Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 903 Showdown in the Fog

"The hunt begins..."

As soon as Nieto's voice ended, Ke Lan felt a strong warning sign and quickly leaned down and rolled into the big hole he had just dug. The next moment, the gunshot of the large-caliber hunting pistol rang out again, and a strong wind passed through Ke Lan's back, bringing with it a burning pain.

Obviously, when Nieto refers to "hunting", the prey refers to Ke Lan.

As for who the hunter is...


Before Ke Lan could climb out of the pit, another gunshot rang out. This time, Ke Lan failed to avoid the second shot. The large-caliber warhead hit his right shoulder, and the huge kinetic energy attached to it hit Ke Lan. Lan's whole body flipped over on his back and fell heavily back into the pit. And his entire right arm was torn directly from his torso by the warhead and flew far away.

Severe pain came from the broken arm, but compared to the pain, what made Ke Lan feel a little worse was a top-heavy feeling of collapse - his self-healing ability and limb regeneration ability were not completely exhausted. In the battle with Thirty-Three just now, the body's energy has been consumed to the tune of 7788, and to regrow a limb, the energy and materials required are hundreds or even thousands of times that of healing a wound. many.

Ke Lan would rather be stabbed to the core by a black flying blade than have an arm or a leg chopped off.

He looked back at the part of the broken arm. The bleeding had stopped. Small granules began to emerge from the torn flesh and blood, and a light gray viscous liquid began to secrete from the white bone stubble—— When this fluid dries up, new bone can form.

It's just that compared to before, Ke Lan's limb regeneration speed has slowed down a lot... Although he can use his mind to urge his limbs to regenerate faster, doing so will cause dizziness and "hypoglycemia" The same side effects as "symptoms" are of course no problem under safe conditions, but the current situation requires Ke Lan to maintain a high degree of mental concentration at all times. If his eyesight goes dark at this time... I am afraid it will go dark forever.

"If we can pick up the broken arm and reattach it, the physical exertion will be much less..." Ke Lan lay on the edge of the pit and looked out. The severed arm flew out more than ten meters away. At his speed, it rushed It won't take more than a second to pick it up and jump back into the pit.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

The other party's reaction was also very fast. Ke Lan just raised his head, and the other party directly pulled the trigger. Even though he had a keen sense of danger, he only had time to avoid the vital part of his head and use his right shoulder to catch it. This shot... If the whole person jumped out of the pit, without a bunker, getting shot would be completely unavoidable.

And the most terrible thing... is the bullet used by the opponent.

It is a special kind of bullet. The warhead has a three-layer structure. The first layer is an armor-piercing layer made of depleted uranium alloy with a lower melting point. It will burn and produce self-sharpening properties after hitting the target. It is a very famous depleted uranium armor-piercing bullet in the old era. An improved version, and the third layer is a bullet core forged from pure Nino alloy. Even if the depleted uranium layer fails to break through the target's armor, the needle-shaped Nino alloy bullet core can drive in like a nail... …

But these two layers are not the key. The key lies in the second layer in the middle.

The name of the second layer is called "Biomass Digestion Layer". It is a new material that the institute just successfully developed last year. It is also called "Active Ammunition Version 2.0" within the institute and the military - it is said to be a material, but actually it is not. Rather, it is a special genetically modified bacterium. This bacterium devours all organic matter it comes into contact with and converts it into a substance that resembles rotten cotton wool...

This kind of bacteria was originally developed to deal with giant mutants like that. No matter how hard the carapace or skin is, a big hole will be quickly corroded in front of the warhead made by this kind of bacteria. With version 1.0 With active ammunition, in theory, individual soldiers can also use light weapons to hunt powerful mutants.

Of course, the Hunting God Hunting Group has also been assigned a batch of trial products. Ke Lan has tested it in private. This kind of bacteria can easily penetrate even living armor... Just now Ke Lan has actually condensed into a layer of two centimeters thick on his shoulders. The living armor, but still failed to block the warhead.

The only function of the living armor is probably to protect Ke Lan's torso from being torn apart by the huge kinetic energy transmitted from the shoulders...


Ke Lan gasped, and used his remaining left hand to pull out the pistol stuck under his ribs, and loaded the bullet with the help of his teeth - he really wanted to imitate the murderer in "John Wick" without blinking an eye. The protagonist of the movie has a very cool one-handed loading machine, but the spring of the military pistol’s slide is extremely stiff, the stroke is long, and it has multiple safety devices, making it impossible to load the gun with one-handed operation.

"There are five rounds left, counting the one in the chamber, six rounds." Ke Lan pulled out the magazine, glanced at the transparent observation window on the side of the magazine, then put it on his leg and pushed it back.

The fog outside was very heavy, and the visibility was only about five meters, but judging from the sound of gunfire, the man using the large-caliber hunting pistol was about thirty to fifty meters away from Ke Lan - even if there was no tree trunks in the straight line to block it, It is definitely impossible to see through such a thick layer of fog with the naked eye.

"Either the opponent has special visual abilities, or... he has additional detection tools..." Ke Lan suddenly glanced at a dim red light hidden behind the white mist from the corner of his eye, and immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at Directly above is a shot.

The next moment the gunfire rang out, something fell next to Ke Lan. He turned around and saw that it was a palm-sized drone. This drone has its own thermal imaging camera and can easily Target location in heavy fog.

Seeing this drone, Ke Lan breathed a sigh of relief - if he had to choose, instead of letting his opponent have the advantage of mysterious capabilities, he would rather let the opponent have the advantage of technology.

At least Ke Lan was familiar with things on the technological side, and he could use the known theories and knowledge to deal with them... As for the abilities on the mysterious side, those things didn't make sense at all.

After shooting down a drone, Ke Lan did not stand up rashly - vaguely, he felt that there was more than one line of sight peering at him. The other party might have more than one drone, or maybe, he was shooting. Users can directly access the observation system of the jungle hunting ground.

Nieto said that heavy fog is one of the multiple weather simulations in the jungle hunting ground. It can be used as a viewing activity or competition. The organizer will definitely not let the audience outside the venue only see a vast white fog. Therefore, even in a foggy environment, there must be a way to see the entire hunting ground clearly.

"If we just rely on thermal imaging..." Ke Lan tried to lift one of his legs, and wrapped the leg with thick enough living armor, so that the external temperature of this leg dropped to almost the same as the environment...

No shots were fired.

Ke Lan took a deep breath, let the living armor cover his whole body, and then moved out of the pit bit by bit.

Still no gunshots were fired.

"It seems that it really relies on the temperature difference to lock the target." Ke Lan calmed down and ran quickly to the location where the broken arm fell... However, he just ran a few steps away when a grenade with the latch unplugged. He flew out of the fog and fell into the pit where he had just been lying down.

"Damn it!" Ke Lan leaned over and picked up the severed arm from the ground, then rolled and dodged behind a thick enough tree trunk.


A huge explosion sounded. It was a defensive grenade with a large yield, and it was filled with crystalline explosives. Its power was enough to blast through the frontal armor of a standard walker.

Violent vibrations came along the ground, and the sand and gravel with a hint of residual warmth fell on Ke Lan's head and shoulders - the pit that could only accommodate one person was instantly filled. It was enlarged several times, and the skeleton of Ke Lan, whose identity had not yet been figured out, was blown up to the point where there was no residue left.

"It seems that the target has disappeared through thermal imaging, so I threw a grenade into the pit to test it." Ke Lan muttered in his heart, "If this guy only has modern weapons like guns and grenades... he should It’s not difficult to deal with.”

As long as you can keep your body surface temperature consistent with the environment, you will be "invisible" in this heavy fog.

Just when Ke Lan was about to use "stealth" to reach in the direction of the shooter, the tree trunk he was leaning against suddenly sank, and countless strange-shaped branches penetrated the bark of the tree, trapping Ke Lan's body. Get up!

The shape of these branches is like the withered arms of a mummy, hugging Ke Lan tightly, while the tree trunk behind him is dissolving, and a large amount of gum flow with a strong and pungent smell is secreted, killing Ke Lan. The back is firmly stuck to the tree trunk.

"Trap?! No, that's not right! This tree is also a mutant! It is also a 'hunter' in this jungle!" Ke Lan reacted suddenly.

Many sharp wooden thorns have grown on those branches. These wooden thorns pierced Ke Lan's skin and began to suck Ke Lan's flesh and blood...

But just when Ke Lan was about to use brute force to break free, something unexpected happened to him - this "man-eating tree" died in just a few seconds after sucking his flesh and blood. The branches that held Ke Lan tightly a second ago withered in the blink of an eye, and then turned into ashes. Even the extremely sticky gum turned into a fishy pus with a texture like egg white.

"Good guy, your feelings have been poisoned by my blood..." Ke Lan couldn't help but sigh in his heart... He knew that his body was special, but he never thought that he could poison a tree in such a short time. A mutant plant with a high level...

To put it this way, wouldn’t it be that Miss Soma, who had been intimate with him, was on the verge of death every time?

This toxicity should be limited to flesh and blood, right? A certain kind of special body fluid shouldn't be poisonous, right?

But the problem is... when two people enter a state of selflessness, they will also bite each other. Ke Lan was laughed at by a hound because of the tooth marks on his neck... Why didn't Zofia have an accident at that time? ?

Did this change only happen after he entered the gray mist forest?

As the degree of erosion deepens, the degree of mutation of the body is also gradually increasing... Even though it still looks human from the outside, in fact...

Maybe the tentacle-covered flesh and blood monster that Thirty-three saw in his hallucination was closer to a human being than himself?

Ke Lan didn't have time to think about more irrelevant things. After getting rid of the "man-eating tree", he began to crawl on the ground - this moving posture may not look elegant, but at least it can avoid being caught by the enemy as much as possible. The drones in the sky were discovered. At the same time, even if the opponent adopted a blind shooting method, the area affected by the bomb could be minimized by staying close to the ground.

"If I were that person, after the thermal imaging function fails, I should control the drone to lower its altitude and search for targets within the visual distance... However, the sound of the propellers of these drones is still very obvious, as long as the sound is heard If I get closer, I can shoot down the drone before it finds me." Ke Lan thought silently in his mind.

The position where the man fired his last shot was at one o'clock, about thirty-five meters away... And the defensive grenade weighed nine kilograms. It was said to be a grenade, but it was actually heavier than many bombs... unless it was A high-level enhanced person or a modified person with mechanical arm assistance, ordinary people cannot throw this thing thirty meters away.

The other party is also approaching here.

Ke Lan held the gun in his left hand, and grabbed the engineer's shovel with his newly connected right hand, bending his knees slightly - he had crawled forward fifteen meters, and if the other party was also moving in the opposite direction, they might collide at any time now.

As long as anything moving appears in the white mist, Ke Lan will immediately jump up, first chop at the opponent's lower body with the engineer shovel, and then bring the pistol closer to shoot, directly sending the bullet into the opponent's body.

He held his breath and lay on the ground like a toad, waiting for the opportunity to come.

However, Ke Lan failed to wait until the shooter entered his attack range, but instead waited for another grenade.

This is a lighter offensive grenade, which mainly relies on the steel balls stuck to the grenade shell to cause damage. The grenade was not thrown directly towards Ke Lan, but landed on the right side of Ke Lan. Five meters away.

This means that the other party did not discover Ke Lan's exact location, but judged that Ke Lan was ambushing in this area and planned to use a grenade to get out of a "safe zone".

Ke Lan did not choose to pick up the grenade and throw it back. Instead, he used his living armor to forcibly carry the shooting steel balls, maintaining a motionless posture and reducing his pulse and heart rate to the lowest level.

The effective killing radius of the steel ball of this grenade is ten meters, which means that the opponent is likely to be within ten meters at this time.

[P.S. Thanks to Lanshan Wine Lane for the 1,500 starting coins. 】

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