Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 874 Bloody Game

The hem of this male young man's clothes, pants and boots were all splattered with mud spots. The dark brown stains were particularly conspicuous on the pure white fabric. In addition, there were spots on his right chest and the outside of his upper arms. As well as the position of the trouser legs, the number "No. 32" is printed in the characters of the hive civilization.

Although Ke Lan cannot see his back from this angle, the picture unlocked by the memory fragments can generate a 360-degree picture with no blind spots in Ke Lan's mind - on the back of this male young man, There is also a huge "Number 32" printed on it.

His wrist holding the hunting knife trembled slightly, and there were still traces of undried blood on the blade. Judging from the color and viscosity of the blood, it seemed that it was not human blood.

"A hunter participating in the hunt?" Ke Lan thought to himself, "But this look seems a bit embarrassing..."

In Ke Lan's impression, the nobles who participated in hunting basically rode tall horses, wore expensive and elegant windbreakers or hunting attire, held bows and arrows or shotguns in their hands, and chased running prey in the forest. A large group of servants surrounded the front and rear...

Speaking of which, people with insufficient authority levels shouldn't be able to enter the Uptown District, right? So where do the servants and servants that these powerful people usually need to call come from? Is it a robot or an armed person with level 4 authority?

Or... servants are only considered "items" owned by the powerful, not "people", so they are not included in the hive city residents' hierarchical system?

The young man in front of him did not feel like a high-ranking third-level resident to Ke Lan. From him, Ke Lan could not feel the temperament that a superior person should have at all... Ke Lan even looked at this male young man. The emotion of fear was captured in his eyes.

Could this be an unexpected situation during hunting?

As for the number on his body...could this be a "hunting competition"?

At this moment, as if he sensed something, the young man immediately left the tree trunk he was leaning on, lay down on the ground, and swept the fallen leaves next to him, creating a simple but But an extremely effective disguise.

Although it is an artificial forest, the environment in the forest is extremely complex. The pitted ground is covered with a large amount of fallen leaves and humus. This young male happened to be lying in a low-lying shallow pit, and he was almost in the blink of an eye with the surrounding people. The environment is integrated into one, and at first glance, you can't tell that there is a big living person hiding in this place.

"This guy's camouflage skills are very good... He should be a veteran who is proficient in hunting..." Ke Lan commented in his heart.

But when a beast that looked like a feline appeared on the screen, Ke Lan knew that this guy's disguise was useless.

This beast was tracked by sniffing the remaining scent on the ground. Even if the male young man buried himself in the soil and remained motionless, even his heartbeat and breathing were temporarily blocked, he could not escape the beast's pursuit.

This is a giant cat with brown hair all over its body. Its appearance is very similar to the saber-toothed tiger that has long been extinct on the earth. However, compared to the African giant saber-toothed tiger, which is one meter high at the shoulders and three to four meters long, the giant saber-toothed tiger in front of you is smaller. The shape of the beast is even more exaggerated, with a shoulder height of more than two meters and a body length of nearly ten meters. The iconic pair of fangs are like two long swords, which can easily penetrate a human's chest - even like Just like skewering candied haws on a stick, there is no pressure to put two or three people on it.

Ke Lan didn't know the power of the giant beast for the time being, but with its weight of several tons, he could imagine its lethality when it pounced... If the weapon in the hands of the male young man was only a hunting knife, no matter what, he would There was no way he could be a match for this giant beast.

This young male seemed to have realized that his disguise was ineffective against the giant beast. Before the giant beast could approach, he suddenly jumped up and jumped onto a tree branch that was five meters above the ground!

This scene immediately made Ke Lan feel a little outrageous - unless the gravity of this forest is set to only a fraction of the normal environment (referring to the gravity coefficient of Alpha Star and the Earth), otherwise, this person must be... An enhanced person above level seven.

There are no traces of modification on his body. Apart from the muscle lines protruding through the fabric of his pants, no outline of any mechanical device can be seen on his legs... In other words, this man is completely relying on With his own physical strength, he jumped onto a five-meter-high tree branch.

"Are the residents of the hive city so physically strong? In contrast, the physical abilities of those 'tunnel dwellers' in Passage 4 have deteriorated?" Ke Lan frowned, "Or... Because this young man belongs to the third-level powerful class, he can enjoy benefits that ordinary people do not have...for example, enhanced surgery?"

The moment the man jumped up, the giant beast also pounced on him. However, the height of the giant beast's pounce was not high, and its speed was not as fast as that of the young man. It could barely pass through the leaping young man and pounce. An empty one.

But the failure of the attack did not mean that the giant beast had no way to deal with the young man - the next second, the giant beast suddenly rose up with force, and the tree branch that was originally above its head suddenly reached its chest.

It opened its big mouth and bit at the young man squatting on the tree branch. There was only a loud "click" sound, and the tree branch that was as thick as an adult's thigh was bitten off in an instant, and the young man At this critical moment, the man jumped up from the tree branch again and jumped above the head of the giant beast.

A fierce look flashed in the young man's eyes. He held the hunting knife tightly with both hands and stabbed straight down!

Under the dual effects of the strength of the arm and the inertia of the fall, the blade of the hunting knife sank into the back of the beast's neck without any hindrance, and then quickly cut downwards along the side of the spine!

Thick and hot plasma shot out crazily. Although it was just memory fragments, Ke Lan seemed to smell the strong smell of blood. The young man's original white clothes were dyed in just one second. Dark red.

He rolled on the back of the giant beast and fell back to the ground. The giant beast, whose spinal central nervous system was severely damaged, was unable to fight back and fell straight to the ground.

It was not completely dead, but its body had lost control, and it could only lie on the ground, twitching and struggling in vain.

The young man gasped for breath, his chest heaving violently - he did not kill the giant beast immediately, but looked around vigilantly, as if he was worried that there were other beasts lurking nearby waiting to reap the benefits.

"Very precise timing control...the position and angle of the blade's insertion are also impeccable..." A layman can watch the fun, an expert can watch the door - although Ke Lan has not participated in this type of hunting activity, with his high skills With his level-enhanced human abilities and rich combat experience, he could definitely tell that this young man had considerable fighting skills, and... he was very familiar with the body structure of this giant beast.

"This is strange..." Ke Lan muttered in a voice that only he could hear. "If he is familiar with this giant beast, he should know that the giant beast mainly relies on its sense of smell to search for targets. Then he had previously Why do you still need to find a hole to hide? Isn’t this disguise useless?...Could it be...could it be to avoid other beasts?"

Just when Ke Lan was confused, the forest floor in the memory fragment suddenly trembled slightly. It seemed that there was a behemoth that was much larger than the mutant saber-toothed tiger running at high speed in the forest. At the same time, The fear and nervousness in the young man's eyes reappeared, and they were much stronger than before.

"Pause." Resisting the curiosity to continue watching, Ke Lan seemed to have thought of some details that he had not noticed just now, paused the picture being played, and pulled the "progress bar" back a little.

Different from the "sense of instant vision", memory fragments are like videos stored in Ke Lan's brain. As long as he wants, he can completely pause, play back, replay and other operations.

The scene regressed to the time when the young man buried himself with fallen leaves. His entire body was pressed against the bottom of the pit, and only a pair of eyes were exposed in the gaps between the fallen leaves. Ke Lan noticed that after discovering the pursuer, When it was the giant saber-toothed tiger instead of something else, the nervous look in the young man's eyes obviously faded a lot.

"Fast forward five seconds."

The scene returned to the moment when the giant saber-toothed tiger bit off a tree branch and the young man jumped up ready to attack. At this time, the young man only had determination in his eyes, and the nervous and fearful look before could not be seen at all.

But when the scene started to tremble, the tension and fear came back.

"Could this vibration be some kind of giant beast more terrifying than the giant saber-toothed tiger?" Ke Lan thought to himself, "This young man can easily hunt the giant saber-toothed tiger, but in front of this giant beast, there is no resistance at all. Strength... So what he was avoiding before... was actually not the giant saber-toothed tiger, but this giant beast?"

Perhaps this giant beast relies on its eyesight to search for prey, so his previous behavior of hiding in a pit and burying himself in fallen leaves is fully explained.


Perhaps it was because the half-dead giant saber-toothed tiger on the ground was too conspicuous. This time, the young man did not disguise himself again, but quickly chose a direction and ran away.

But before he could run a few steps, an arrow shot out from the forest, accurately piercing his calf and pinning him to the ground.

The arrows arrived first, and then the crackle of the bowstring came from the forest.

The slight vibration moved from far to near. It wasn't until he saw the source of the vibration with his own eyes that Ke Lan understood why a young man who could hunt a giant saber-toothed tiger by himself was so frightened.

They were three young people about the same age as him, but they were not wearing white clothes and pants with numbers printed on them, but a set of high-end hunting clothes that could be seen at a glance to be of high value. They hold hunting crossbows with complex mechanical structures, the quivers on their waists are filled with arrows, they wear top hats with beautiful feathers on their heads, and behind them they carry retro shotguns with golden hollow decorative patterns on their backs - and Compared with the young man in white clothes and trousers just now, holding a hunting knife, the attire of these three people is in line with Ke Lan's consistent image of "children of powerful people participating in hunting activities".

But what caught Ke Lan's attention the most was the mount under the three of them - it was a horse over three meters tall... to be precise, it was a mechanical vehicle made into the shape of a horse, with streamlined muscle lines. The torso is entirely made of alloy. On the inside of the leg bends, you can also see the nested structure of the hydraulic rod and the composite bearing used to reduce friction...

According to Ke Lan's estimation, such a mechanical horse may weigh three times as much as the giant saber-toothed tiger. If it gallops at full speed in the forest, it is not surprising that the ground will vibrate to this extent.

The emblem of the Thorns Gear Shield is printed on the hip of each mechanical horse. The identities of these three young men riding the mechanical horses are naturally obvious - the big family that rules the western half of the upper city of the hive city. 's children.

"The harvest is good." The youngest of the three controlled the mechanical horse and walked to the young man who was shot down. "This guy is No. 32, the guy who ranked first in points in the bottom nest qualifiers. Coupled with the points gained by this gamma-level mutant, our position in the top three of this group should be stable now."

"What's the use of the top three? I just want the first place." The young man at the head said dullly. As he spoke, he loaded an arrow into the hunting crossbow - Ke Lan noticed that this Most of the mechanical parts of the hunting crossbow, as well as the arrows, are made of Nino alloy. As for the bowstring, it is made of a polymer material with excellent ductility.

With the technical level of the hive city, even weapons such as gravity guns can be made. Hunting crossbows with sophisticated but primitive mechanisms like this may have been created simply to satisfy the interests of the powerful...

Even so, Ke Lan would not underestimate this seemingly simple hunting crossbow - the arrow just now, before hitting "No. 32", first pierced two tree trunks several meters in diameter, and then used The supersonic speed hit the target... Let's not talk about how he aimed at the target with his vision blocked. The penetrating power of the arrow alone has completely defeated most of the individual firearms on the Ark.

"It's a pity that these selected people from the bottom of the nest have been hunted for a long time... It's just that 'No. 32''s disguise skills are good enough, so he can hide until now... If it weren't for the regulations that can't be used to participate in the competition, If anyone else takes action, I want to shoot those guys through the head.”

Only then did Ke Lan realize that "No. 32" in white clothes and trousers was not the hunter in this hunting activity, but the same prey as the saber-toothed tiger.

[P.S. Thanks to Xiao Jingjing for the 100 starting coins. 】

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