Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 900 Illusion Magnetic Field

"No..." Zhuoligetu shook his head, "I didn't notice anything unusual."

"Where's Cortana?" Hound asked again.

"Me neither." Valentina's voice came through the inner shell of the deep submersible.

"I don't think it can be that simple... If we could find out the pattern of such abnormal events so easily, we wouldn't be in this situation." Chi Hanfeng sighed.

"Among the various theories about the ruins of the Alpha civilization, do you know something called the 'Illusion Magnetic Field'?" Ghost Owl suddenly asked.

"I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it," Hound said. "I'm not interested in this theory, which is basically all hypothetical. I value skills that can actually play a role in the ruins."

"But our current situation just fits the description of the 'phantom magnetic field'." Ghost Owl said.

"What is the fantasy magnetic field? Can you explain it in detail?" Chi Hanfeng, who knew almost nothing about the ruins, asked curiously.

"Many hunters will have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations after entering the ruins... and even the whole person will fall into an illusion and be unable to extricate themselves. You must have heard of this, right?"

"Yeah." Chi Hanfeng nodded.

"According to the information collected by experts who study ruins, most of the illusions seen by hunters in the same type of ruins are relatively similar, and some people may even have the same illusion. So experts believe that this illusion is actually a kind of illusion similar to 'player' It's like a device, each ruin has those images and sounds pre-stored, and the brain of the hunter who enters the ruins is like a box of magnetized video tapes, these images and sounds will be copied directly into it... I think , the 776 Special Forces Team back then, and the first group of people who explored the underwater city must have received similar 'revelation', so they left behind those puzzling clues..."

"Furthermore," Ghost Owl continued, "there is another very significant characteristic of the fantasy magnetic field, that is, the longer you stay in the ruins and the deeper you explore, the more information is 'recorded' into your brain."

"I know that." Hound nodded in agreement, "Those ruins that tend to make people go crazy generally have strict exploration time limits. No matter what the harvest is or what discoveries are made, you can't stay in the ruins for more than this time. Limit, otherwise it will be easy to fall into hallucinations. Once trapped in hallucinations, it will be difficult to get out of the ruins smoothly, and the hallucinations will become deeper and deeper, turning into a vicious circle... Even if he is later rescued by the rescue team, this person will also Completely become a madman or a fool."

"Then how do you explore a ruin like this?" Chi Hanfeng asked, "If a large ruin has a fantasy magnetic field, and the stay time limit is thirty minutes, then these thirty minutes will not even be enough to reach the depths of the ruin, then Are you going to give up on this ruins?”

"There are always more ways than difficulties. When encountering such ruins, there are usually two ways to deal with them." Hound raised two fingers. "The first is to use robots to explore. In fact, most of the ruins are The most dangerous preliminary exploration work is done by robots, and only those ruins with complex environments or strong interference will be allowed to be visited by hunters; the second method is more unscrupulous, and is usually done by unscrupulous hunting groups affiliated with large consortiums. ——Recruit a large number of rookie hunters with dreams of getting rich, and then use their lives to fill the gap. Throw a hundred or so people in, and there will always be a lucky person who can crawl out holding the treasure deep in the ruins."

As the hound spoke, he glanced at the ghost owl involuntarily.

"Our hunting group has never bothered to do this kind of thing." Sensing the look in the hound's eyes, Ghost Owl immediately retorted, "Our hunting group has always attached great importance to the cultivation of fresh blood, so we will not let newcomers do such a life-threatening job. "

“But the vast majority of hunting groups acquired by consortiums do this. I don’t know whether it’s because the KPI requirements within the consortium are too high, or because the people responsible for managing the hunting groups are short-sighted. Most of those hunting groups hope to make quick money. , fishing in the lake, taking the lives of newcomers not seriously, all kinds of destructive excavation and other things, basically all come from those hunting groups... If an exploration mission requires cooperation with such hunting groups, I would rather pay liquidated damages. Give up the mission."

"Then what should we do now? Continue to explore the underwater city?" Chi Hanfeng asked worriedly, "If there really is a 'phantom magnetic field' here, if we continue to explore, the situation will only get worse. Bar?"

"That's not necessarily true...everything has two sides." Ghost Owl shook his finger, "If the illusion completely swallows up consciousness, that is certainly a bad thing, but if we can ensure that we can maintain a clear self-awareness while accepting the information from the illusion, , then this information can be of great use in the exploration of ruins... Those famous hunters in history are all people with extremely high inspiration and firm minds. They can make good use of these illusions, and in turn Come and use it in your exploration work."

Except for Chi Hanfeng, an "outsider", both Hound and Zhuoligetu know this, and Ke Lan also knows it - once, Ke Lan also believed like Ghost Owl that as long as he has both "high inspiration" and "high inspiration" at the same time, With the two characteristics of "firm mind", he can gain a great advantage in exploring the ruins, but since he learned about "erosion" and "super-erosion", his views have changed dramatically.

The so-called "inspiration" is actually those "taboo knowledge" that can continuously deepen the degree of erosion of the human body. Of course, the more "taboo knowledge" you master, the more information you can obtain, but once the degree of erosion exceeds the critical point, the entire person will It will turn into a corpse, turning into a half-human, half-corpse monster... But not everyone can turn into a corpse. For example, those with fragile minds, the degree of physical erosion has not approached the critical point, and the spirit has already been destroyed. A complete breakdown... In the eyes of others, this situation appears as a mental illness such as madness or dementia.

The thirty-three in front of him had obviously fallen into madness.

Thirty-three, who was indulging in the illusion, somehow remembered the way to manipulate Nino alloy... Although the technology was extremely unskilled, those black flying blades that flew crookedly but had extremely tricky attack angles were still very useful to him. Ke Lan poses a great threat.

Ke Lan's body has been cut with hundreds of cuts, and the most serious injury is located directly in front of the chest - the first black flying blade cuts through the flesh, the second black flying blade cuts off the ribs, and the third black flying blade cuts off the ribs. The black flying blade goes straight into the heart!

If it weren't for Ke Lan's almost abnormal recovery ability, he would have been killed countless times by Thirty-Three.

The only thing Ke Lan can do now is to protect his head as much as possible, drag Thirty-three while fighting and retreat, and during the fight, try his best to grab those black flying blades and throw them to Thirty-three. Outside San's control range - it's just that the number of black flying blades that Ze Luo "forged" for Thirty-Three was actually quite a lot. Ke Lan has already lost nearly a hundred of them, and Thirty-Three's offensive is still continuous.

Ke Lan has basically given up on protecting other parts except his joints and brain. His body seems to have endured the ancient torture called "Ling Chi". Although the wounds on his skin and flesh have healed, his clothes have It was cut like a broken fishing net, and it was soaked with the blood that flowed from the wound. The edge of the black-red dyed cloth was dripping with semi-solidified blood drops.

"Thirty-three! Wake up quickly! Everything you see now is fake. I am not your enemy!" Ke Lan shouted to Thirty-Three - he was sure that Thirty-Three could see When I arrived, I just didn't know if he could hear my voice.

"It's useless." Nieto's voice came from all directions, "He can see you and hear your voice... But in his mind, you are now a terrifying monster. The cry is as creepy as an indescribable whisper... Do you think he would stop attacking in the face of such a thing?"

"What kind of dream did you implant in him?" Ke Lan asked Nieto during the break.

"Fear is of no use to you, but for most humans, fear is the best catalyst for madness." Nieto said lightly, "What I let him see is what he fears most. As for this thing Only he himself knows what it is.”

"The most fearful thing..."

"Actually, you can kill him. Although his ability is a bit troublesome, it shouldn't be difficult for you to kill him. Why haven't you done it yet?" Nieto asked jokingly.

"Get the hell out of here!" Ke Lan cursed. He knew that it was pointless to argue with Nieto about this kind of thing. The other party's purpose was to make the two of them look up at the dome above. As long as he refused If you do, Nieto will not stop.

Ke Lan thought about knocking Sansan San unconscious, but he took the opportunity to go behind San Sansan and hit him hard on the head. The opponent only stiffened for a moment, then turned around and continued to attack. For this reason, Ke Lan Lan also paid the price of a half-hand cut on his abdomen... Thirty-three, who was trapped in a dream, seemed to be completely immune to the dizziness. Even if Ke Lan crushed Thirty-three's skull, he would probably be beaten to death. He couldn't knock him out.

Thirty-three can only rely on himself if he wants to escape from the dream.

At this moment, Thirty-three’s perspective.

This is a barren land.

All that could be seen was cracked earth and gray-yellow sand and gravel. Not even a dry weed or a piece of moss growing on the shady side of the stone could be seen... There was absolutely no sign of life in this place. There are no traces of small insects in the cracks of the hardened and cracked soil.

There are many barren lands like this on the surface of Alpha Planet.

For Ark and humans, such a barren land has no value. There are no ruins, no creatures, and no resources. It is not considered a dangerous location and has no value for development or garrison... But not long ago, A battleship airdropped Thirty-three and his comrades onto this wasteland.

Their superiors told them that their mission was to eliminate the heretical sect believers found in the area... But they looked around thirty-three times, but could not find even a trace of a heretical sect believer.

He looked at his teammates with some confusion, only to find that they looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, holding loaded firearms with safety on, their index fingers pressed against the trigger guard, ready to fire at any time. Prepare.

"You... have you found the target?" Thirty-three couldn't help but ask.

No one responded to him... All the soldiers who were with him were marching on the wasteland in silence. From the looks of them, they seemed to have determined the location of the target.

Thirty-three's eyes swept over the faces of these soldiers one by one. Their faces were very blurry, so blurry that Thirty-three could only vaguely see the outlines of their facial features... These outlines gave him an extremely familiar feeling, and he always felt He thought he could call the names of these comrades, but when he wanted to call one of them by name, he found that he couldn't remember anything.

If you don't think about it, those memories will stay in that position, making Thirty-three aware but unable to look carefully. But if you think about it deliberately, these memories will become like a frightened little beast, disappearing in an instant. trace.

Just when Thirty-three felt that the air was starting to become sticky, a soldier suddenly fell to the ground and twitched all over.

"What's going on?! What's wrong with you?" Thirty-three stopped and asked loudly.

The soldier didn't reply, he just lay on the ground and twitched constantly, while the other soldiers turned a blind eye and walked past him and continued to move forward.

"Medical? Where is the medic?!" Thirty-three shouted, "Someone needs help! Damn it, didn't any of you see him?!"

Still no one answered.

Not only could these soldiers not see or hear the soldier who fell to the ground, they also could not see or hear Thirty-Three's voice.

Everyone is like a puppet on a clockwork, maintaining the same posture, moving forward, moving forward, moving forward.

Thirty-three began to look for traces of medical soldiers in the crowd, but soon, he discovered something even more terrifying.

In this team of more than 20 people, not only did he not find any medical soldiers wearing red cross armbands or red cross logos printed on the sides of their helmets... he also did not find any soldiers with "special duties."

All the soldiers seemed to be carved out of the same mold. They wore the same uniforms, held the same weapons, maintained the same posture, and took the same steps...

Even the numbers on their armbands are the same.

The armbands are clear, not as blurry as their faces. Each armband has the same number: BHL10077.

This is the dog tag number of Thirty-three when he served in the field corps.

Every soldier here is himself...

[P.S. Thanks to the soap usefulness and reading giraffe for the 1,500 starting coins; thanks to iamdddboy for the 500 starting coins; thank you to the energetic self for the 200 starting coins; thanks to book friend 20221130194508702, book friend 20170503154406777 for the reward 100 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S.KPI: refers to performance indicators, the root of all evil. 】

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