Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 901 The sequelae of brain damage

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Thirty-three eyes widened and he kept mumbling to himself.

No, not all the soldiers were wearing his clothes and wearing armbands embroidered with his military status number - the soldier lying on the ground twitching, he was different from the others, Thirty-three wanted to see His armband, but found that the numbers on the armband were as blurry as the facial features of these soldiers... The next second, this blurred visual effect had spread to the soldiers' bodies, and Thirty-three could only see one who was barely able to The shadow of a humanoid figure was curled up on the ground, just like the harmonious mosaics in the news pictures.

"What's going on...what's going on..." Thirty-three felt unspeakable fear welling up from his heart, but for some reason, he didn't feel anything wrong with these weird scenes. It seemed that all of this was extremely real and happened before his eyes.

The blurry shadow on the ground began to twist. It no longer maintained its human shape, but suddenly expanded, just like an adult insect emerging from a cocoon.

The completely deformed figure split from the middle, and an indescribable monster many times larger than the original figure stood up from it.

To say that this monster is indescribable is not because Sansan can't find the words to describe it, but because this monster, like the previous figure, is shrouded in a mist.

The indescribable monster walked towards Thirty-Three, and it seemed to be saying something to Thirty-Three. Thirty-Three could hear those whispers like sleep, but he couldn't distinguish the content of the whispers at all... The more he listened, , the pain in my head becomes more and more, as if it is about to burst...

"go to hell!"

Thirty-three finally threw away the last trace of reason, picked up the assault rifle in his hand, and pulled the trigger——

But Thirty-Three didn't feel the resistance on the trigger, and the gunshot didn't sound. He looked down and saw what kind of assault rifle he was holding in his hand. It was clearly a bloody severed arm!

The surrounding wasteland turned into a sea of ​​fire at some point. Thick smoke covered the sky and the sun. The choking smell kept getting into Thirty-three's nostrils. The silent soldiers were now in pieces on the ground. The corpses, some even had their entire bodies crushed to pieces. Looking down from the sky, they looked like tomatoes that fell from a high altitude and hit the ground hard.

The sight of corpses everywhere made Thirty-three forget to breathe. He raised his head and looked into the sky——

The airship that sent them to this place had long since disappeared. Only a few reconnaissance planes were hovering in the sky, and soon they flew higher and farther into the sky, disappearing from Thirty-Three's sight. inside.

Thirty-three knew that they had become abandoned children... No, they were no longer there, only himself was left.

He is an outcast, and no one cares about his life or death.


Thirty-three breathed heavily, raised his head, and looked at the monster approaching. He threw away the severed arm in his hand, took out the military ax from his waist, and charged forward with a roar.

He had already had the will to die, but this indescribable monster didn't seem to be very strong. It was easy for Sansan San to get closer, and the sharp ax blade wedged hard into the monster's body.

The feeling of the ax cutting was very strange, as if it was cutting into a ball of high-density cotton wool. The erratic feeling made Thirty-three feel very unsteady. He pushed the ax blade forward with force, trying to chop. Go deeper - since the monster's body surface is covered with this cotton-like material, then there must be something solid at the core, right?

Hack it to death! Cut it! Chop it!

Thirty-three wanted to continue to exert force, and a tentacle covered with pustules was thrown out from the monster's body, slapped on his abdomen, and his whole body was whipped out, and then he was slapped to the ground hard.

Thirty-three heard the sound of his own bones breaking, but at this time, his pain seemed to have been stripped away, and this body seemed to be not his own. He did not know which bone was broken or Can't feel any pain.

Anyway, there were no restrictions on the movement of the body... Thirty-three jumped up from the ground again, and rushed towards the monster with an ax in his hand.

"This will go on forever..." Ke Lan looked at the crazy Thirty-Three in front of him, constantly dodging and blocking his attacks and those all-pervasive black flying blades - if this continues, either Thirty-Three will be killed. Thirteen died of exhaustion, or there was a loophole in his defense and he was hit in the head by a black flying blade... The brain is Ke Lan's only critical point. If the brain is damaged, things will be in trouble...

The "trouble" here does not refer to death, but something that scares Ke Lan more than death.

In the fight just now, a black flying blade successfully penetrated Ke Lan's defense net and cut a gash along the edge of the skull. The tip of the blade penetrated the bones, ligaments and fascia. A half-inch deep wound was created on the side of the brain.

The wound healed quickly, and even the damaged bones grew back immediately... But in these few seconds, Ke Lan always felt as if there was something missing and something extra in his brain.

He had forgotten some of the trivial things in his daily life. He couldn't remember the last time the Hunting God Hunting Group had a dinner and who was present...Hound, Akira Asano, Zofia and others were also there. His memory became a little blurry. In addition, his fighting skills have become a lot rusty. Several attacks that he should have prevented were missed due to his deformation movements, and more wounds were left on his body by the black flying blades.

This was not due to exhaustion. With Ke Lan's physical condition, he could fight with such intensity for more than ten hours without being physically exhausted... He just "forgot".

Not only has the brain forgotten, but also the muscles, forgetting those slashing and blocking movements, forgetting those techniques for exerting force... The cold engineer shovel always makes Ke Lan feel panicked when he holds it in his hand. The original feeling of comfort and ease can never be regained.

What's even more terrible is that the missing part of the memory does not leave a hole, but a "substitute" appears.

It was as if there were hundreds of people mumbling to themselves in Ke Lan's head. Ke Lan could tell that they were using the language of the Alpha civilization, but those sentences were fragmented and could not form complete words that could express their meaning. Whispering is like the meaningless "beep" and "ah" sounds a baby makes when learning to has no value at all.

Ke Lan is basically certain that he has become a truly immortal body. Even if the brain is destroyed, the brain tissue can still be restored... But the more parts are restored, the more things he forgets, those meaningless things. His mind would be filled with murmurs and confusing fragments.

If the whole brain was restored again, would he still be the same Ke Lan?

Just like the ship of Theseus in the allusion, if any plank in the hull is damaged, it will be immediately replaced with a new plank. After all the planks on the whole ship have been replaced, the ship can still be regarded as the original one. That boat pulled out of the shipyard?

Ke Lan doesn't know what will happen when he forgets everything... Maybe he will become a fool, maybe he will completely fall into madness, or maybe he will become someone or something's puppet... But no matter which ending , are not what he wants to see.

This kind of ending is really not as simple as dying happily.

Could it be that we can only kill thirty-three?

Ke Lan stared closely at Thirty-Three's face - even though he was not the first group of people to form the God Hunting Group, and she had only known him for a few months... But some people, It doesn't take a long time to get along to determine that the other person is the kind of person you can trust with your life. Thirty-three is just such a person.

If possible, Ke Lan really wanted to let him live.

"I can't wake him up... and I don't want to kill him... and I can't knock him out..." Ke Lan thought hard about the countermeasures, and in a daze, a light flashed in front of his eyes -

"There is a way!"

Ke Lan kicked away a flying blade that was shot at an angle, turned around and ran out of the jungle. Thirty-three immediately followed, hot on his heels.

"If I remember correctly, go out from the exit of the hunting ground and walk a thousand meters to the right. At the third intersection... that place should be deep enough..." Ke Lan thought as he ran, thirty-three The speed is not much slower than him, especially on the streets of the city - there are many Nino alloy components in the ruins of buildings. Thirty-three uses those building materials containing Nino alloy as the base of the "slingshot" to The power between himself and Nino Alloy serves as the bowstring of a "slingshot", constantly bouncing, just like Ke Lan did in the garbage tunnel. Every time he exerts force, he can eject himself hundreds of meters away. distance.

In addition to ejection movements, those abandoned building components would also rise from the ruins from time to time, and hit Ke Lan with large pieces of concrete or other gold and stone materials... Forcibly controlling this tonnage of Nino alloy creations against Thirty-three is a huge burden, but at this time he doesn't care at all about the damage caused by overdraft ability to the body. Even though the blood flowing out of his nostrils has made Thirty-three's face as pale as paper, he still cares about Ke Lan pursues Ke Lan relentlessly - it seems that for him, as long as he can kill Ke Lan, it is not a pity to pay any price.


A concrete block with a diameter of more than fifteen meters fell heavily on Ke Lan's side, pressing one of Ke Lan's arms directly into it - this concrete block was one-third of the foundation of a building on the street. Thirty-three forcibly pulled out this piece of foundation and threw it at Ke Lan. Although Ke Lan barely dodged the giant thing that fell on his head, he still paid the price of an arm.

Ke Lan did not hesitate to cut off his arm, which was pressed under the concrete block and had turned into a mixture of broken bones and meat residue, and continued to run forward - the city was undoubtedly his home ground for Thirty-Three, and he The ability can be brought into full play here, and this advantage will be strengthened several times compared to that in the jungle hunting ground.

Not only that, the mental power of Thirty-three trapped in the dream was not restricted, but was greatly increased. It is absolutely impossible for Thirty-three in the waking state to rely on a few nino alloys to connect half of the body. There is no steel bar to lift a concrete block weighing dozens of tons. Even if he bites his teeth into pieces, he can't do it. But now, he just waved, and the houses on both sides of the street seemed to have been blasted by directed blasts. , all fell towards Ke Lan.

Several times, Ke Lan was buried directly in the ruins. He forced his way out with all his injuries. What greeted him were more, larger, and heavier components, as well as those hidden in the rubble and Black flying blades in the dust.

Ke Lan felt that he was almost reaching his limit. Although he was numb to the pain and the wounds on his body would heal as soon as they appeared... But his spirit had begun to tire... Several times, he wanted to give up... Go back and help Thirty-Three find relief.

It is not difficult for him to kill Thirty-Three. Thirty-Three's attack methods are completely undefensive. Ke Lan doesn't even need to get close. He just needs to shoot Thirty-Three in the head to end it all. …

It’s not like Ke Lan has never shot Thirty-Three. He tried to shoot Thirty-Three’s knees and ankles, but when the bullet was about to hit these parts that would affect Thirty-Three’s movements, there would always be a few black flying blades. Flying out to block the bullet... But when Ke Lan aimed at vital points like Thirty-three's head or heart, the black flying blade spared no effort to attack Ke Lan.

"Is his dream controlled by Nieto... It seems that Nieto is determined that he is unwilling to kill his companions..." Ke Lan sighed. The best way to get out of the predicament is naturally to kill Thirty-three. But Ke Lan didn't want to do that unless he had to... Even if he knew that Nieto would take advantage of this, he still wanted to save Thirty-Three's life.

Finally, Ke Lan's planned destination appeared in his sight - it was a large pit at the intersection. Judging from the shape and depth of the pit, it didn't look like it had been dug out by a machine, but like it had been dug deep. The hole was created by the explosives buried underground... This pit was probably left by the residents of the hive city when they fought against the "disaster". There are many traces of battles like this throughout the hive city...

But that's not important. What's important is that the pit is deep enough, and there are no components made of Nino alloy at the bottom of the pit.

Ke Lan ran to the edge of the pit, picked up the few items containing Nino alloy beside the pit, threw them far away, and then watched Thirty-Three rush towards him.

Ke Lan was forced to have his legs removed by the black flying blade. He ran into Sansan's arms, grabbed Sansan's shoulders with his newly grown arm, and twisted his waist hard. With this, With such force, Thirty-Three was thrown directly into the big pit!

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