Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 906 The real coffin of eternal life

In the center of the pit, a large pool of blurred flesh and blood were mixed with crushed gravel, and dark red blood spattered in an explosive manner. It was obvious that he could no longer die.

Even the large-caliber pistol used by the opponent to sneak attack Ke Lan was crushed into a thin discus.

This is a fourth-generation R-type large-caliber hunting pistol produced by "Magnum Industries". It uses full-power Magnum bullets of 0.5-inch caliber, which is completely consistent with Thirty-Three's judgment.

However, when Ke Lan's eyes moved to the handle of the pistol, his brows knitted together.

There will be a series of laser-etched inscriptions on the handle of the pistol, indicating the production batch number and ownership of the gun. Although the inscription on this gun has been pressed into a lump, Ke Lan can still see the six characters at the end of the inscription. Character - "15SSHT"

"HT" means hunting group, and "SS" is the pinyin abbreviation of the name of the hunting group, and the first "15" refers to the fifteenth pinyin abbreviation of the registered hunting group, which is "SS" "The hunting group...and the fifteenth hunting group whose pinyin abbreviation is "SS" is Ke Lan's hunting group!

The handle of the pistol that Ke Lan used also had this suffix inscription on it.

"This a member of the hunting group?"

Ke Lan knelt down and picked out the paper-thin piece of clothing from the pile of rotten meat - judging from the fabric and style of the clothing, it should be a piece from the engineering department of the Hunting God Hunting Group. uniform.

"Engineering department?"

Ke Lan was stunned for a moment. The engineering department of the Hunting God Hunting Group is mainly managed by Leiton and Chi Hanfeng. They are also fully responsible for recruiting people and allocating positions. Ke Lan rarely interferes with it on weekdays... He only vaguely remembered that when he left Ark, the size of the engineering department had expanded to more than a hundred people, but he really couldn't tell the specific names of each person, their origins, and their specialties.

"Why do people from the Engineering Department appear here?" Ke Lan thought. He knew that the Undead Crew had already plotted against the God of Hunting Group, but with the protection of Yaguna Kotor and the body named "Joker", The life safety of the Hounds should be guaranteed - if not, at least they could escape from Alpha Planet in the Agunaktor and go to the space beyond the control of the Undead Crew Club, thus temporarily avoiding the danger.

It doesn't have to be very far. As long as it escapes from the earth-moon circle of Alpha Star, it will be difficult for Ark's fleet to locate Yagunaktor.

But this "Engineering Department Officer" who appeared out of nowhere made Ke Lan's heart arouse - although he was very reluctant to think in that direction, but now it seems that other people in the hunting group may also be involved. .

"Could it be that Old Dog and the others were worried about my safety... so they directly controlled Yagunaktor to drive into the gray mist forest?" Ke Lan looked at the engineering department uniform that was full of plasma in his hand, "But... what if... The people in the hunting group should be my teammates rather than enemies. Why did he want to ambush me? Did he accidentally see the dome and his whole body was directly eroded? But the hand I just saw... doesn't look like there is There are signs of decay..."

Just when Ke Lan was about to dig out the big hole made by the gravity gun, the mushy flesh and blood suddenly started to squirm... No, to be precise, it should be boiling, and the surface of the flesh and blood appeared. A large number of bubbles quickly enlarged and burst, releasing a strong fishy smell into the air - even if Ke Lan had no direct contact with the flesh and blood, he could feel that the temperature in the air was rising sharply!

"Not quite dead yet?"

Ke Lan jumped back suddenly, jumped out of the pit, picked up the gravity gun, and pulled the trigger again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The gravity gun fired three times in succession. The originally half-meter-deep pit was turned into a vertical shaft in just a few seconds, and the light of the crystal pillar sealed in the glass tube above the gravity gun was completely extinguished—— The energy is exhausted. This weapon is temporarily unusable until a backup energy source of the same specification is found or the charging method is mastered.

Ke Lan's three shots just used the maximum power. He was even worried that the ground in the upper city area would be directly crushed through - but it turned out that he had overthought it. The depth of the shaft had exceeded 100 meters, but the bottom well was The walls are still made of dirt and rocks, and not even the alloy hive structure can be seen. This means that the depth of the ground in the upper city is far above the lower city and the bottom hive.

The fourth level of the hive city, "Cloud Top"... is probably an incredible place...

But if you want to enter the fourth level, you must first get rid of the manager of the third level, "Nieto"; and to find the identity of "Nieto", you must first pass through this jungle hunting ground; and to pass through the jungle hunting ground , then the current threat must be eliminated...

That person... or rather, "that thing" still didn't die after eating three rounds of the most powerful gravity gun... Those flesh and blood gathered together to form a dark red, slug-like creature, along the The walls of the pit climbed up.

The "slug" squirmed with its fat body. In just a few seconds, the mucous membrane on the surface hardened and solidified, forming a structure like a carapace. Ke Lan picked up a stone and threw it hard, and the stone hit the carapace. It was shattered, but not even a scratch was left.

The hardness of the carapace is no less than those high-strength alloys used as front armor of tanks. Ke Lan is too lazy to take out a gun... Instead of wasting bullets, he might as well see what flowers this thing can produce.

The other party didn't let Ke Lan wait for long, but within a minute, cracks like tea eggs began to appear on the surface of the hard carapace. The next second, these carapace were shaken off like a layer of dead skin, and none of them were left. A wispy white man stood up from the debris on the ground.

"Who are you?" Ke Lan asked bluntly.

In the eyes of the other party, he did not see any crazy, confused or fearful look. The other party's consciousness was in a very awake state - which meant that the attack just now was probably caused by His true intention.

"Hunting God Hunting Group, engineering department officer, Wilson." The white male replied, "You can call me by this name."

"You know... I'm asking about your true identity." Ke Lan held up the gun, pointing the black muzzle at "Wilson"'s eyebrows - although the gun did not pose any threat to "Wilson", using the gun The deterrent effect of pointing is greater than pointing with an engineering shovel.

"I don't know either." "Wilson" said very calmly, as if he was not the one who had a life-or-death duel with Ke Lan just now. "The person who created me only told me what the mission was, and did not give me any instructions." Name. If you insist on me naming a name, it would be Wilson... I have lived with this name and the identity represented by it for more than ten years. Sometimes even I forget my true identity... From In a way, I've been Wilson most of my life."

Made? Living as "Wilson" for more than ten years?

Ke Lan immediately captured these two key pieces of information in the other party's words.

This time point was very sensitive more than ten years ago - Ke Lan and the "Prophet" were also "created" by the Undead Crew more than ten years ago, and there were a large number of "defective products" in the same batch as them. , those "defective products" were either directly destroyed, or used as consumables for interpreting Alpha documents...

Could it be that besides myself and the prophet, there are actually three "symbiotes" that can survive for a long time?

"Who made you?" Ke Lan continued to ask.

"I don't know either." Wilson shrugged. He was unusually cooperative with Ke Lan's series of questions. "Actually, my memory is also incomplete. Most of the time, Wilson is the one who is awake. As for me, He spends part of the time in a state of hazy semi-slumber.”

Dual personality? Ke Lan was slightly startled. If the other party did not lie, it means that there are two personalities in this body... Logically speaking, this is impossible...

Ke Lan has only collected very little information about the symbiote, but there is a very precise article in it, which states that if the "symbiote" has any mental illness, it must be destroyed immediately after being detected to prevent accidents from happening. .

If this guy has a dual personality, the Undead Crew should just throw him into the incinerator...

No... maybe not...

After all, "symbiote" that can survive for a long time is too rare. There is no guarantee that someone from the Immortal Crew will not take risks and risk losing control to keep this "Wilson"...

"The people who made you...are the Undead Crew, right?"

"I don't know." Although Wilson's attitude was very cooperative, he was in a state of ignorance. Ke Lan couldn't be sure whether he really didn't know or was pretending to be stupid...

"Why are you attacking me? Is this a task assigned to you by the person who created you?" Ke Lan asked while looking at the other person's condition - the Wilson in front of him looked no different from ordinary humans, except for his stronger physique. In addition, there are no signs of strengthening or transformation, and those mutant tissues like monsters are completely invisible... Only the eggshell-like carapace fragments still remind Ke Lan of the "person" in front of him. How it was just "resurrected".

"My mission is to retrieve your brain... This thing is very important." Wilson said, "As for whether you are dead or alive, I don't care. If you are willing to give up resistance, then I can take you back intact."

"What's the use of my brain? Where are you taking me back to? The Ark?"

"No, there is no place on the Ark where ceremonies can be held." Wilson shook his head, "Your brain should be placed inside the 'White Coffin', not in this body that is about to be super-eroded."

"The White it the coffin that appeared inside Yagunaktor?"

"That's the 'Black Coffin'... The 'Black Coffin' symbolizes power, and the 'White Coffin' symbolizes wisdom. Power without wisdom control will only bring raging disasters and destroy everything." Wilson continued Said, "You were supposed to wake up in the 'White Coffin' and eat the fruits produced in the 'Black Coffin', but there was a deviation in the ceremony. You were not put into the 'White Coffin', but were Mixed into the symbiote’s cultivation vessel.”

" mean...I'm not a symbiote?" Ke Lan's eyes twitched violently a few times. The amount of information contained in the other person's few words was enough to cause his brain to temporarily shut down. I couldn't help but feel a little suffocated... If "Wilson" hadn't lied... He was not a symbiote... Then what was he?

White coffin, black coffin... What is the so-called "ritual"?

Ke Lan clearly thought that he had mastered a lot of truth, but now he found that all the truths he thought were overturned by the other party's words.

It's impossible to tell whether Wilson's words are true or false, but one thing Ke Lan is sure of is that the body in the "Black Coffin" has an inexplicable connection with him... Since the "Black Coffin" will be related to If he has a connection, then the opposite "White Coffin" should also be the same.

But... what exactly are this "black coffin" and "white coffin"? Why does it appear inside Yagunaktor?

Are these two "coffins" made by the undead crew, or do they originally exist in Yagunaktor?

What is their function?

Ke Lan sighed helplessly - although he successfully joined the Undead Crew, the crew still hid too many things from themselves. Those core secrets were not revealed to Ke Lan at all. What he knew, even Not as much as the "Wilson" suffering from schizophrenia in front of me.

"What will happen if you put my brain in the White Coffin?" Ke Lan asked tentatively, "If you can tell me the result, it's not impossible for me to cooperate with you..."

"The full name of the Black Coffin and the White Coffin combined is called the 'Coffin of Eternal Life'." It was not Wilson who answered Ke Lan, but Nieto. "You may be surprised why its name is related to those who used it to preserve it. It's the same as my own hibernation cabin, that's because the hibernation cabin they made is actually an inferior imitation of the 'Coffin of Immortality'."

"How do you know these things?" Ke Lan asked in a deep voice. It is still unclear whether Nieto and Wilson are in the same camp. If the two sides join forces for some reasons, then for Ke Lan, The situation is a bit not good.

"Because the 'Coffin of Eternal Life' was originally made in the nest, and the person who made it tried to use it to fight against disasters..."

"What kind of countermeasure? Like the undead crew would do, by sealing the body to delay the deepening of the erosion?"

"No, I said, that's just an inferior imitation... True immortality should be... becoming a god himself."

"Become... a god?"

"But this is blasphemy against the great gods, so there is no doubt that they failed." Nieto said with a sarcastic tone.

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