"Master, it's not your turn to judge," Sakiya said coldly.

"Is this jealous?" Zi Mei smiled slightly, "I don't see it, you are really sinful..."

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense," Mu Xiaoxiao interrupted her faintly, "what is it that called me over? You recognized me from the beginning, right?"

"It's not a big deal," Zi Mei smiled. "It's just that there is a banquet tonight. If I can, I think..."

"Sorry," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I am not interested in those gatherings, and it won't be your internal gatherings, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes, "No matter what, we do. Not a completely hostile enemy, but..."

As he said, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "Also, this is the imperial capital of the Star Empire after all, I hope you don't mess around," After speaking, he greeted Sakiya, turned and left this place, he didn't want to stay anymore. Go down.

"Hey? Wait..." Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and left, Zi Mei was taken aback, and then quickly wanted to catch up, when she saw the silver-haired girl in front of her suddenly turned her head, blue Lulu's eyes stared at herself coldly, and suddenly there were a few more silver flying knives in her hand.

Seeing this, Zi Mei's face became stiff and stopped.

Seeing Zi Mei stopped, Sakuya turned around and left the place behind Mu Xiaoxiao. Looking at their backs, Zi Mei couldn't help but pouted, and she was very depressed and took the veil back. Then he said, "Come here."

"Miss?" A maid came in.

"Let's go, it's almost time," Zi Mei said faintly, "Go and meet our Red Tiger Ji..."

"Yes, miss."


After taking the girls to stroll around the street for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao and the others returned to the tavern. They didn't know that someone had been waiting there for a long time.

"Big sister head?" Mu Xiaoxiao's first reaction after seeing Liang Xinwu was the corner of his mouth twitching, because he saw Liang Xinwu in front of him actually wearing a veil...Damn! He immediately rounded his eyes, almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and asked tremblingly, "I said the head of the big sister... you are..."

"Can Xiaoxiao change his name? I always feel that this name is a little weird," Liang Xinwu said, with a rare flush of red on his face, "As for this...this is my new dress, cough cough , You don't need to care..."

"Even if you say you don't care..." Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, "Eldest Sister... Then call Sister Wu, I said Sister Wu, this dress is really not suitable for you, I think it's still that one. The armor is pretty good."

"..." Liang Xinwu was speechless, a woman couldn't be happy to be said that... Uh, although she was said that before, she didn't seem to care much at that time, listen. After arriving at Mu Xiaoxiao, he was a little bit disappointed, "Could it be that I am really not suitable for this kind of clothes..."

"Well, the temperament is different." Xia Luo picked up the black tea that Sakuya had just brewed, and looked at Liang Xinwu in front of her. This kind of princess dress is the same."

"Are you trying to say that your temperament resembles a princess?" Mu Xiaoxiao complained.

"How is it possible," Xia Luo chuckled and said confidently, "You must know that even a princess can't compare to me."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao sweats profusely.

"Well, the clothes she is suitable for are the kind of strong clothes or the type of leather armor...The temperament belongs to the type of heroic and saucy..."

"So..." Liang Xinwu nodded thoughtfully.

"But to be honest, the most perfect temperament is Sister Di," Xia Luo said suddenly, turning to look at Dinesha. "Sister Di not only has a sense of heroism, but also has a femininity... ...."

"You still have a lot of research," Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes.

"..." Dinessa blinked, and UU reading said to herself.

"Speaking of Sister Wu, is there something coming?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, turning her head to look at Liang Xinwu.

"Well, one thing I want to tell you, probably the schedule is going ahead," Liang Xinwu restored a solemn expression on her face and nodded, "A new situation has appeared on the Goers Mountain Range, so... .. Now we are basically ready here, about to leave tomorrow..."

"Okay," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "We'll go with you when the time comes. We can also go out from the Goers Mountain Range and go to the War God Academy..."

"The Academy of War God?" Liang Xinwu was taken aback.

"Yeah, our goal is there, what's wrong?"

"No... nothing," Liang Xinwu nodded thoughtfully. (To be continued...)



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