Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 904 Electric Mine

If Ke Lan jumps up at this time and shoots randomly in the direction of one o'clock, there is a high probability that he will hit the opponent... But what the specific probability is, Ke Lan is not sure.

What if the other person is also a very cautious person and crawls on the ground like me?

What if the opponent possesses equipment such as a bulletproof shield, or simply wears a suit of power armor?

Ke Lan still had five bullets left, and he didn't want to waste them without guaranteeing effective damage.

Waiting and waiting may seem a bit stupid, but it is the safest plan at the moment.

For a completely unknown enemy, there are too many variables in an encounter. In the case of an ambush, at least Ke Lan can still take the initiative in his own hands.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Ten minutes passed, but there was still no movement in the fog, not even gunshots or grenades. The guy who sniped at Ke Lan seemed to have left.

"The other party also chooses to wait and see?" Ke Lan muttered in his heart, "Or... play hard to get?"

In this case, it is time to compete for the patience of both parties. Whoever loses his composure first will lose.

Fifteen minutes, twenty minutes...

Ke Lan lay on the ground like a piece of rotten wood, unmoved even by a swarm of mutant ants crawling across his cheeks.

He has always been patient. As long as he can achieve his goal, he can wait for as long as he wants... even in extremely dangerous and stressful situations.

When he was still a lone hunter, Ke Lan explored a C-level ruins. That ruins were originally A-level, but the advance team successfully destroyed the "access control system" of the ruins and made the ruins much more difficult. After taking away the most valuable things in the ruins, the ruins were downgraded two levels in a row, from A level to C level.

But in any case, this is still a ruins with an initial rating of A. Although the access control system has been destroyed, it does not mean that the passages in the ruins are unobstructed. For hunters, those damaged mechanisms are still fatal. of.

The advance team destroyed the access control system, but the destruction was not complete - those passage doors would only open for a dozen seconds a day, and the opening time was completely random. Hunters who wanted to go deep into the ruins could only wait at the door... and in the end The terrible thing is that automatic defense systems are installed in front of these doors. As long as the hunters make a little louder noise, they will be triggered immediately.

Hunters who want to enter this ruins have to squat in front of the door all day long, unable to talk or move around. They can only use straws to suck liquid food from their backpacks, and use diapers to go to the toilet. Even the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat must be deliberately controlled...

There was once an independent hunter who was traveling with Ke Lan. Just because he saw the gate open, his heart became excited and his breathing became a little heavier, and he turned into ashes in front of Ke Lan's eyes.

"Stay focused, calm your mind, control your breathing..." Ke Lan muttered silently in his heart. He had closed his eyes, pressed his cheeks and ears against the moist soil on the ground, and felt all kinds of sounds coming from the ground. Such vibration.

The rustling sound was the swarm of ants that had just crawled out of his face. The faint cracking sound and the subsequent friction sound were the sound of a fungus' canopy opening after it emerged from the soil. There was also a burst of The rustling sound is the sound of the wind blowing the gravel and rolling it...

All the sounds were heard. Although Ke Lan closed his eyes, a three-dimensional image was painted in his brain. This was very close to Asano Akira's ability, but there are still differences between the two. ——Asano Akira actually relies on invisible tentacles of thought. Rather than "hearing", it is better to say it is a disguised "touch". Ke Lan relied on his true hearing and the terrifying information processing and computing power of his brain to reconstruct various fragmented information into a complete scene.

An hour passed, and what Ke Lan didn't expect was that the first person to lose his composure was "Nieto" as a third-party bystander.

Although "Nieto" lost control of most areas in the upper city, some rights were still retained, including the weather control system of the "Jungle Hunting Ground".

A heavy rain fell without warning. The rain hit the tree crown, making a loud crackling sound, and then flowed down along the gaps between the leaves... As the rain fell, the mist that filled the forest gradually dissipated. .

Ke Lan suddenly discovered that an extremely dense minefield had been formed within a radius of thirty meters centered on his position - those anti-infantry mines were scattered around so casually, basically every few steps. There is one.

Although these mines were not buried in the soil and were all exposed on the ground, under the current situation, Ke Lan had no way to eliminate or bypass these mines.

The triggering method of these anti-infantry landmines is omnidirectional laser remote sensing. As long as Ke Lan comes within five meters, they will be triggered directly... What is even more troublesome is that these landmines are all non-lethal landmines.

If it were the kind of landmine whose main killing effect relies on fragments, steel balls or explosive shock waves, Ke Lan might be able to survive this minefield with his living armor and powerful self-recovery, but non-lethal landmines are more Trouble - these mines will not explode with fragments or steel balls, and the shock wave will be so small that it is almost negligible, but they will release a high-voltage current that can cover a range of ten meters.

The voltage of this current is quite high. For ordinary people, it is enough to put people into a state of shock or even death. For Ke Lan, although the high-voltage current is not fatal, from a certain perspective, it is more powerful than anti-personnel landmines. "More deadly" - Even if he is protected by living armor, he will fall into a brief state of paralysis when he is hit by electric current.

The other party was not nearby. Apparently he had just set up the minefield and was hiding, waiting for Ke Lan to be paralyzed by the electric mine before killing him.

"How did this guy... manage to place so many electric mines nearby without making a sound..." Ke Lan lay on the ground, raised his head slightly, and looked around - each electric mine was five meters apart. There is no gap for people to pass through. As for jumping over the minefield, Ke Lan must jump to a height of more than five meters. Not to mention whether he can find a safe foothold after jumping. This height alone is enough to turn him into a living target in mid-air.

Ke Lan is not wearing a powered armor with a propeller, and Ze Luo's space ability cannot be used in this place. Jumping into the air cannot change direction. The enemy hiding in the dark can easily predict his movement trajectory. Then he fired, and Ke Lan would definitely not be able to dodge.

[P.S. I went to the hospital to have my teeth checked during the day. There were a lot of people in the hospital... I took a nucleic acid test in the afternoon and the results haven't come out yet. Now I feel a little groggy and my nose is a little stuffy... I took a look at the book club in the afternoon and they were talking about big eyes. It seems that I have been tricked, which makes me very nervous now. I hope I didn’t get infected... If I did get infected, with my physique and immunity, I might have to stop for a few more days...]

[P.P.S. There should be another chapter later. 】

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