Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 920 Extra Chapter: Resistance Organization on the Ark (Part 1)

New Era 114, May 15th.

Just yesterday, the last earth-born crew member of Noah's Ark passed away.

The management of Ark originally planned to hold a farewell ceremony for the deceased crew member and the last "native earthling" on Ark. However, before the ceremony was completed, it was attacked by unknown persons.

The half-arranged venue was completely destroyed by the bombing. 17 people, including construction workers, guard members, and passers-by, were killed, 49 were seriously injured, and 1,067 were slightly injured.

The explosive was an aerial bomb that had long exceeded its service life, but trace inspection experts at the scene were unable to trace the origin of the aerial bomb from the wreckage - logically speaking, this aerial bomb should have been abandoned long ago. . On Earth, discarded aerial bombs are generally used in live-fire training, or used as target bombs, or destroyed directly. On the Ark, due to the shortage of supplies, discarded weapons are usually dismantled and recycled, and the useful parts are reused.

Because of this, the traceability operation cannot be carried out at all.

The task of finding the attacker ultimately fell on the West Sixth District of the Guard.

In the 114th year of the New Era, there were no divisions such as garrison troops and field corps. The only violent organization on the Ark was a "guard" with a number of more than 3,000 people. At that time, the total population of the Ark was There are approximately 3.7 million people in total, and evenly distributed among each member of the guard. One person needs to manage more than a thousand people. The poor security situation can be imagined.

Except for the dark period after Noah's Ark passed through the wormhole, this was the time when order on the Ark was most chaotic.

Civilian resistance organizations are roughly divided into two factions:

The first faction is a group of people who believe that managers occupy the vast majority of resources on the Ark with a very small number of people, and the gap between classes is too huge and they are dissatisfied, so they gather together.

At first, this group of people only complained and cursed on the Internet, but after the most radical ones were arrested, the rest moved into secret offline gatherings and began to plan and implement various resistance actions... …The goal of each of their actions is very clear, either to rob official material transportation lines, or to assassinate officials at all levels representing the management class… Their purpose in doing so is also very clear: to make the management class compromise, change regulations, or , just replace it yourself.

This first faction, they call themselves the "reformists", and its core members are basically people from the bottom of society and veterans who have retired from the guard. However, according to gossip, there are many famous scholars who are secretly "reformers". "Faction" member.

As for the other faction, its name is "Return Sect". Just like their name, this is a group of people who hope to return to the solar system. In their view, things like the sun expanding and swallowing the earth are simply a huge hoax and nothing more than sensational - after all, until the Ark set sail, From one day to the next, the ecological environment on the earth has not changed at all, except that the temperature has risen slightly by half a degree compared to previous years.

The "returnists" believe that the rise in temperature does not mean that the sun is accelerating its aging - the global temperature rise caused by the El Niño warm current was much more obvious than this time, but in the end nothing happened. As for the phenomena observed by astronomers, they cannot be used as ironclad evidence that the solar system is about to be destroyed... But all of them have been used by conspirators to make up the syntax of "the sun is suddenly accelerating its aging and the earth is about to be swallowed up." If you read science fiction novels, you will always feel that there are some exaggerated and low-grade lies.

The lifespan of the sun is 10 billion years, and now less than half of its lifespan has passed. It is in the prime of life, so how can it quickly start to enter the aging period without any basis?

This statement is like a young man in his thirties who wakes up and turns into a gray-haired, dying old man... This kind of plot is quite common in fantasy novels.

But this is neither a fantasy world, nor does it have that kind of female spirit-sucking goblin... What's more, the sun is a star. If the star undergoes such drastic changes, is it possible for humans on earth to escape?

Since nothing happens now, it means that nothing will happen in the next 100 million years, 200 million years... many billion years.

The solar system and the earth are the hometown of mankind. Even if something unexpected happens, mankind should coexist and die with its hometown instead of fleeing in confusion. This is one of the most commonly used slogans by "returnists" during demonstrations.

That’s right, a parade. Compared with the "reformists" who advocate violence and terrorist attacks, the "returnists" have a much milder style of behavior. Although they will also hold rallies, most of the time they will inform the guards in advance before holding the rallies, and they will not stop marching during the parade. Violent conflicts are rare in activities such as demonstrations and sit-ins.

Compared with that group of lunatic "reformers", the people in the Guard still prefer to deal with the "returners".

In addition to being easy to talk to and not advocating violence, the "returnists" also have one of the biggest "advantages", that is, they have money.

There are many big families and financial groups that are funding the "returnists" overtly or covertly, because the ideas promoted by the "returnists" can invisibly elevate the concepts of "earth", "sun" and "hometown tradition" among the people. The emotional value in the heart will naturally be transformed into commercial value by these elites with developed business acumen.

To give a very simple example, a bowl of ordinary plain noodles can only be sold for 5 credit points at most in an ordinary street noodle shop. In the era of food harvest, it may rise to 8-10 credit points, but the price is still high. If it is high, no people will be willing to pay for it.

But if it is labeled as "retro ramen that perfectly replicates the taste of the earth era", the price can soar to thirty credit points or even higher. Although the sales volume will be much lower, the profit can soar more than ten times!

Moreover, this kind of noodles can also be sold together with ordinary noodles, as long as there is a slight difference in taste and texture... and people who will spend money to buy this kind of noodles will not jump out and say that this bowl of noodles is not worth it at all. Money - in the past, this behavior was called "paying IQ tax" and "being brainwashed by consumerism", but now, it is called "paying for feelings".

Of course, cutting leeks cannot mean cutting for ordinary people, it is still a bowl of noodles. The flour is made from soil-grown wheat that is closest to the crops on the earth. All the seasonings are also genuine. A ramen master is trained... Oh, by the way, there are tableware, too. A bone china noodle bowl that must be fired using earth's traditional techniques... The cost of such a bowl of noodles may be hundreds of times that of ordinary plain noodles, but the selling price... may be more than a thousand times.

For those capitals, the greatest value of the "returnists" is to constantly promote to the residents on the Ark how beautiful the earth was in the old era and how bad life is now...

Although the "reformers" and the "returnists" both belong to resistance organizations, their relationship with each other is not harmonious. Instead, they often conflict due to some ideological deviations. Especially for the "returnists", " "Reformists" are simply more disgusting to them than the management of the government... because this group of people is really determined to find a second planet in the universe that can be their home...

Ark, the station of the West Sixth District Guard.

"So, do you think this attack was initiated by the 'reformists'?" The commander with the rank of colonel on his shoulder held his chin in one hand and played with a touch screen pen in the other, asking with a playful smile.

"Yes, the returnists regard the earth as a 'holy land' and have great respect and yearning for everything related to the earth. It is hard for me to imagine that they would plan an attack on the funeral of the last earth crew member." Under the seat First, a heavily armed noncommissioned officer holding a helmet in one hand and a PDW in the other said, "On the contrary, it is the reformists. This attack is completely in line with their usual style, and they also have sufficient motives."

"Sufficient motivation? Tell me."

"The reformists have always believed that the top management of Ark was extravagant and wasteful. The funeral ceremony held this time is likely to be considered by the reformists as unnecessary waste. Therefore, the attack is equivalent to a warning..."

"Ahem." The commander suddenly interrupted the noncommissioned officer's speech with a cough, "Sergeant Zhan, pay attention to your stance and the appropriateness of your words."

"Ah, I'm sorry. What I mean is that the reformists may be dissatisfied with this incident and try to sabotage it." Sergeant Zhan said, "Also, this attack was very carefully planned and the operation was not sloppy at all. The person responsible for perimeter security Six guards were killed by the opponent without making any sound. There should be people with service experience among the attackers, and there are quite a few of them."

"I thought so at first." The commander nodded, but the next second he changed the subject, "But just now, I received a message: Among the corpses of the attackers, the identity of one of them It has been determined. This person is a core member of the 'Returnists' and has appeared in demonstrations organized by the Returnists many times. The DNA information of the corpse is also completely consistent."

"A core member of the Returnists? How is that possible?" Sergeant Zhan was stunned for a moment. "Sir, have you confirmed that that person is the attacker? Could it be that he was just a passerby affected by the explosion?"

"You've seen that body too. It's suspect No. 1." The commander said unhurriedly.

At the scene of the crime, the guards found six corpses of suspected suspects. However, the faces of these corpses had been burnt and could not be identified, so they had to be sent to the forensic department first. However, they did not expect that they would be identified so quickly. The identity of one of them.

If anyone among these six people is the most suspect, it must be Suspect No. 1. When his body was discovered, he had self-made ammunition belts wrapped around his legs and waist, and underneath him was a repeating blunderbuss made from an abandoned military submachine gun. The only remaining video footage from the scene also showed that It was photographed that a figure covered with ammunition belts and holding a repeating gun jumped into the construction site and fired at the workers... Fortunately, the accuracy of the repeating gun was not high, otherwise, the number of casualties in this attack would have been very high. There may be further improvements.

"What is the true identity of suspect No. 1?" Sergeant Zhan couldn't help but ask.

"Gailius Aidan, former captain of the 1st Operations Squadron of the West 6th District Guard, retired six years ago and became a security guard for a private company. He was dismissed four years ago due to alcoholism and became an unemployed vagrant. He has been relying on minimum security supplies. You lived until you joined the 'Returnists' a year ago." The commander said, "One more thing I almost forgot to mention is that Gaelius was your immediate boss when you first joined the guard, and he even saved your life. Bar?"


"Logically speaking, Gallius should be a very important person to you. How come you don't have a trace of sadness on your face, Sergeant Zhan, when you heard about his death? Are you too cold-blooded?"

Sergeant Zhan stood still, because behind him, the muzzles of two assault rifles were pressed against his waist. As long as there was any movement, the two gunmen would definitely pull the triggers without hesitation.

"When did you get the news?" Sergeant Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "The corpse DNA comparison report... shouldn't have just come out, right?"

"The DNA comparison report has indeed just come out, but there are some things that I have known for several days in advance." The commander shrugged, picked up the cold coffee on the table, and drank it in one gulp. .

"Knowed it several days ago? Then why didn't you stop this attack?" Sergeant Zhan asked.

"The returnists want the reformists to take a big blame, so they plan this action, but... what if the blame fails to be thrown away?"

[P.S. The fever has basically subsided, the body temperature has returned to normal, and the only remaining symptoms are sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose and cough... Oh, and the most obvious thing is that it is very easy to feel sleepy and fatigued. I feel so tired when I do anything casually, I feel dizzy, and I feel like my whole body has been hollowed out... It seems that I need to rest for a while.

Many people on the Internet are saying that strenuous exercise after Yang Kang will lead to myocarditis or other complications, which may even be life-threatening. I don’t know if it is true or false, but I would rather believe it. If you don't believe it, I'll just treat it as real... Everyone should pay more attention. Even if it turns cloudy, try not to try to commit suicide within half a month to a month - the protagonist of the novel likes to commit suicide. It’s because they have the aura of the protagonist to support them, and the plot sometimes requires the protagonist to commit suicide. We are all ordinary people, and committing suicide may be really embarrassing. You must take care of your body.

In addition, the reason for updating the extra chapter is because the main text has reached a very critical turning point in the past few days, but because of my illness and my poor condition, I was afraid that I would fail to write this important part, so I took my time writing the extra chapter. I hope everyone can understand . 】

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