Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 956 Leaving the Team

"Leave here? Why, do you want to kill everyone in this safe house?" Soap asked.

"It's not me who wants to kill them. I only eat to dilute the corrosion in my body. If possible, I don't want to kill anyone. But after a while, a group of professional killers will come to the door... Of course, It may also be a group of monsters that are much stronger than those you have encountered before."

"You mean... the person sent here by Zeus?!" Zao Zao felt that he must be crazy, because the monster in front of him, who claimed to be a human, killed four people under his nose and devoured all their flesh and blood. But I actually feel that what he said is right... "Crazy, I must be crazy! Damn it! Why? How do you know this?!"

"Because that Zeus is the same kind of person as me." The clown said, "It's just that he failed to withstand the temptation of power and completely sold his soul and body to that existence."

"I don't understand what you are talking about... Do you know Zeus? Who are you? Who is Zeus?" Soap felt his mind was in chaos, "Wait a minute, let's not talk about this. You have already killed four people. This is the fact before us. How are you going to explain it to others? Do you think they will believe you?"

"Soon, this safe house and everyone in the safe house will be destroyed. Maybe one or two people can escape, but most people will die." The clown's eyes turned to the soldiers who were killed by him on the ground. "These people just died a few hours early."

"Why are you so sure that everyone here will die?!" Soap's facial features were all twisted together, not because of pain, but because of brain overload caused by too much information to understand, making him feel a little hysterical. , "Isn't there even the slightest chance to resist?"

"You can choose to resist, but the result is doomed. The 'things' that are coming are not something you can fight against with your strength."

"What about you, will you die here too?" Soap asked, staring at the clown. Although there was still fear in his heart, emotions such as surprise, confusion, and doubt prevailed at this time. There was even a hint of irritation mixed in with it.

"I'm leaving here now. If other people find out about this, as you can imagine, they will definitely treat me as a monster... As for my explanation, they probably won't listen. I don't want to kill They don't want to waste their energy in unnecessary battles, I have more important things to do." The clown said.

" mean, if I want to live, I have to be like you and escape from this place now?" Soap asked.

"I'll give you two choices...or, in other words, two suggestions." The clown said, "You can escape from this place by yourself. As long as you can avoid being hunted by those things and find a way to leave the Ark, you can survive. You can also You can go with me. I need the help of some people who believe in me. I will try my best to ensure your safety, but what I am going to do is very dangerous, and I may not be able to take care of you. Of course, you can also follow your own instructions The will is making the judgment to stay and be with these people, or simply shout louder and tell everyone in the squad what is happening here.”

The clown paused and then said: "What you want to do depends on your own ideas."

Soap hesitated. He wanted to weigh the pros and cons of these "options", but his brain was blank at this time, as if he had lost the ability to think... After a few seconds, he said: "What if If I choose to stay, will I definitely die?"

Joker: "As far as I know, yes."

"Then, which one has a greater chance of surviving, me escaping alone or running with you?" Soap asked again.

"I can't give a correct answer to this. I can't foresee the future. It just depends on your luck." The clown stood up from the ground. The spine was completely hidden in his body. Except for the dirt on his body, Except for the lack of blood, he looks exactly the same now as before.

"Even if I'm lucky enough to escape to the wilderness...then where can I go?" Soap couldn't help but reveal a wry smile, "If I follow you, you're going to find that Zeus, right?"

"Yes." The clown didn't hide it. "What I want to do is very dangerous. Bringing a few more assistants may have a higher success rate. This is an operation to save human civilization. If we succeed, your name may be included in the book." Entering the annals of history, to use a Chinese idiom, means ‘leaving a name in history’.”

"I'm not interested in saving human civilization. Leaving a name in history is just empty talk. People are dead, and what happens after death has nothing to do with me..." Soap said with a hint of frustration, "I What’s very strange is that since you want to save human civilization, why don’t you tell General Maginot? Why don’t you tell the rest of the team? If you can explain the matter clearly, they should choose to assist you.”

"That's the crux of the problem. I can't explain things clearly to them." There was a trace of helplessness in the clown's eyes. "You have said many times that the mutant symptoms are contagious through cognition... in their eyes In the eyes, I am nothing more than a dangerous monster——"

"In my eyes too." Soap interjected.

"If I want them to believe me, I need to explain a lot. Let's not talk about whether they will give me a chance to explain, or whether there is enough time... Even if I can tell all these things, the dangers involved The information is enough to turn most people into Ronnie's case - die in pain, or turn into a monster without self-awareness. The helper I need must completely and unconditionally believe in me without knowing the cause and effect. There are too few people who can meet this condition.”

"Do you think I can trust you unconditionally?" Soap opened his mouth slightly and said in shock.

"At least you haven't shot or called anyone so far." The clown said. "You are afraid that I will kill you may be the main reason, but I can feel that deep down in your heart, you actually believe in me. Everything said."

"Fuck, when did I say I believed you...fuck, fuck." Soap cursed three "fucks" in a row, and then lowered his head like a deflated ball. , "Can you take the giraffe guy with you? He has been my partner for many years. I don't want to leave him alone to die...if they are all going to die."

"In ten minutes at most, the captain of the spear team should send someone up to check the situation. Do you think you can fend off the others in ten minutes and convince your companions to believe that a man who just killed four people Teammate's 'monster'?" A third voice suddenly joined in, causing Soap to tremble and turn around suddenly.

The transport pilot was leaning against the wall of the corridor, staring at him with bright eyes.

"When did you..."

"He came up with you," Soap was interrupted by the clown before he could finish his words. "He listened to the entire conversation between us, which actually saved me a lot of words. "

"It seems that you have discovered me from the beginning... Let me introduce myself again. My name is Noir. In addition to transport planes and fighter jets, I can also pilot tactical mechas. If you take me with you, you may be able to fly Useful." Noir looked at the clown and said, "But I'm a little curious, if I just chose to shoot or call someone, would you kill me?"

"No," the clown said, pointing to the soap, "but I might not be able to take him with me in time."

" 'also' believe what he said?" Soap glanced at Noir in disbelief, then turned to look at the clown.

"My reason told me that I couldn't believe him, but my intuition told me that what he said was true." Noir said, "When flying a fighter jet, there are many critical moments that don't give you time to think at all. , in that case, I trust my intuition more... and I survived twenty-seven battles, which shows that my intuition is quite accurate."

"Most of the superstitious and intuitive guys I know... died miserably in the end." Soap flattened his mouth and said sarcastically.

"But you also chose to trust your intuition this time, didn't you?" Noir crossed his arms over his chest and raised his chin towards Soap, "Time is running out, it's time to make a choice."

"Okay!" Soap gritted his teeth, "But... I have a request."

"Say it," the clown said.

"You just said that killing these soldiers only ended their lives a few hours early. Does that mean that the killer sent by Zeus will arrive here in a few hours?"

"With Zeus's efficiency, he can only be fast and not slow. He has not yet completely controlled everything on the Ark, so he must nip all unstable factors in their infancy. Although this team is not impressive at all, it is not It would pose any substantial threat to him, but he would still take it seriously... I used to appreciate his cautious style of acting," the clown said.

"You seem to be really familiar with him..." Soap took a deep breath and continued, "In that case, can we hide nearby and observe? I want to confirm whether those people sent by Zeus are real. Come to kill us."

"Although this proposal is a bit dangerous, but in order for you to completely trust me, it is okay." The clown responded, "But we must ensure a sufficient safe distance, at least five kilometers away."

"That's enough. You can observe the situation of this safe house with a telescope from a distance of five kilometers." Noir nodded, "I also have a question...these unknown creatures that invaded the Ark are not alien creatures, right?"

Hearing Nuval's question, the clown couldn't help but look at him and nodded: "Yes, Zeus is the initiator of all this... Of course, he is no longer the original Zeus. His body is contaminated by that existence. Under such circumstances, consciousness and thinking are naturally not immune... He can no longer be called a human being."

"You mean, this incident... is a civil unrest?!" Soap finally realized what he was doing, with his mouth wide open and a look of astonishment on his face.

"It's time to go." After the clown said this, he walked to the window. The glass of this window had already been removed, and a rope hung down from the window.

"Aren't you going down first?" Soap glanced at the clown standing by the window and asked doubtfully.

"The rope is prepared for you, I don't need it." The clown shook his head, "I have already heard the footsteps. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

While Soap was still struggling, Noir had already rushed to the window first, grabbed the rope and slid down.

"Hurry up," the clown urged. "You have made your choice, so don't hesitate anymore."

"I know!" Soap squeezed his fist hard and said silently sorry to his old partner in his heart. He jumped to the window in one stride, fastened the safety buckle around his waist to the rope, raised his legs and stepped out of the window. frame.

Although this building only has three floors, because the floor height is relatively high, it is more than ten meters above the ground. Soap held the safety buckle with one hand and his belt with the other, and slid down the outer wall... As soon as his feet touched the ground, he saw the clown floating to the ground like a ghost - not only did he not make any sound, he even No dust was kicked up.

"Where are we going now?" Noir stepped forward and asked.

"Five and a half kilometers due south, there is a water purification tower with a wide view, which is very suitable as an observation point." The clown said while retracting the rope.

"Just go there," Noir said.

The three of them did not follow the main road, which would have exposed their whereabouts too easily. Under the leadership of the clown, they first turned into an alley, and then walked back and forth between the gaps in the buildings... Just when Soap was completely lost When they were looking in the direction, their vision suddenly became empty, and the water purification tower appeared in front of them.

" seem...very familiar with this place?" Soap said with a slight gasp.

"It's not difficult to memorize the map." The clown shrugged and said disapprovingly, "You can go to the top of the tower now."

Soap and Noir looked at each other. The two of them climbed the stairs to the top of the water purification tower, raised their binoculars and looked in the direction of the safe house.

All the windows in the safe house have been sealed with bullet-proof one-way glass, and thick metal gates have been dropped at the entrances and exits - obviously, after discovering the bodies of the four soldiers, the entire team had It has entered the highest alert state, and all the safe house's defense facilities have been activated.

"In their eyes, we either defected or have turned into monsters." Soap said to Noir, "But this is good, at least we won't be caught off guard by Zeus's people."

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