Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 875 The Beginning of Disaster

"Don't worry about so much. Let's put the points we have already received into account first." The youngest horseman said, raised the hunting crossbow in his hand, and shot an arrow through the head of the giant saber-toothed tiger.

"That's right." The leader drove the machine forward and was about to kill "No. 32" with a hunting crossbow - but while the three of them were talking, "No. 32" secretly pulled out the crossbow. He hit the crossbow that pinned him to the ground. In the next moment, he had jumped up from the ground. With one hand, he grabbed the equipment on the chest of the mechanical horse. With the other hand, he held the hunting knife tightly. He turned over and jumped onto the horse's back. He put the blade on the horseman's neck.

"Damn it!" The other two horsemen immediately raised their hunting crossbows, but at this time "No. 32" actually shrank his body very cunningly behind the horseman he had kidnapped. Only one arm holding the knife was exposed to the shooting range of the two men.

Of course the other two people could shoot this arm with crossbows, but with the strength of the hunting crossbows in their hands, it would not only penetrate the arm of "No. 32", but also penetrate the chest of their companion and "No. 32" "Body - It's easy to kill "No. 32", but the kidnapped person can't escape death either.

"Don't move!" "No. 32" shouted sternly, "take your hands off the joystick!"

While yelling angrily, he overlapped his body with the body of the hijacker as much as possible. In this way, even if the other party suddenly chose to turn the mechanical horse's body and expose his back to the other two people, the other two people would not dare to Shoot at "Number Thirty-Two".

The sharp blade of the hunting knife had already been partially embedded in the skin of the kidnapped neck. A thin stream of blood flowed along the neck and into the collar. He raised his head and nervously glanced at the "three people" behind him from the corner of his eye. "No. 12" - He didn't dare to speak at all, and he didn't even dare to take a big breath, for fear that the peristalsis of the trachea would cause the sharp blade on his neck to move further.

A stinging, numbing and itching feeling came from the wound on the neck - this feeling was not caused by the cut of the skin, but from the blood of the gamma-level mutant... The blood of this creature has a high Concentrated neurotoxins, so when fighting with other beasts, even if you are bitten, you can defeat the enemy through the toxins in the blood... And its blood will also be smeared on the blades and arrow tips by the hunters, Serves as a temporary "poison quenching weapon".

He knew very well that if the blade was cut in half further and allowed the toxins on it to enter his blood vessels and flow throughout his body, even if there were several medical teams on standby outside the hunting ground, it would be difficult to save his life.

He gritted his back teeth hard, as if he had made some kind of difficult decision - and then he gave the other two equestrians a suggestive look.

The other two showed a bit of hesitation when receiving this look, but the youngest man still pressed an inconspicuous black button on the horse's back.

The moment the button was pressed, two faint, soft white beams of light fell from the sky. One fell on the knife-holding wrist of "No. 32", and the other fell on "No. 32"'s wrist. top of head.

Like an ice cube hitting a red-hot iron, "No. 32"'s knife-holding wrist was directly "melted" by the white beam. The palm and the hunting knife fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, his only The lower half of the body is left with the head.

The soft white beam of light disappeared as if it had never appeared. As for the abductee, he was not even stained with the blood of "No. 32".

"I don't think we should call for help. We may have a way to deal with this damn No. 32!" Another equestrian said angrily, "Let the supervisor intervene in the competition. Not only will we not be able to get the number that belongs to No. 32, Points, and an additional 10,000 points for rescue consumption, so our group’s ranking will be at the bottom!”

"Ahem...I hope you can say this without hesitation when it's your turn to have a knife on your neck...Ahem..." The person who was kidnapped glared at the person who spoke. With a glance, he lifted up the package hanging on the side of the horse's back, quickly found a bottle of gel-based ointment, and applied it to the wound on his neck.

"That knife is stained with the blood of a gamma-level mutant. If No. 32 strikes harder and the toxin enters the blood, no one can save the second brother." The youngest horseman and the one who just pressed the button said the man who pressed the help button.

"After all, it's not that you were careless and had to get closer. If you had shot the prey from a distance, this kind of thing would never have happened." The third horseman complained angrily, "Okay. , now I think we can go to the sidelines to rest... This game is over for us, even if we get all the unowned points in the hunting ground, there is nothing we can do about it."

After saying that, he took off his hat and rubbed his shiny and smooth brown curly hair with some annoyance. But before he could rub it twice, his movements stopped... Vaguely, he seemed to realize that something was wrong.

What exactly is wrong...

He was startled and immediately realized - he knew his second brother's character very well. Among other things, his life-saving attribute was definitely full. Among their brothers, the second brother liked to choose conservative strategies the most. , it is precisely for this reason that the points of their group can never catch up with other groups...

Logically speaking, even if the second brother didn't refute what he just said, he would still choke on his words. But now, the second brother didn't say a word...

what happened?

He turned his head and looked at his second brother - he saw the latter holding the back of the mechanical horse with one hand and covering his throat with the other hand. His eyebrows were knitted together and his face was twisted, as if he was suffering from extreme stress. Big pain.

"Second brother...what happened to second brother?" He was shocked and complained. If something happened to the second brother, it would definitely not be a scenario he wanted to see.

Just when he was about to get closer and take a closer look, he was pulled back by the youngest horseman: "Don't go over there. There's something wrong with the second brother's appearance."

"Of course I know something is not right with him now! It must be the blood poison of the gamma-level mutant!" The man said urgently, "Damn it, the toxin must have entered the blood, and first aid measures must be taken immediately! At least, the second brother cannot be allowed to He died in front of both of us!"

"No, this is not a sign of poisoning!" the youngest horseman said solemnly, "When the gamma-level mutant's blood poison attacks, the whole person will twitch violently, the limbs will be uncontrollable, and at the same time, shortness of breath and shock will occur. …Do you still remember those people who were shot by our poisoned arrows?…The second brother’s current appearance does not look like he has been poisoned by blood at all.”

"What else could be the reason? The second brother is covering his neck. It must be because of the wound on his neck! Damn it, could it be that in addition to blood poison, No. 32 also smeared other things on the blade? Something?" The man's tone became more and more urgent, "No matter what the reason is, we must rescue the second brother immediately! Also, call the emergency medical team immediately!"

Only then did he remember the medical team on standby outside the field, but he pressed the call for help button seven or eight times in a row, but did not get any feedback.

"It's useless. I just tried it. The call button didn't work." The youngest rider said, suddenly controlling the mechanical horse and taking two steps back. "Look at the second brother...his neck..."

"What did you say..." The man raised his head and looked in the direction the other person said. With just one glance, his expression had already solidified.

Not only was his expression frozen, but Ke Lan's expression, who was watching this "video" from God's perspective, was also frozen.

Tiny tentacles like seedlings emerged from the fingers of the horseman they called "Second Brother"... "Second Brother" seemed to want to press these tentacles back with his hands, but his efforts failed. These tentacles were completely useless. More and more tentacles emerged from the wounds on their necks, and soon they formed a squirming ball of flesh on their chests the size of a football.

"What the hell is this?!" the more excited horse rider exclaimed. He also controlled the mechanical horse to retreat... Even his right hand unconsciously On the handle of a hunting crossbow.

"I don't know." Although the youngest equestrian is the youngest of the three people in the group, he is also the calmest. "My suggestion is that we must report this matter to the family immediately and let the The supervisor stopped the game...what happened here may have been beyond the control of the supervisor."

"I know! But the communication equipment seems to be out of order! My call for help button and emergency communication button are almost broken, and they are useless!" The other horse rider frowned.

At this time, the tentacles that "grew" out of "Second Brother"'s neck had already wrapped "Second Brother"'s entire head. Ke Lan seemed to be able to vaguely hear a weird chewing sound coming from this huge tentacle mass. out.

"The communication equipment is not malfunctioning..." The youngest horseman's expression became increasingly grim, "It's just... no one on the other end of the communication equipment responded to our call."

"How could this happen?! There should be many people watching this game, right? Except for the elders of our family, other families should be paying attention to this hunting ground... How could no one notice that such a serious accident happened?"

"I guess there may have been a mess outside, but we in the hunting ground haven't noticed it yet." The youngest horseman took a deep breath, picked up the hunting crossbow in his hand, and aimed at "Second Brother" ".

"Wait! Lao Qi, what are you doing?" Another horseman's eyes widened in surprise, "You... do you want to kill my second brother?!"

Although this man subconsciously grabbed his hunting crossbow when the sudden change occurred, from beginning to end, he never really had murderous intentions towards his second brother.

He always believed that the second brother was either poisoned by some kind of strange toxin, or possessed by some kind of fungus or other parasitic organism.

"Do you think that second brother... is still alive?" the young man whom he called "Lao Qi" said word by word.

The sound of broken bones came from the tentacles, and more and more tentacles joined in, seeming to be enjoying a gluttonous feast...

For some reason, Ke Lan suddenly thought of a somewhat disgusting metaphor.

(Warning, if you are eating or have poor mental endurance, please skip this next paragraph.)

When Ke Lan just graduated from a public free school, he lived briefly in a slum area - the residences in slum areas did not have private bathrooms... Many slum areas were even rebuilt from abandoned industrial areas. There are not even water and sewage pipes connected under those plots.

People living there must go to special public toilets if they want to go to the toilet... and public toilets are called toilets, but they actually have another name, called "cheap protein cultivation tank"... people's feces will be collected and used. It is used to breed a genetically modified maggot that can grow up to the thickness of an adult man's thumb and more than ten centimeters long. It is a very cheap and high-quality protein source.

Ke Lan was once "lucky" to see the staff changing the culture tank once. The feces accumulated at the bottom of the tank was densely covered with a layer of white fat maggots. They squirmed, squeezed each other, and devoured greedily. Holding those filth... Due to the large number of maggots, Ke Lan couldn't even see the feces pressed by them...

That scene made Ke Lan retch for three days, and he didn't touch food made of artificial protein for a week - even though the labels of those foods stated that the source of the protein was a chemical synthesis workshop.

The tentacles that were "eating" the second brother's body in front of him naturally reminded Ke Lan of those fat, snow-white... dung sea maggots.

The camera turns back to the mirror image presented by the memory fragments.

"" Another horse rider was choked. He kept saying "you, you, you" for a long time, but still couldn't utter a complete sentence.

"This thing is devouring the second brother's body... When it eats all the second brother, who do you think its next target will be?" Lao Qi kept adjusting his breathing, and the hunting crossbow in his hand changed its aim back and forth. Point - the reason why he didn't pull the trigger was not because he was concerned about his second brother's life or death, but simply because he couldn't determine where the weakness of the tentacles was.

"I...this thing...but...but..." another horseman said incoherently, "How about...let this place be handed over to the supervisor? I...let's leave this place first?"

"Do you think the regulators have time to take care of our affairs now?"

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