Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 907 Better Sacrifice

"Since this is blasphemy against the great god, then why did you allow this guy to ambush me here? Don't tell me, you can't do anything against him." Ke Lan pointed his gun at Wilson standing opposite and said .

"The great gods never care about the blasphemy of insects." Nieto said, "And for me, if you can really use the power of the coffin of immortality to take a step in that direction... even if it is only half a step, it is a step. A good thing."

"Good thing?"

"In order to offer better sacrifices to the great gods." Nieto replied.

"Look, this guy is only thinking about using me as a sacrifice to that bullshit god. I suggest you get rid of him first, and then we can sit down and talk slowly." Ke Lan looked at Wilson again and suggested road.

"My goal is only you, anything else has nothing to do with me. If the administrator of the hive city is willing to provide me with some help, then I don't mind cooperating with them."

"Damn it, I'm afraid Nieto and Wilson have already reached some kind of tacit understanding..." Ke Lan cursed inwardly, "It seems that there is no chance of sowing discord. We can only find a way to solve one of them first... …”

Nieto's biggest limitation is that he has lost control of most of the nest. Apart from being able to change the weather patterns in the jungle hunting ground and implanting illusions into the invaders' brains through the power of the dome, he has not yet shown any ability to control the invaders' brains. Reality has the ability to interfere, but once a "Wilson" is added, the situation is completely different.

Nieto can help Wilson to the greatest extent within his capabilities. Of these three items, the opponent suddenly has the right location, right location, and both... As for Ke Lan, the right time, right time, and right people are not necessarily on his side. .

"Give up your resistance." Wilson said to Ke Lan, "I can at least guarantee that I will take you back 'completely'."

"What if I say no?"

"I can only bring your brain back as completely as possible."

The city under the sea.

Although the hounds and others were very afraid of the "Illusion Magnetic Field", they still entered the interior of the Undersea City.

"As the influence of the 'Illusion Magnetic Field' on people continues to deepen, we will observe more and more unreasonable things." Ghost Owl said to the other three people, "Once you realize that you can't distinguish between reality and illusion, When you reach the boundary between them, it means you are very close to the dangerous line of being completely lost..."

"Then how did you deal with situations like this before?" Hound asked.

"Exit the ruins immediately. If it's too late, knock yourself out." Ghost Owl replied concisely.

"Knock yourself out... It's okay if it's a team action, but if it's a lone hunter, what's the difference between that and committing suicide?" Chi Hanfeng said in astonishment.

"There is still a difference," Hound continued, "Most of the mechanisms in the ruins are trigger-type. If you really fall into an illusion and can't extricate yourself, running around will be far more dangerous than passing out... Being passed out will at least You can also hope that you will be rescued by the subsequent hunters. If you run into those deadly traps in a crazy state, it may be difficult for your relatives to see your bones again. "

"Okay...if, I mean if, if I fall into an illusion, everything will be left to you." Chi Hanfeng looked at the hound and said.

"It's useless for you to tell me. You, me and Ghost Owl, all three of us have experienced hallucinations to a certain extent. Only Zhuoligetu and Xiaona have not had any abnormalities so far. If you ask me, the people who can persevere until the end , it must be the two of them." Hound pouted.

"That's not necessarily true." Ghost Owl shook his head, "Although the influence of the illusion magnetic field is gradual, there are great differences between individuals... Some people have various small hallucinations along the way, but they never lose themselves; while some people People who can’t feel anything until they reach a certain depth, but when hallucinations start to appear, they will immediately indulge in it... This kind of example is not unheard of.”

"I can probably understand the latter type of person you are talking about. They have very weak inspiration and slow brains, but their psychological defenses are extremely fragile... For this kind of person, the threshold for triggering inspiration is higher than that of ordinary people, but once it is triggered, even if Just that kind of very low-level inspiration will also have a huge impact on his mind." The hound nodded, "This kind of person is actually not suitable to be a ruin hunter."

"In order to make a living, many people have no choice." Ghost Owl sighed, "I once persuaded many newcomers who were not good enough in the training camp, but these newcomers turned around and joined other hunting groups... Only a few of them Only those who are lucky can survive until retirement, and the rest are basically buried in the ruins.”

"How's your inspiration?" asked the Hound.

"I'm not sure, but I have a keen sense of danger." Ghost Owl said truthfully. "It's hard to say whether this is an ability or luck, but it is because of this sense of smell that I can survive until now."

"Ke Lan is also a guy who is extremely sensitive to danger, and so is Asano Akira. People like them seem to be able to predict the future... It's a pity that they are not here now." Hound sighed, "People like me are from the army. People who have retired can still fight well, but if you ask me to deal with something like this that cannot be understood with common sense, I really can't bear it."

"Then why do you still want to be a relic hunter?" Ghost Owl glanced at the hound, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"What you just said was forced by life."

"In the beginning, maybe it was because of the pressure to make a living, but later, the God Hunting Group has made a lot of money. You even just need to sit in the office and leave all the work to your subordinates to enjoy food and clothing. If you live a worry-free life, why would you put yourself in danger?" Ghost Owl asked.

"You think our life is very comfortable. In fact, only we know that our heads are always tied to our belts." Hound said helplessly, "That kid Ke Lan has caused too many troubles, but we We have to help him...Who asked him to save our lives? Besides, even the 'favorable conditions' in your eyes were brought to us by him. Without him, I would still be miserable now. He is a lone hunter."

"Ke Lan... what kind of person is he?" Ghost Owl asked curiously, "Although we have dealt with him several times, I have never been able to see through him. I always feel that there are many secrets hidden in him... Even if you have told me a lot, in my opinion, these secrets are just the tip of the iceberg."

"What we know...or what Ke Lan knows, is only the tip of the iceberg. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to a place like the Gray Mist Forest where birds don't poop, and we wouldn't have been inexplicably trapped. The undead crew will be forced into this situation..."

Just when the hound wanted to complain a few more words, Valentina's voice suddenly rang out: "Major, Uncle Nick, I just noticed now that the water pressure outside is much lower than before. If you carry deep If you wear a diving suit, you should be able to move out of the deep diving chamber."

"Water pressure... oh, I almost forgot about this!" The hound slapped his forehead suddenly, "Ke Lan only wore a deep diving suit when he explored this underwater city. Before entering the liquid cliff, withstanding the pressure was no problem at all... The depth of this place is simply not comparable to the underwater city with the pyramids we saw at the beginning!"

Chi Hanfeng stood up immediately, pulled out a drawer-type container, took out four deep-diving suits, handed them to everyone, and said: "This is the only life-saving diving suit for emergency use. It has no weapons or detection equipment." There is no self-powered propeller, and the only additional equipment is the two metal cans on the waist. The blue one is a broad-spectrum biological repellent. When thrown into the water, it can emit chemicals that are annoying to most aquatic indigenous creatures. Smell, the other red one is a smoke signal can, used to indicate the direction to rescue aircraft..."

"The lack of weapons and thrusters is not a big problem. After all, we still have the Blasphemer mecha and Valentina." Hound took the deep-diving suit and unzipped it, "I just want to know how this thing can work. How deep the water pressure can be withstood... I remember that Ke Lan was wearing a military-grade tactical deep diving suit at that time. With the injectable pressurizer, the maximum diving depth should be 1,200 meters."

"I don't have pressurizing agent on hand. If I just rely on this diving suit, there should be no problem at a depth of 800 meters." Chi Hanfeng said. He turned to look at the instrument panel inside the submersible, but the instrument panel had already been damaged. , which simply cannot show the current depth.

"Valentina, what's our depth now?" he asked.

"...I don't know either. The mecha's depth gauge seems to be broken. The number keeps jumping between zero and ten thousand without stopping."

"Same." The hound nodded with deep understanding, "When Ke Lan first entered this area of ​​water, all the detection equipment on his body also failed... In addition to the 'illusion magnetic field', there are probably other things in this sea area. An interfering magnetic field capable of affecting electronic equipment.”

"Hiss... Now we're in trouble."

"The problem is actually not difficult to solve. Didn't Xiaona just say that the water pressure has dropped? This means that at least the water pressure can be monitored... We don't have to worry about the real depth of this place, as long as the water pressure is within the deep diving suit We can go out as much as we can bear it.”

"The water pressure is determined by the sensor on the surface of the mecha. If converted, it is about a depth of about 400 to 500 meters." Valentina said immediately.

"Okay then, let's go out." Hound put on the deep diving suit and locked all the air-tight rings at the joints. "I don't want to stay in this broken iron ball anymore. If something unexpected happens, you won’t be able to run away even if you want to.”

"I have a suggestion." Ghost Owl also put on the deep diving suit and said, "I suggest that we divide into two teams. This can double the exploration efficiency in the same unit of time. One person from each team did not show up. Members who have experienced hallucinations serve as 'insurance', what do you think?"

"No." Hound said without thinking, "Have you ever seen those kind of sci-fi horror movies? Usually when the protagonist group wants to split up, it is basically announcing that people will die soon... Besides, we The only reliable combat power at present is the Blasphemer mecha. What if the team without mecha encounters some monster?"

"What I mean is to search separately in a small area. For example, in each block, one team of people will search the east half, and another team will search the west half. After searching a block, we will meet again to exchange information and harvest." Ghost Owl said. , "If we don't divide our forces, our existing oxygen generators may not be able to support us in searching the entire undersea city."

"I still think what the old dog said makes sense." Zhuoligetu was the last person to put on the deep-diving suit. He was relatively tall and wanted to put on the bulky deep-diving suit in the narrow space inside the deep-diving vehicle. It was quite difficult to dress up, and in the end I had to rely on Chi Hanfeng's help to put it on. "Split the troops, although the exploration efficiency can be doubled, but it means that the probability of encountering an accident will also be doubled... not to mention the enlightenment of the three of you. 'It appears in three different forms. What if there is a puzzle that requires the information contained in the three 'revelations' to be solved together?"

"It's decided not to separate." Hound looked around, and after making sure that all four of them had put on their deep-diving suits, he forcefully opened the safety valve on the hatch of the submersible.

The sound of gurgling gurgling came from all around, and a large amount of seawater poured into the interior of the submersible through the reverse pressure relief valve, gradually covering the knees of the four people - this safety valve is used for emergency escape, and the hatch is closed Before opening, the entire submersible will be filled with seawater to ensure that the pressure inside and outside the submersible is completely consistent.

The filling process lasted for about fifteen minutes. The hound raised his wrist and glanced at the pressure gauge of the deep diving suit. The pointer was still one-third free from the red warning line, which meant that the water pressure increased by another percent. Fifty, this deep diving suit can withstand it.

The hound made an OK gesture to the three of them, then opened the hatch and swam out.

The three of them filed out behind him. Since there were no propellers, in order to prevent being swept away by the undercurrent, the four of them wore a safety rope around their waists in their deep-diving suits, and the end of the safety rope was tied to a On the wrist of the God's mecha.

"Although I have just observed this underwater city through the porthole window, when I actually stepped on the streets of this ruins with my feet, the feeling was completely different..." Ghost Owl murmured, "Back then When the undersea city was discovered, I thought about organizing an exploration operation, but before the draft of the operation was completed, this sea area was closed."

"It's a good thing that you wrote the action draft slowly, otherwise you might regret it." Hound teased, "Oh no, you might not even have a chance to regret it."

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