Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 512: Xiqiong's approach

"No way," the silver-haired woman shook her head. "Although I have forgotten what this space is, it is certain that this is a subspace. There are two ways to leave. The first is to rely on The space channel that has been established, the second is that the strength is at least the primary level of a god, and it can be solved directly with violence, otherwise...Even people with space magic can't enter here."

"From God?"

"It's the level of strength," the woman sighed, "That's still too far away from you. Anyway, it's basically impossible for you now, and the space-time channel is built by two heavenly magic stones. The passage, after you destroy one of them and wait for one piece, the other one over there must have disappeared, and the space-time passage no longer exists."

"...Are you trying to say that there is no way to go out now?" Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the ground weakly.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, yes," the silver-haired woman gave a cruel answer, "but even if the passage is not destroyed by you, you can't leave it here. The passage is set up by the devil, which means it must It takes the power of the devil to open the passage of time and space. Even if it is not destroyed, you will not be able to open it."

"...In this case, it's not my reason for us to be locked up here! I don't need to hold back!" Mu Xiaoxiao immediately threw the pot when she heard this.



Mu Xiaoxiao lay on the ground alone, looking at the sky blankly, while Xi Qiong sat beside him looking at the biography in his hand. And Sonya has already ran into the real red. The temperature outside made her a little unbearable. As for the silver-haired woman, she is walking around, trying to find things related to her, hoping that she can restore her memory.

"Xi Qiong, are you not worried?" Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao asked, tilting his head and looking at Xi Qiong beside him.

"worry about what?"

"Being locked up in this place... Maybe we will stay here for the rest of our lives..." Mu Xiaoxiao said disappointedly.


"And I summoned you, that is to say, I indirectly hurt you. You are not angry at all...Hey, did you hear what I said? Don't look!" See Xi Qiong kept staring at the biography in his hand, and Mu Xiaoxiao pouted, "Is it that good-looking..."

"Hey," Xi Qiong put down the book in her hand and turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, "Why do you think that? Actually, I don't mean to be angry at all... and, to be honest, even if I stay here for a lifetime, It feels good too..." Said Xi Qiong glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Although it is not often revealed. But Xi Qiong liked this kind of life, and she was with Mu Xiaoxiao. Living an ordinary life, there is no meaning in the outside fights, conspiracies, and mainland hegemony. It is better to be as far away as possible from us. To be precise, Xi Qiong is not a person who worships heroes.

This is what she understood from the biography of this hero named Kamikaze during this period of time. She has respect for this hero who saves the world, but it is only respect. Just like Xiaoxiao said before, everyone can become A hero, even if you help a person in need on the street, then you are a hero to the person in need.

Xi Qiong can respect the gods who saved the world, and also respect you for helping ordinary people. For her, there is no difference between the two. The words in the previous Mu Xiao Novels, the smart Xi Qiong naturally understood the deeper meaning in an instant, that is, human beings do not have to live by heroes.

Even if Kamikaze did not stand up and become a hero, someone would always stand up. Humans are such creatures. The reason why she read this biography is only because she simply likes books and she wants to know some knowledge about the world. ......

Therefore, in Xi Qiong’s thoughts, it doesn’t matter if Mu Xiaoxiao does not become a hero respected by thousands of people. To do something in this world, Xi Qiong doesn’t care about fame and fortune at all, just being an ordinary person. People, in this place, and herself...but she knows that this is impossible, and it must be very unfair to Qishi Black Rabbit and the others, right? Because Xi Qiong understands that they are not losing to Mu Xiaoxiao...

What's more, the current situation is far more than two Qishi black rabbits...

"It's... the sweetheart..." Xi Qiong couldn't help muttering softly.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked, then turned to look at Xi Qiong, "And why do you feel good about Xi Qiong? If you really stay here for the rest of your life, I wouldn't even dare Thinking... will definitely go crazy!" Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head weakly and collapsed to the ground.


After a few rolls on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered something, "Hey, system, I just heard what the strange woman said from seems that there are still a lot of levels behind... .... Now there is no way to help them improve their strength...Although Dinessa Black Rabbit and others are very good at present, but in the future..."

"The system, is there no way to help them improve their strength?"

"Yes," the system sounded from the mechanical sound that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, "the host can use advanced stones for them to improve their strength."

"Advanced stone?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback.

"Yes, after using the advanced stone, they can have the ability to obtain experience points to upgrade. The source of experience points is not simply obtained by killing monsters, but through three methods: Dragon Quest, dungeon, and training ground. In addition, the host cannot use stepping stones."

"Damn, you didn't say this earlier," Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless, "Where is this advanced stone? Why can't I find it?" Mu Xiaoxiao had opened the system interface and searched for it.

"The stepping stone is a special item and cannot be purchased. In order to avoid the host from complaining again, let's say it first..."

"Damn! Special props? Wouldn't it be so difficult to get it?"

"It won't be difficult. There are not many special items in the system. If you use special item cards, you have a chance to get them."

"Yes, after all, the special item card must get special items. It's not as bad as a lottery... By the way, is it time to discuss this?" Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, crying without tears, "Can you even I'm not sure about going out yet..." Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao looked sad.

"Xiao Xiao, are you okay?" Xi Qiong, who was next to him, saw Mu Xiaoxiao's face changeable, gloomy for a while and sunny, worried whether he was too irritated and went crazy, "If you really want to go out. , I have a good idea..."

"A good idea?!" Mu Xiaoxiao was nervous, and turned to look at Xi Qiong, "Xi Qiong, do you really have a way?!"

"Hmm...Did you forget how I got here?"

"Hey? Portal... But, UU Reading Portal can only be one-way..."

"The portal is indeed only one-way, but have you forgotten something?" Xi Qiong reminded.

"Forget...I rely on it!" Mu Xiaoxiao clapped his palms and shouted, "Transportation Array! Teleportation Array is two-way! Just use Teleportation Array! You can..."

"Yes, you can leave using the teleportation array," Xi Qiong nodded, "Just create a base here, and then build the teleportation array..."

"Then you can go back to our base directly!" Mu Xiaoxiao clapped her palms, "Since it is closed, the passage has been destroyed! It is suitable to be used as a secret base! And I have a base core in my hand. Dragon Soul... Damn! I didn't expect it! Xi Qiong! You are my gospel! Thank you so much!"

Shouting, Mu Xiaoxiao rushed over and hugged Xi Qiong. (To be continued...)



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