Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 871 Temptation

"You don't believe me either, right?" The female voice that Ke Lan heard finally changed somewhat... But what surprised Ke Lan was that the voice she heard was not the Zofia Soma he expected. Instead, her voice became that of Aphdirota, the sixth "lover" of the Immortal Crew.

"Why should I believe it?" Ke Lan sneered.

"Didn't you go through all the trouble to come here to seek the truth?" said the voice. "Now the truth you want to know is drawn on this dome. As long as you raise your head, you can see it."

"A cheap trick." Ke Lan said disdainfully and spat on the ground. "Aren't you telling me this just to trick me into looking up at the dome? If you sincerely want to tell me the truth, then Why bother?"

"To search for the truth, you must pay a price. Do you know that there was a thinker called 'Confucius' during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in ancient China? He once said, 'He who hears the Tao in the morning will die at night'... and the fate of this universe Compared with the truth, human life is too short and insignificant... You only need a simple action to touch the supreme truth. Compared with this, life is insignificant."

The other party suddenly changed the subject: "Or are you afraid of death, and would rather live in the world, spending this short life in ignorance, ignorance and ordinaryness? No, you should not be that kind of person... If you are, you I wouldn’t come to this place.”

"Is there a possibility that I had no choice but to plunge into this poor place?" Ke Lan suddenly laughed, "There was once a person who used similar conditions to seduce me... what kind of body Eternal life, endless knowledge, the truth of the universe... He has several more chips than you, do you know what his final outcome will be?"

"You cut off his head." The other person said calmly.

"It seems you can really read my memory..." Ke Lan flattened his mouth. He didn't say who the person he mentioned was the whole time, but based on this little information, the manager of Shangcheng District He had already guessed that he was referring to the "prophet" of the heretical sect.

"Since you know," Ke Lan continued, "then you know that this kind of temptation is of no use to me... That person talked for so long, but in the end he couldn't even save his own life, let alone the truth of the universe, even Even physical immortality is impossible, do you think I would still believe this?"

"What he told you is just a blank check. It's not trustworthy even if he can't do it himself." The voice said, "But I'm different. I've already put what you want in your life." In front of you, all you need to do is raise your head."

"Since you have put what I want in front of me, can you please be a good person and go to the end, send the Buddha to the west... take off the things on top... and put them in front of me in a real sense Huh? My cervical spine is not very good and I can't lift my head up." Since the other party insisted, Ke Lan simply started rolling around... Judging from the current situation, the managers of this uptown area should not be able to force them to look up at the dome. Otherwise, it wouldn't have had to change its voice and use all its words to trick He Ke Lan and San San San.

At least, for now, it is unable to interfere with the two of them through physical means... As for the direction in which things will develop next, Ke Lan can only take one step at a time.

Although he is still wary of "Nieto", the manager of the Lower City District, it does not mean that he does not believe what the other party says... Stability does not mean coward... What's more, this "Nieto" of the Upper City District If you want to look up at the dome in such a hurry, there must be a big problem.

"Do you know why that person told you that as long as you join the heretical sect, you can have those things?" Seeing Ke Lan's indifference, "Nieto" immediately changed the subject and began to talk about the person who had already The prophet beheaded by Ke Lan.

"You said, I'm listening. As for whether you believe it or not, that's my own business." Ke Lan said while checking Thirty-three's condition - Thirty-three had calmed down at this time, with only the heartbeat and The breathing rate is slightly faster. Ke Lan knew that when this "Nieto" communicated with him, he must also say something in Thirty-three's ears that only he could hear. However, when the "big move" of "The moonlight is beautiful" was used by Ke Lan, After Lan interrupted, no matter how much he said, it might not be as lethal as the previous two sentences. Thirty-three, who was almost fooled, was already on guard.

The two king bombers at the beginning had no success, and the subsequent three-on-three attacks were naturally unable to break through Thirty-Three's defense.

However, just to be on the safe side, Ke Lan took out a tranquilizer from the first aid kit and injected it into Thirty-Three.

"How's it going? Are you okay now?" Ke Lan asked in a low voice.

"It's... not bad." Thirty-three nodded, "Sorry, I just..."

"It's okay. From now on, you just need to remember one thing. No matter what happens, no matter what the voice says to you, don't look up." Ke Lan ordered, "As long as we don't look up ourselves , that voice can’t do anything to us.”

While Ke Lan was talking to Thirty-three, the voice of the uptown manager "Nieto" was still reaching his ears: "Are you really not curious about what happened to that person? "

"I'm not curious." Ke Lan said expressionlessly, "He is already dead. What does his past have to do with me?"

"You should know very well that you and he are the same kind of people... the plot that happened to him will probably happen again to you."

"Believe it or not, I'm suing you for defamation... Comparing me to that bastard is the biggest insult to me." Ke Lan didn't raise his head, but raised his right hand and made a sign to the dome. "International friendly gesture", "At least I won't be like that bastard and don't take human life seriously."

"It's just that you haven't reached the point where a single choice will lead to the loss of tens of millions of lives... The more you experience that kind of thing, the more you will feel numb to the loss of life." The other party said, "How ignorant are human beings? Creatures, only individuals who have touched the truth are worthy of survival... As for other people, what is the meaning of their short decades of life? In the thousands of years of human civilization, countless people have been born in this world , live a long or short life, and then there ever any meaning?"

"Because you can't defeat me, you started to use sophistry, right?" Ke Lan raised his other hand and raised his second middle finger, "Your rhetoric may be able to impress those guys from the Undead Crew Association. , but to me, it’s useless.”

"Then you should know that that person is a symbiote just like you... This is your biggest similarity: you have cultivated so many symbiotes, and the only two individuals that can survive stably for a long time are You two."

"The same people are divided into great men, saints and scum... Do you think a person with a normal mind would classify those great men who have left their names in history and the notorious scum into the same category? Let alone categorization. , even mentioning it together will make people feel bad..." Ke Lan put down his hands, helped Sanshisan up from the ground, and walked towards the door of the garbage treatment plant.

"If you are unwilling to tell me the so-called truth directly, but insist on me to see some broken dome, then forgive me for not accompanying you...I will find out what I want to know myself, so don't bother me. You." Ke Lan said to himself, "Oh, by the way, although you are the manager of Shangcheng District, I think you have lost control of Shangcheng District, right? Even the one with the same name as you in Lower City District Everyone can force me out of this hive city, but you can only keep hiding in a corner and talking, trying your best to make me raise my head... Isn't it that you only have one mouth left? "

"You have such a venomous mouth." Thirty-three twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's full of sarcasm..."

"It won't care about this." Ke Lan let out a long breath, "I'm not trying to ridicule it, I just want to make myself happy..."

"That's right, I don't feel offended. As a being who has been fortunate enough to touch the truth of the universe, how can I have emotional fluctuations because of human words?"

Before the voice could finish speaking, Ke Lan interrupted it: "Do you know there is a saying on the human Internet? It's called 'Be serious and you will lose'... If you don't respond to me, then I can basically I'm sure you really ignored my sarcasm... But you have to explain this. Don't you think it's a bit cover-up? Or... are you deliberately suppressing your anger? But then again, the intelligent biocomputer's Does AI really have emotions?”

"..." It seemed that he could not refute Ke Lan's words. This time, the other party actually remained silent.

"Are you really an AI? Or a nest resident swallowed by disaster?" Ke Lan asked.

"I used to be, but now, after bringing together the thinking consciousness of everyone in the entire upper city of the hive city, I have become a higher form of life form... The computing power of human brains is far less than mine, why do you Do you think that I can’t have the emotions that humans can have?”

"Then you just admit that you were really angry at what I said just now?"

"There is no point in arguing about such trivial matters... Since you don't agree that that person is the same as you, I won't force you. But there is one thing you are lying... You care about what that person has experienced in the past. , care very much.”

"So what? Do you know?" Ke Lan put his hands behind his head, bowed his head slightly, and stared at his toes that were moving forward. "You should have the ability to read our memories, right? Even I can How can you know what you don't know? Or, you can see those things... hidden in the fog."

This is like Ze Luo's "sense of immediate sight". Through the "sense of immediate sight", Ke Lan and Sansan can only see things that the residents of the nest city saw back then... The same goes for Nieto. "The only things that can be stolen from their memories are things they have seen or experienced before. If those things didn't exist in their memories at all, how could it be stolen?

The only thing that makes Ke Lan a little worried is the memory fragments sealed in the depths of his mind...those things shrouded in fog...but Ke Lan's subconscious keeps telling him that those memory fragments have not been stolen by "anyone" Moved.

If the memory fragments are read, whether it is unlocked by Ke Lan himself or "stolen" by other consciousnesses, he will have a subtle feeling, but this feeling has been there since he entered the third level of the hive city. It had never appeared before, and he was basically certain that "Nieto" should not be able to see those sealed memory fragments.

"Of course I know what that person has experienced, because he has also been here." The other party said unhurriedly.

"Has the Prophet been here too... This is nothing to be surprised about. After all, he can also read the alpha civilization's text, and has explored so many ruins with the help of the heretical sect. It is entirely possible to follow the clues and find this place." Ke Lan rubbed his chin... It had been almost a week since he had washed his hands properly. The originally short stubble on his chin had now grown to half a centimeter long. Ke Lan thought about it and raised his fingernails. A thin layer of space blades immediately appeared on the front end of his body, and his beard was completely shaved off in a few swipes.

Although Ze Luo's space power is blocked and cannot be released outside the body, it is still no problem to attach it to Ke Lan's fingertips and use it to shave his beard.

"Did the prophet look up at the dome?"

"He saw it, so he felt that... human life is meaningless, and if you want to pursue the truth, you must give it up..."

"Wait a minute." Ke Lan interrupted the other party again, "Since he has seen it, why is he still pulling his hips like that? Not only was the ark built by ignorant humans not destroyed, but it was chopped off by me. If you kill your head... According to that, the thing on the dome... shouldn't be of any use, right?"

"It is difficult for me to describe the truth of the universe to you in words... The language of human civilization is too low-level, and the amount of information contained in a sentence is like a drop in the ocean in front of the truth of the universe..."

"What about Alpha Civilization's language? It's also not qualified?" Ke Lan asked tentatively.

The language of Alpha Civilization is a leap forward compared to human language - if human language is compared to a 3.5-inch floppy disk that can only store text documents, then the language of Alpha Civilization has a capacity of just a few hundred. TB super mobile hard drive. The gap between the two is extremely huge.

"That language... also doesn't work."

"Then since the truth of the universe cannot be described in words, then 'disaster' should be able to, right? The guy on the second floor refused to tell me what happened in this hive... But I think you don't have this kind of Restricted, right?”

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