Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 870 The moonlight is beautiful

Unlike the Nieto in the lower city, the "Nieto" in the upper city uses very standard Chinese, so Thirty-Three can also understand what it says.

Thirty-three took two seconds to react, and whispered in surprise: "This guy...can she speak Chinese?"

"No matter what language it speaks, there's nothing surprising." Ke Lan said solemnly, "We just need to ignore it."

"I know..." Thirty-three curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Not to mention Nieto on this level, even if it's the one on the next level, I don't believe what she says..."

What Ke Lan saw was Nieto, an intelligent biological computer with the appearance of a beautiful girl with long black hair, while what Thirty-three saw was a squirming mass of rotten flesh... From the very beginning, Thirty-three had a crush on Nieto. He was extremely vigilant, and it was impossible for him to believe that Nieto would help him. In his opinion, the reason why Nieto in Xiacheng District was willing to reveal that information to himself and Ke Lan was probably because he wanted to use them to achieve some goals. The relationship between them and Nieto was just about mutual use, and it was not possible at all. It's the same front.

There is no such thing as trust from the beginning.

If necessary, they can betray Nieto on the second level at any time. At the same time, they also believe that once they lose their use value, Nieto will betray them mercilessly.

But in the next second, Thirty-three's expression suddenly changed.

Because there were some subtle changes in the female voice he heard.

"We've come to this point, and you still don't want to believe me...?"

"This... this voice?!" Thirty-three's eyes suddenly widened, and he asked somewhat incoherently, "Ke, Ke Lan, did you hear what she just said?"

"I heard it." Ke Lan glanced at Thirty-Three with some confusion, not understanding why Thirty-Three's expression had changed so much in such a short period of time when he had just looked disdainful.

"What did she say? Please repeat it quickly!" Thirty-three said urgently.

"It says: 'You don't believe me, do you?'"


"What's wrong? Isn't that what you heard..." Ke Lan frowned slightly.

"No...but the meaning is close, but...but that sentence is exactly the same as that time..." A look of pain appeared on Thirty-three's face, "As for the tone and intonation, have there been any changes from the beginning? ."

"No." Ke Lan shook his head, "What did it say to you?"

"It's already reached this point, and you still don't want to believe me... you still don't want to believe me." Thirty-three shook his head in disbelief, "It's exactly the same."

"What exactly?"

"The timbre, tone, and intonation are exactly the same, and even the sentences themselves are word for word." Thirty-three whispered, "Eleven years ago, a person said such a sentence to me..."

"Has it read your memory?" Ke Lan suddenly felt wary... If the opponent really had this ability, it would be more difficult... In front of such an opponent, he would have no secrets at all. , this feeling of having someone see through your underwear is extremely uncomfortable.

The first time Ke Lan was "mind-read" was deep in the "Sick Village". Fortunately, Chiron was not his enemy at that time... Then came Zeluo and Valentina. These two people were even more worthy of Ke Lan. Someone you trust...but Nieto is different.

"No...I should have forgotten this memory...but now, I have remembered it all." Thirty-three clenched his fists and narrated in a low voice, "Her name is Tina, and she said this to me. The name of the person who said this is Tina."

"Tina?" Ke Lan relied on his amazing memory to review Thirty-Three's files, and then tentatively asked, "It's Second Lieutenant Tina... Lawrence? When you were serving in the 4th Armored Group, you spent three months in her team."

"Yes, it's her." Thirty-three whispered, "Speaking of which, I'm not afraid of your jokes. The first time I saw her, I liked... no, I should have fallen in love with her. Even though I was working in the field at that time The legion prohibits officers and soldiers below the school level from falling in love with people in the army during their service, but in fact, very few people abide by that rule... In the flames of war, not only brotherhood is born, but also love... In the first few years after Ark landed on Alpha Planet, due to excessive losses of male soldiers, the Field Corps had to recruit a large number of female soldiers to fill the vacancies. The ratio of male soldiers to female soldiers once reached one to one...until New Era 944 Ten years later, all the female soldiers who joined the army were approaching retirement age, and the proportion of female soldiers in the army was decreasing year by year."

"I know." Ke Lan nodded. Even now, there are still about 25% female soldiers in the field corps. Although most of them are engaged in logistics or clerical work, this proportion is still higher than that of other countries in the old era. The proportion of female soldiers in the military is much higher.

It is not uncommon for male and female officers and soldiers to fall in love in the army. After all, the normal retirement age without special circumstances (such as disability, etc.) is over 40 years old. Not everyone will get married before joining the army. If you want to Naturally, the only way to solve the problem of being single is in the army... As for the rule that prohibits officers and soldiers below the school level from falling in love, it is actually just a piece of paper.

Especially for female officers and soldiers, this age happens to be the best years of their lives. It is almost impossible for them to wait until they are forty years old to find their significant other.

Except for one type of force, that is, the special forces that perform the most difficult tasks and have the highest sacrifice rate. The "First Mobile Group of the Fourth Armored Group" to which Sanshisan and Tina belong is one such special force.

This does not mean that officers and soldiers of the special forces are strictly prohibited from falling in love - they can do so, but not with people in their own team... because there have been precedents for this kind of thing. Couples are unwilling to abandon each other, which ultimately leads to the failure of the mission. The entire army was wiped out... For this kind of special forces, the mission is the first priority, and reason must override emotions... For the commander, what he needs is a group of emotionless fighting machines, not A group of ordinary people who are stymied by the love between their children.

"Within a month, I established a relationship with her... but no one in the First Mobile Group knew about our relationship, because we never appeared to be too close in front of others, or even interacted too much. "Thirty-three continued, "Until now, I'm not sure whether it's because of love...or simply because I need a woman to give me physical comfort..."

"This is normal. The officers and soldiers in the front-line combat troops are under a lot of mental pressure. In order to relieve this mental pressure, they will choose some relatively ordinary methods... maybe she just wants to vent?" Ke Lanshun He continued as Thirty-Three said.

Ke Lan knew very well that this incident was most likely caused by Thirty-three's psychological shadow - the first mobile team of the 4th Armored Battalion was severely damaged during the last mission. Thirty-seven people in the team, including team leader Tina Thirty-four people including Lawrence were killed, and only three survived. Thirty-three was one of the three who survived.

Subsequently, the designation of the First Mobile Group of the 4th Armored Group was cancelled, and Thirty-Third was incorporated into the later "Velociraptor Team" after recovering from his injuries.

He should have witnessed the death of Tina Lawrence with his own eyes... and the reason why Nieto imitated what Tina Lawrence said to him was most likely to break through Thirty-Three's psychological defenses.

"That was the last thing she said to me." Thirty-three's voice became deeper and deeper. "At that time, we were already in a desperate situation. Half of us were dead, and almost everyone in the remaining half was dead." Wounded, there are no friendly units nearby that can be contacted, and the only vehicles that can still be driven are a six-wheeled armored off-road vehicle and a walker mecha... And under the high ground where we are stationed, An enemy a thousand times more powerful than us."

"That Walker was driven by Second Lieutenant Tina?" Although Ke Lan only glanced at Tina's file, he clearly remembered that Tina's position in the army was a tactical mecha pilot. The equipment configuration of the First Mobile Group does include four old model Walker mechas.

"Yes... At that time, we had been fighting hard for three days and three nights, and were about to run out of ammunition and food." Thirty-three recalled, "I remember that Tina's command error directly led to the death of the 'Black Bear' and 'Tree Tree'. She and I had more than one quarrel between battles because of the loss of three walkers from Demon and Snowstorm..."

Ke Lan did not interrupt Thirty-three and asked him to continue: "But now that I think about it, maybe I wouldn't be able to do better than her... Everyone hasn't slept for three days. It's all because of I would take stimulants to hold on, and when the effects of the stimulants were over and the side effects and strong drowsiness came over, I would take another injection with a larger dose... In that case, I was still asking for her command. Any deviation…”

"Things have happened. It's not your fault." Ke Lan patted Sansan San's shoulder, "You're just too anxious."

"She ordered us to abandon our position, but I yelled at her. I told her that as soon as our heavy firepower stopped, the indigenous creatures gathered at the bottom of the steep slope would climb up on the corpses of their own kind and tear us apart. "Fragments, we don't have time to retreat at all..." Thirty-three paused, "Then, she told me that she would be responsible for breaking up the rear, and let me take the remaining people away."

"..." Ke Lan pursed his lips. In fact, before Thirty-three said it, he had roughly guessed the development of the matter.

"I was stunned for a while, and then she said this to me." Thirty-three took off the breathing mask, rubbed his face vigorously, took several deep breaths, and then allowed his tone to be exhausted. Possibly remained calm, "That... was also the last thing she said to me."

"I know that Tina is... a very important person to you, but I still have to tell you that the Tina Lawrence you knew has died." Ke Lan looked directly at Thirty-Three and said, "Now This guy imitating her voice, tone and lines is just a jerk trying to play with your emotions, it's also extremely disrespectful to the dead Ensign Tina, no matter what it says, ignore it it."

"I know... I know..." Thirty-three nodded numbly, "Just when I was telling you these things, Tina... no, that guy named 'Nieto', she has been with me I imitated Tina’s voice and talked to me in my ear, and she said all the things Tina had said to me before.”

"It seems that it has chosen you as a breakthrough point." Ke Lan said solemnly... This is a method of attacking the mind, but it will not have any effect on Ke Lan. As a "symbiote", he , only a series of false memories. After knowing that his previous memories were artificially implanted by the undead crew, Ke Lan had no feeling about those memories. Looking back, it was like watching a movie where the protagonist and himself grew up. It's just like a movie. As for those people Ke Lan cares about, if Nieto imitates the voices of Zofia or Hound and talks to him, he will never believe it - first of all, Zofia and the others are still alive, and Ke Lan does not exist at all. What is "difficult to calm down"? Secondly, reason will tell Ke Lan that there is no way they can appear in this place. What he hears, sees and even touches may be just hallucinations.

"I think so...but..." Thirty-three suddenly paused when he said this. Then, he actually raised his head and looked towards the dome——

Soon enough, Ke Lan struck Thirty-san directly on the shoulder with a hand knife, then suppressed him to the floor with a standard grappling movement, and pressed his face tightly with the other hand. on the floor.

"What's going on?!" Thirty-three who was attacked did not speak first, but the "attacker" Ke Lan asked.

"She...she told me...the moonlight is beautiful...let me...look up." Thirty-three said with some difficulty, "Tina...also told me...this sentence... …When we first… secretly dated…”

"The moonlight is beautiful" comes from an allusion by the Japanese writer Natsume Soseki in the old era. It is used to implicitly express the meaning of "I love you"... But now people on the Ark should not say this "the moonlight is beautiful". Many people have never even heard of the name Natsume Soseki... This kind of expression can only be used by some niche literary and artistic youths.

"Be awake...the sky above Alpha Star is filled with radiation clouds. You can't see the moon at all at night. You can only see two blurry shadows, emitting a faint light behind the clouds." Ke Lan said in a loud voice, "It's just I just want to trick you into looking up!"

[P.S. I don’t know if you have noticed a detail. When Ke Lan mentioned Nieto, he used “it” as the pronoun, but Nieto in Thirty-Three’s mouth used “she”. Please Analyze the role of this point in the text (reading comprehension question, 10 points). 】

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