Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 919 Equipment left behind by the hive civilization

"Except Ke Lan, where are the others? Do you know where they are now?" Hound asked again.

Although Ke Lan told him that except for Thirty-three and Ze Luo, everyone else had separated from him before entering the Tower of Babel, but since Valentina will appear in this water area, maybe Yi Both Fan and Asano Akira were teleported to this place.

To this question, Kristen’s answer was “unknown”.

"Okay...I won't waste any more words with you. Where is the entrance to Hive City No. 97 you mentioned?"

Before Hound finished speaking, a three-dimensional projection of the underwater city appeared in front of everyone's eyes. A bright spot of light was marked among the ruins.

"In addition, I can also provide you with some support." As soon as Chi Hanfeng finished writing this sentence, the wall on one side lowered into the ground, revealing what was behind the wall.

There were more than a dozen equipment racks, and the things hung on them included hot weapons such as firearms and small artillery, as well as cold weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, and even a complete set of armor - from the joint structure to the hanging behind the back. Judging from the energy backpacks carried, these armors should all be powered armors, but compared to the powered armors on the Ark, the style of these armors is closer to the ancient armors of the old era, and there are even gorgeous gilt patterns on the armor plates. pattern.

What surprised Hound and others the most was that whether it was weapons or armor, the size of these equipment actually fit the human body shape, and they would not feel awkward at all when used.

"It's strange... isn't it said that the height and shape of the Alphas are one and a half to two times that of humans? Why do I feel like their armor is just the right size for humans to wear?" Ghost Owl stepped forward and gestured. After a while, he asked with some doubts.

"These equipment are not leftover from the Alpha civilization, but from the hive civilization of an earlier period." Christine replied.

"Hive civilization?" The hound was startled. "The hive cities you just mentioned, including the place we are going to next...were they not built by the Alpha civilization?"


"Hiss... I seem to understand something..." The hound looked at Zhuoligetu, "Do you still remember the mysterious writing we found on the Nino alloy scraps during our mission in the molten mine area? Ke Lan said it wasn’t alpha text.”

"Remember..." Zhuoligetu nodded, "Combined with the origin of Nino Alloy...that, Christian, Yagunak Tol, was also built by this hive civilization?"


Kristen's answers began to become brief, not because her patience was exhausted, but because Chi Hanfeng, as an "information carrier", was reaching his limit.

Thick, dark red blood hung from his nostrils, dripping on the paper drop by drop. The veins on his face and hands protruded, and his clenched teeth made a rattling sound. Pencils made of wood's high-density polymer were slightly deformed when he pinched them.

"Stop! I tell you to stop immediately!" The hound roared at Christine.

I saw Chi Hanfeng's body trembling violently for a few times as if he was electrocuted, and then he slumped softly. The hound rushed forward to support him and check his condition immediately.

Chi Hanfeng's pulse and heartbeat were relatively stable. Not only was the skin on his body not hot, but it also felt unusually cold. His eyes were closed tightly and his lips were moving slightly, as if he had something to tell the hound. .

"Hello? Lao Chi? Lao Chi?! Can you hear my voice?" The hound put his ears up and patted Chi Hanfeng on the back.

"Stop...stop shooting...cough...I'm not dead...I was...swatted to death by you..." The two big men almost put their faces together, and the hound could clearly hear Chi Hanfeng's words. .

"Don't let anything happen to you bastard! If something happens to you, Na will have to step over his head with her mecha!" Hound yelled.

"I can't die... I'm just... very sleepy and tired... my head is buzzing." Chi Hanfeng said intermittently.

If Ke Lan were here, he would be able to tell at a glance that Chi Hanfeng's current symptoms are caused by mental overdraft. Although Chi Hanfeng's current overdraft will not leave serious sequelae, it also has no special effects. Medicine or corresponding treatment methods can only rely on rest to slowly recover.

"How about leaving Lao Chi here and we enter the hive with these equipment?" Ghost Owl suggested, "Lao Chi is like this now. Not only can he not be used as a combat force, but he will also become a burden. We still have We need to allocate extra manpower to take care of and protect him...Don't think I'm being harsh, that's the truth...I'm thinking about it for everyone, and for Lao Chi."

"I know what you said is the truth." Hound nodded with a straight face, "But there is no way I would leave Lao Chi with this thing as a hostage... I still don't know how true the words it just said are. Just a few lies, what other purpose does it have for asking us to rescue Ke Lan... What if we fall out with it later and it threatens us with Laochi, what should I do?"

"This..." Ghost Owl suddenly fell into a dilemma.

"Zhuo Ligetu, you go pick out the equipment first, and you will be responsible for carrying Lao Chi out later... Remember, the person passing by the drainage compartment is helping Lao Chi put on the deep diving suit again." Hound said, "The Blasphemer Mecha It should be no problem to put one more person in the cockpit, there is no need for us to keep Lao Chi here."

"Okay." Zhuoligetu responded immediately, strode to the equipment rack, and started picking.

It only took Zhuoligetu a little more than a minute to complete the arming - he chose a set of heavy power armor, plus a wall shield with a built-in energy shield generator that could also be used as a small laser cannon. And a heavy battle ax with its own jet thruster... This equipment is almost exactly the same as his usual weapon configuration, but its technological content and lethality have been improved by more than one level.

Ghost Owl chose a set of armor with dozens of hidden jets, and it was obvious at first glance that it was specialized in mobility. In terms of weapons, since this set of armor comes with two ejection-type fist blades on the wrist, he did not choose a melee weapon. Instead, he took a rapid-fire rail gun and the corresponding energy blocks and ammunition... In addition to these In addition to things, he also chose some throwing objects. Although he couldn't understand the characters of the hive civilization, he could still understand the signs printed on the throwing objects: explosion, burning, freezing, electrode, etc... ghosts Owl simply brought two of each kind.

Hound was the last one to come out of the equipment warehouse. Although Layton was not here, Layton's fear of lack of firepower was perfectly inherited by Hound - he chose a piece of equipment with four controllable mechanical arms. His power armor, coupled with his own hands, can control six weapons at the same time. In terms of firepower alone, he is undoubtedly the most powerful among the three.

The operating instructions for these equipment are very user-friendly. Most of them have simple and easy-to-understand logo patterns with very little text content. The UI design of the built-in display of the helmet is also very clean. Unlike the power armor on the Ark, which has various dense status parameters. They want to fill up the entire screen, and sometimes even block the wearer's field of vision.

"Let's go, this time it's our turn to rescue that little brat Ke Lan." Hound patted the heavy firearm in his hand. After equipping the shotgun with a cannon, he suddenly felt much more confident.

Noah's Ark, West District 1, underground icehouse.

The dying Lin Qiming lay in the ruins, breathing hard.

His chest had been penetrated, and despite emergency treatment, blood was still pouring out from the wound. The bright red blood foam stained the fragmented combat uniform jacket into dark brown, and some places had dried and hardened. The surface shows fine cracks.

The body of his subordinate was lying not far to the left, but Lin Qiming couldn't even turn his head to take a look - his cervical vertebra was fractured when he crashed into the pile of rubble... Don't ask why he fought. There is also the problem of fractures if the neck protector is on the suit. Without the neck protector, his entire head would have been separated from his body long ago.

Those mass-produced Fallen Angels didn't last until the end of the operation time, and they were all dismembered - the hard body shell was smashed and cut off, and the "living CPU" inside was directly dragged out and torn apart... In front of the monster, this unit known as the "Secret Ace" is like a soaked card, so crisp that it can be torn into pieces.

"The remains of Seraph... doesn't it take an hour to thaw... why... why..." Lin Qiming murmured in his heart, blood kept pouring into his throat, but he couldn't even cough.

His eyes looked upward. The top of the underground icehouse had been penetrated. From here, he could see the opened dome and the fleet that stayed on standby above the dome.

A drop of water dripped down from directly above. It seemed to be formed after the ice in the icehouse melted...

"Thirty minutes...should be here soon..."

"Pa." Water drops hit Lin Qiming's face. He felt a little cold, but it seemed to be just his illusion - the cold feeling was not only on his face, but also on the ends of his limbs, and it was Gradually spread towards the center of the torso.

Lin Qiming knew that he was going to die soon. The vanguard force he led did not complete the mission. This was a completely expected ending. But what was unexpected was that long before they reached the bottom of the underground icehouse, the remains of Seraph It has been thawed and integrated with the target.

"As long as the fleet...can destroy...that"

Lin Qiming's consciousness has entered the dying stage.

He saw more water droplets dripping from above. These water droplets were of different sizes, lengths and shapes...the colors were also very different, some were turquoise, some were iron gray, and some were actually as white as snow. .


Like a flashback that often occurs when a person is about to die, Lin Qiming suddenly widened his eyes, and his gradually dwindling consciousness gathered together again - he suddenly discovered that these "water drops" falling from the sky were not water droplets at all, but... One battleship after another crashed!

"The falling?!"

He felt the air trembling, the sky seemed to be on fire, the flames burned from the sky to the ground, and the entire ark was swallowed up by the raging fire...

Lin Qiming didn't know whether this was the environment he saw before he died or a real scene, but his heart was already shrouded in endless despair... If even the fleet couldn't destroy the monster, I'm afraid there would be no more on the Ark. There is nothing that can destroy it.

As a senior executive of the crisis management department, Lin Qiming naturally knew that the undead crew would still have a way to abandon the ship and escape. However, after losing the Ark and Alpha Star, the only habitable planet found in the universe, he once again entered the interstellar Can the drifting humans survive?

The answer is no - humans prepared for decades before embarking on the road to find a new home. They still encountered dozens of crises on the journey that were enough to wipe out the entire human race. But now they are escaping in a hurry, and the probability of survival is almost infinitely close to zero.

"Is it over? Is everything over..."

Lin Qiming thought reluctantly, but his vision was gradually enveloped in darkness, and the explosions in his ears continued to move away from him. Even the wounds on his body seemed to no longer hurt.

He suddenly wanted to take a nap. Maybe if he fell asleep, he would no longer have to think about these troublesome things...

[P.S. Thank you for your concern. After taking ibuprofen for two days, the high fever finally went down. Today it is temporarily stable between 37.5 degrees Celsius and 38 degrees Celsius. My energy and sleep are also much better. My throat hurt like crazy, and I deeply experienced the feeling of swallowing a knife mentioned by the guys who had sex online.

If the readers here are also suffering from this kind of suffering, or have just started to experience symptoms, or want to be prepared, I will give you three suggestions that I have personally practiced and are very effective: 1. Eat more fruits, especially It’s pears. Drinking water directly will hurt your throat, but eating pears can relieve this pain to a great extent. Second, loquat paste or autumn pear paste. In order to avoid suspicion of advertising, I won’t say which brand I use. Anyway, everyone should try their best to choose A reliable big brand; third, various kinds of throat lozenges. Holding one in your mouth will make you feel more comfortable when you feel like you can't swallow.

In addition to the sore throat, the remaining symptoms are aches and dizziness, but I can still sit in front of the computer and type. Today's chapter has 4,000 words. I started typing intermittently from 9:30 in the morning to around 7 in the evening, and my head was still confused. Yes, I hope my condition will be better tomorrow. Everyone should also take care of themselves. 】

[P.P.S. Thanks to Lonely Desolate Country for the 1,500 starting coins; thanks to book friend 20220824031840752 for the 100 starting coins. There should be an extra chapter updated tomorrow, which is probably about a rebellion that broke out during the Ark's interstellar travel (I recently read the novel The Wandering Earth, and it just happened to make me think of it). 】

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