Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 492: Crowd for 1 session

"Ha..." Mu Xiaoxiao, who started rubbing her eyes, yawned, stretched her waist, "Well...a new day, feeling the world full of malice... ..."

"What's the evil?" Sakuya walked in with the clothes, and saw that Mu Xiaoxiao had already sat up, and smiled, "The young master is quite early today."

"It's not all you yet," Wen Yan Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and looked at Sakuya, "It just forced me to sleep last night...Sakuya, are you my mother, which made me play games? I haven't played much... You know that I never sleep before the early morning when I go to bed... Last night..." As he said, Mu Xiaoxiaoyou looked bitterly. Sakiya glanced at the side of him.

"Master, do you like playing games so much?" Ikuya Sakiya shook his head helplessly, "I want to leave here today and meet Liang Xinwu and the others, otherwise, what if I can't get up like yesterday?" Saki said. Ye came up, ready to change clothes for Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Why can't I get up? I just stay up all night. Anyway, now I am the true ancestor. I stay up all night and there is nothing at all. I am full of energy!" I don’t have to worry about staying up late at all. It’s great...well... Not used to it, does this count as silk?

"The true ancestor blood is used in this way, but you have to cry," Sakuya handed the clothes to Mu Xiaoxiao, "wash up quickly, don't let them wait for a long time."


"You actually got up so early?" Seeing Xia Luoqi and Sarah in the hall, they all got up, eating early. Even Wendy and several loli are the same, Mu Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"You think everyone is the same as you," Xia Luo said with a smile.

"Is your elder brother already up?" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao Wendy's eyes lit up, she rushed over.

"Wendy, why did you sleep next to me these past two days?" Mu Xiaoxiao scratched her nose. Smiled, "Qing and Elaine are also..."

While talking, she walked out of the tavern, but Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, looked at the few loli beside her, and touched her chin. "Wendy Aisha still has Qiong you, do you want a carriage? Otherwise, if you ride horses like Sister Wu and the others..." Mu Xiaoxiao seemed a little hesitant.

"We are not going for an outing. It's not a good idea to ride a carriage," Dinessa shook her head. "After all, we are going to a dangerous place...If you ride a carriage, you might be looked down upon by your companions. After all. ......"

"Cut, what look down on, I didn't care about this kind of other people's gaze at first, and even if I really look down on it, would he dare to find the fault," Mu Xiaoxiao snorted, "Compared with this, Qiong and Aisha and others Just ordinary people. If you get tired..."

"Brother, I'm fine," Qiong shook his head. "I'm getting used to riding a horse..."

"I'm fine, Master," Aisha smiled.

"Hey, you guys... since you have said so," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, just about to make a decision. Xia Luo next to her suddenly called out.

"Hey, wait a minute! Why don't you ask my opinion?" Xia Luo said depressed. "I think it's good to ride a carriage, although I can also ride a horse. But it really doesn't suit me, so..."

"Ahem, okay, since everyone has decided, then don't ride a carriage and ride to the Gels Mountains..." Mu Xiaoxiao made his decision.

"Hey wait! Little!" Xia Luo exclaimed annoyed. "Why don't you listen to me? Will you exclude me?" Xia Luo snorted, "I don't want to ride a horse anyway. It's not elegant at all..."

"...Elegant? Are you Shi Chen?" Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless, reaching out and flicking her forehead.

"Ah!" Xia Luo covered her head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao dimly with tears in her eyes.

"Riding a horse! That's the decision!" Seeing Xia Luo's aggrieved expression, Mu Xiaoxiao sighed deeply and stroked her long hair, "Let's do it..."


Liang Xinwu and others at the city gate waited for a while, only to see Mu Xiaoxiao and the others appearing in the line of sight, they were immediately taken aback.

Qisala rides a horse with Wendy, Dinessa sits with Qiong, Sakuya sits with Aisha and Elaine, and finally Mu Xiaoxiao and Xia Luo ride together. Immediately, Xia Luo, who was hugged by Mu Xiaoxiao from behind, also blushed a little, and she had no objection, which was still quite complaining.

Well, this feeling is pretty good, especially with the sour eyes behind them, Aisha and Wendy Qiong actually want to ride a horse with Mu Xiaoxiao, but in order to appease Xia Luo, Mu Xiaoxiao Finally sat with Sha Luo.

"Xiao Xiao, you are finally here," Liang Xinwu said with a weird expression, stepping forward.

"Well, it's almost right," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, jumped off from the horse, and then turned to look at the people who were walking with him temporarily. For a moment, most of them were familiar faces, from Guangming Vatican. Antonio, the eighth-order thunder mage named Xiao Yu encountered in the Undead Summoner incident last time.

And the team of elves and girls, and Qin Hao, who had touched a little bit in Qingxianglou last time. In addition, a man whose face was full of the scent of evil birds, his eyes swept back and forth on Sakuya and the others. Then he said abruptly, "Liang Xinwu, this is the person we are waiting for? It seems that they are not in the plan, right?"

"This is my own decision, do you have any comments? Shangguan Yan?" Liang Xinwu's face was cold.

"Even if you are the team leader, you can't change your strategy like this, right?" Shangguanyan glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao contemptuously, "Not only that, but let us wait for them here for so long. Is he a member of a family? ?"

"No, I'm just a civilian," Mu Xiaoxiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled faintly.

"Oh? Common people?" Shangguanyan sneered when he heard this. "If this is the case, it must be just a dragging waste, right? I don't even know what we are doing? Now, do you know where we are going? But we are going to a dead place in the Gorse Mountains. Maybe we will die there by accident. We will not bear any responsibility..."


"Did I make a mistake?" Shangguanyan saw Liang Xinwu yelling out with a gloomy face, still unmoved, "If there is any accident at that time, then... uh... .."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Mu Xiaoxiao's body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards him. Shangguanyan's pupils shrank, and a quarrel instantly condensed around the body to form a translucent barrier, but it made everyone What was shocking with his wide eyes was that Mu Xiaoxiao just stretched out his hand gently and shattered this vindictive barrier.

"Zizzi..." The dragonfly cut across his neck, making a "Zizzi" sound, and the blue arc flickered. Shangguanyan's body was stiff and he didn't dare to move, his forehead A drop of sweat oozes out, and I haven't even reacted to it. What's the situation? How can it be...

Antonio, who had been calm as before, not only shrank his pupils, but frowned deeply. He looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, Xiao Yu also raised his eyebrows, and looked at the arc cut by the dragonfly Mu Xiaoxiao with interest. There were bright colors in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and Qin Hao's eyes were also shining with bursts of light.

"You..." At this very life-threatening moment, Shangguan Yan was speechless, opened his mouth, and his face was very pale. Not only that, but the women on the opposite side also exuded some terror. The breath of locked himself and made his tongue freeze.

"First, I don't intend to go with you, but just take the road temporarily," Mu Xiaoxiao said in a voice, looking at him with a faint smile on his face, "So don't make a mistake... .. Second, I didn’t let you wait for me here, as if you were going to leave, and my life and death had nothing to do with you. You don’t have to wait until that time, you can kill me now, if you If you can do it..." Mu Xiaoxiao said with a gloomy face.

"Guru..." Shangguanyan swallowed, his body stiff.

"Third..." As he said, Mu Xiaoxiao regained a sunny and kind smile, "You have been here for a long time and it is very noisy. If you bother me, don't blame me. You're welcome, it's easy to kill you...understand?!"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and Shangguan Yan nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice. He didn't dare to say anything. He was relieved when he saw Mu Xiaoxiao retracted the silver gun. (To be continued)



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