Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 511: Can't get out

Goers Mountains...

"Huh...huh..." A woman in a black mage robe was walking through the woods. She had already ran for a certain distance, but watched as she was chasing after her and flying in the air. One of the evil and enchanted men in, couldn't help gritting his teeth. It has been a long time. Since the ruin was discovered by accident before, the guy behind him has been chasing him.

The woman was running and clutching her arm. The black robe was soaked with blood seeping out, but she didn't care much, because the wound on her arm fully recovered after a while and saw this scene. , The evil youth behind him became more interested, and speeded up again.

He came to the woman's body in an instant, waved her hand, and the magic power in her hand poured out and blasted towards the woman. A big sword made of blood appeared in the hand of the black-robed woman, blocking her in front of her, and at the same time she waved it fiercely. The magic was broken, but his robes had been torn, revealing a slightly stunned exquisite face and a black leather armor on his body.

It was Mu Xinyi impressively.

"Oh? It looks good," the evil charm young man touched his chin, the wings disappeared behind him, and fell in front of Mu Xinyi. He looked at her up and down and nodded at the same time, "It's really good. As far as humans are concerned..."

"What do you want to do?" Mu Xinyi looked at him vigilantly, her body tight, as if the opponent would start a counterattack whenever there was any movement.

"Don't be so nervous, my name is Charles, I just want to know. Why do you have the breath of an adult?" The evil young man Charles looked at Mu Xinyi inquiringly. "Could it be that you have something to do with adults? Or that you have been in contact with..."

"My lord?" Mu Xinyi was taken aback. Then his brows tightened, "You should be a devil? Then the adult you are talking about is also a devil?"

"Yes, demon? No, no, no, Angel is a demon king, a great demon, not comparable to those inferior demons," Charles's mouth curled up, "Who are you? What does it have to do with Angela? "

"I don't know what Angel you said...huh. It's ironic, a demon actually took the name of an angel..." Mu Xinyi said lightly, still not relaxing.

"Don't know?" Charles was stunned. The proficient person could see that Mu Xinyi didn't lie. She was secretly strange, lowered her head and thought, "Weird...If that's the case, why are you on your body... .." After thinking for a while, he didn't think of any clues before he shook his head, "In this case, would you like to be my servant?"

"What?!" Mu Xinyi was stunned.

"Since you know that I am a demon. Then you should know that I can give you supreme power." Charles smiled slightly, "I can see that your heart is full of hatred, don't forget the devil. It's the creature that can see through people's hearts best! Although you don't know the reason for your hatred, you don't have the power to revenge right now, right?"

"..." Mu Xinyi was stunned.

"And you don't look like a person who hates demons, different from those hypocrites in the God Realm," said Charles, with a wave of his hand, and a black book appeared in front of him, full of black and unknown. Breath, "This is my demon contract. As long as you step forward and sign the contract, give your soul and everything, I will give you the power to revenge! How?"

"..." Mu Xinyi hesitated, and at the same time, undeniably heartbeat, signed a contract with the devil? Indeed, she has already put revenge in the first place, as long as she can get revenge...

"Sign a contract with me and become my servant, then I will give you supreme power," Charles is tempting, "In this way, all hatred can be ended..."

"...Become a servant of the devil...revenge..." Mu Xinyi gritted her teeth, and when she heard Charles's words, her heart was moved, just when she was about to agree. ......


In the distance, there was an explosion and a crashing sound, and at the same time a huge dark energy burst out suddenly, and then slowly disappeared, and Charles's pupils in front of him shrank, "This is... the magic cave Damn it! Has anyone ruined my magic den?! Can’t forgive me!”

Charles's calm expression changed drastically, his handsome face no longer existed, replaced by a face twisted together because of endless anger, he can no longer take care of the prey in front of the temptation, spread his wings and'brush' He flew into the sky at once, flew towards the demon ruins, and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

"..." Only Mu Xinyi stood alone in the woods for a long time before she woke up, frowned, hesitated, and ran towards the direction of the ruins.


"Passage?!" Mu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide and looked at the woman who slowly sat up from the crystal coffin. The woman was wearing a silver armor. She looked very handsome, with long silver hair. At a glance, he knew that the heroic appearance was extraordinary, but Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't take care of that much at this time.

"Are you trying to say that the strange stone just now is a way to leave? And where is this place? Who are you? What does it have to do with the devil? Why is it frozen in here?" Mu Xiao Xiao Yi asked several questions in a row, and he was a little panicked.

"You have so many questions, so I don't know which one to answer..."

"It's okay. It's okay to answer one by one. Anyway, we have time." This is, Xi Qiong next to him walked up, looked at the woman in front of him faintly, and asked, "So first of all, who are you?"

"...I don't know," the woman thought for a while, then shook her head.

"I don't know?" Xi Qiong raised her brows, "Then why are you frozen here? Are you not the devil's companion?"

"Devil?" The woman frowned, "I don't know why it's frozen here...I don't know."

"...Where is this place? You always know, right?"

"Sorry," the woman shook her head, "I only know that this is a closed subspace, and basically I don't know anything else..."

"Huh? You don't know anything, are you kidding us?" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but glared at her.

"No way, I seem to have lost most of my memory when I just woke up. Let alone where it is, I can't even remember my own affairs." The woman touched her forehead, and then looked up. He said to Mu Xiaoxiao, "So even if you ask me, I feel powerless..."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao's face went dark.

"But I remember one thing, that is, if you want to leave this space, you have to use the only channel, that is, the Heavenly Devil Stone that was specifically used to seal me."

"The Demon Stone?" Xi Qiong blinked, "You mean a legendary gem in the Demon Realm. The rumored Demon Stone possesses powerful power. Except for the Demon Realm, if it is on other material planes, It will cause a huge disaster...that was the devil stone just now?"


"Wait, how did you know Xi Qiong so clearly?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Xi Qiong reluctantly, "It feels like we have a generation gap in an instant..."

"Of course it's this." Xi Qiong shook the book in her hand, and Mu Xiaoxiao came up with the [Heroic Biography-Shenfeng] she was holding.

"...Is this a book from Sister Wu? Heroic Kamikaze? The one who defeated the army of the demons in the rumor? Cut," Mu Xiaoxiao pouted, "What do you admire for this kind of guy? There will be several heroes in each era. This is an eternal He just happened to be in an era that suits him. Anyway, for heroes and other characters, I am completely Sneer."

"In the final analysis, even if he does not stand up and become a hero, there will be other people who will stand up and take the path of a hero, because human beings are such creatures," Mu Xiaoshu sighed involuntarily, "he chose. He became a hero instead of a hero who chose him. Well, you may not understand it. What I want to say is very simple, that is, if you want, everyone can become a hero... I don’t know if you understand. No......"

Upon hearing this, both the silver-haired woman and Sonia couldn't help but glance at Mu Xiaoxiao, a ray of light flashed through their eyes, as for Xiqiong...

"When did I say I adore him? It's just a simple look, Xiaoxiao, are you jealous?" Xi Qiong looked at Mu Xiaoxiao strangely and asked.

"...It's so noisy! It's not the time to talk about this!" Mu Xiaoxiao blushed, "Don't make a difference! Think about how to leave is the right thing!" (To be continued! ...)



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