Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 957 Escape

"It's useless even if you are prepared." The clown also climbed to the top of the tower. "In the face of absolute power, all means are meaningless."

"Are you so sure that the people sent by Zeus are here to kill us?" Soap whispered, "And are they really that strong?"

"You will know after reading." The clown didn't care about Soap's doubts, "But before the whole team is wiped out, we must move in time."

"Why? Isn't it safe to be so far away?" Soap was a little confused.

"The institute has a device that can peek into the memory of the human brain... Even if it is a dead person, the memory in the brain can be preserved for a period of time after death. If they find that there are still people alive in this team, they will definitely have a negative impact on this area. If we conduct a blanket search of the area and even send more manpower, it will be very difficult for us to leave here."

"Is there such a thing?" Zao Zao said in astonishment, "Can a person dig out his memories after death? Why does this thing sound more mysterious than Meng Po Soup?"

"I have heard of this kind of thing." Noir nodded slightly, "I have seen this kind of thing in an operation. At that time, we received intelligence in advance that a group of exiles under the control of a heretical sect was going to attack a group of people. At a remote transfer station, the field corps and security bureau agents teamed up to set up an ambush and wiped out the group of attackers. I saw the security bureau people using that thing on living people... and they quickly dug it out. The location of their base, and they planned a counterattack plan in less than half an hour. I was the pilot who flew the bomber to attack that settlement in the counterattack plan."

"That is also used on living people... I remember that when a person dies, don't brain cells also die quickly?" Soap muttered, "Faced with a pile of rotten protein and fat, what can those machines find... …”

"I don't know if that kind of equipment can be used on dead people, but the soldier who stayed at the transfer station and was responsible for guarding the prisoners later told me that of the six people whose memories were 'searched', four died suddenly on the spot, and the remaining two were one Crazy, a dementia... The damage caused by that thing to the brain is completely irreversible. When those electrodes are attached to a person's head, it is like inserting an eggbeater into the brain and stirring the brain matter crazily. ... This description may be a bit exaggerated, but it is said that during the 'interrogation process', one of the prisoners sprayed nosebleeds that even sprayed onto the roof of the tent."

"I don't think it's cruel to use that kind of thing against heretical sects...but if you use it against your own people..." Soap shuddered and did not continue.

Half an hour passed quickly, and there was no movement from the safe house. The anti-peeping design also prevented Soap and Noir from seeing what was going on inside the house. Just when Soap was about to put down the telescope and eat something to fill his stomach, a slight "buzzing" sound came from far away and gradually approached the neighborhood.

"Coming!" Soap raised his hands, held the telescope in front of his eyes, and looked towards the source of the sound.

It was a completely black "Ark-specific aerial vehicle", but the model of this aerial vehicle had never been seen before, and there were shocking wounds everywhere on the surface of the vehicle, as if it had experienced many tragic events. Like a battle, that buzzing sound like a buzzer was emitted by one of the damaged suspension engines.

"They... they seem to have broken out from the blockade?" Seeing the tragic situation of this floating vehicle, Soap had a doubt in his heart. Could it be that the other party was acting? But this is too realistic, right? According to the Joker, if Zeus's people can really crush the team with absolute strength, there is no need for them to act.

The black floating vehicle hovered directly above the safe house. Several soldiers in black clothes and black pants slid down the rappel to the ground. Not long after, the iron gate of the safe house opened a crack, and a A figure emerged from the crack in the door.

The man I knew was the observer of the scout team - no, it should be the sniper now, Simon Villiers.

Although he was not the one facing those men in black, Soap couldn't help but hold his breath, and his heart rate also increased significantly.

To be honest, his impression of Simon is quite good. If possible, Soap still hopes that Simon can survive——

The men in black did not take action directly as Soap expected, but let Simon board the floating vehicle... Before long, other people in the safe house also came out and climbed into the floating vehicle one by one. Inside the cockpit of an empty vehicle.

"Are you lying to me?!" Soap turned his head and looked at the clown, "Those people didn't do anything at all!"

"Then where do you think they will take these people?" the clown said. "Obviously, Simon told them what happened in the safe house, which made them change their attention... In contrast, I It's the 'big fish' that they care more about."

"Then why didn't they kill Simon and the others?" Noir also asked, "If we need to extract information from them, wouldn't it be better to use that kind of equipment?"

"That kind of equipment has many limitations, and the memories retrieved may not be complete. If they are willing to actively cooperate, it is naturally better than using Qiang." The clown said, "What's more, the equipment used to search for memories is better when used on living people than on dead people. The effect is better.”

"Don't you think your explanation is a bit feeble?" Soap said, "You have told us so much before, but all of this is just one side of your words. From my perspective, everything so far is... Proceed as planned—except for you.”

"Then you can go back now, I won't stop you." The clown shrugged and said in an indifferent tone.

" bastard!" Soap cursed in a low voice, "If I go back now, I will only be regarded as a traitor who is greedy for life and afraid of death! Do you think they will listen to your rhetoric like me?"

"Whether you believe it or not, it's all up to you. You could have chosen to stay at that time. I gave you a chance."

"You were threatening me then!" Soap shouted in a low voice.

"Stop arguing!" Simon, who had been observing the situation at the safe house, suddenly said, "There seems to be something wrong with that floating vehicle."

"What's wrong?" Hearing what Noir said, Soap immediately grabbed the telescope and looked in the direction of the safe house.

He is very conflicted in his heart now. He hopes that the men in black are really the enemies who came to kill them as the clown said, but he also does not want the rest of the team and his old partner Giraffe to die... This kind of The tangled psychology put Zao Soap in a very irritable state, unable to calm down and think about the problem.

"Pay attention to the engine of that floating vehicle..." Noir prompted.

"If you find anything, just tell me, don't play charades with me." Soap said impatiently, "I have never flown a plane, and I don't understand mechanics. Even if you put that thing in front of me and let me see it, I can't see it." Come up with a reason."

"Okay..." Noir continued, "The engine used by that aeronautical vehicle is the LVL8 produced by 'Loppe Aerodynamics Company', which means the 'eighth generation light vertical lift engine'..."

"What's the meaning?"

"The Amran-class transport aircraft uses the eleventh generation LVL. The eighth generation LVL has long been eliminated. Only some 'no-name assemblers' put together by some civilian companies using second-hand parts will use this engine. ." Noir said, "No wonder I don't recognize the model of this aerial vehicle. This is not a standard model vehicle at all."

"What does this mean?" Soap asked doubtfully, "Is it possible that the vehicles with advanced engines were destroyed or put into the battlefield, so they can only drive this shabby old antique to join us? ."

"No... do you know the reason why the eighth generation LVL was eliminated?"

"What is it?" Soap asked.

"It's reliability. Even if a single engine of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth-generation LVLs commonly used today is damaged, the remaining engine will maintain the balance of the body under computer adjustment. But the eighth-generation LVL On behalf of LVL, if one engine fails, the entire aircraft will immediately lose balance. If the other engine is not turned off immediately, the aircraft will spin like an out-of-control kite, be thrown out, and then crash."

"Are you wondering why that aerial vehicle can still fly?" Soap asked, "Could it be that they modified the engine? It looks like an eighth-generation shell on the outside, but it's an eighth-generation shell on the inside. Is it the ninth generation, tenth generation or even newer core?"

"No... that aircraft... it... you switch the telescope to thermal infrared mode! This... this is impossible!!" Noir suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Soap was startled by his exclamation and immediately turned the knob on the side of the telescope to switch to thermal infrared mode.

In the thermal infrared mode, the floating fighter in the distance is a red color block, and inside the color block, there are orange and yellow color blocks that represent higher temperatures squirming.

"A normal body should not look like this in thermal infrared mode. If this were the case, the cooling device would have already failed and overheated and exploded!" Noir said, "It doesn't look like a mechanical creation...More , more like a living creature!”

"It was originally alive." The clown said behind the two of them. "That kind of 'meme' can not only infect living things, but can even infect programs like a computer virus... or even AI. According to some secret research groups at the institute With the remaining technology and the 'good stuff' in the underground icehouse, they can completely combine biology and machinery to form a brand new life form."

"Then...isn't that a cyborg?" Soap asked, "a combination of biology and machinery..."

"No, that direction is completely opposite to the transformation of cyborgs." The clown vetoed. "Cyborgs are installing biochemical machinery on living creatures, or placing the consciousness of living things into mechanical containers. . But this technology is to fuse cells and machinery, allowing the machinery to give birth to self-consciousness like a new life... The human civilization in this time and space once used this technology to create super creatures that can control the operation of the entire hive. The computer, the central mastermind of Ark, is also derived from this technology.”

Just as they were talking, the black floating vehicle had already flown away from the neighborhood... Soap just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a heart-wrenching "click" sound coming from above his head.

He quickly looked up and saw that the huge steel structure dome was being torn apart by a terrifying force. The fleshy fungi covering the surface of the Ark was invading from the cracks in the dome, quickly occupying every space above their heads. An inch of space.

"Have they discovered us?" Soap asked the clown with a horrified look on his face.

"Our specific location should not have been exposed yet." The clown shook his head, "But it doesn't mean much to them... These things will fill every corner of this neighborhood and swallow everything they touch. ."

"We have to get out of here! Hurry!" Noir put away the telescope, turned and ran towards the stairs, while the clown jumped directly from the top of the tower as before.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Soap swore two curse words in succession, pushed a diluted tranquilizer into his arm with a trembling hand, and ran quickly behind Noir.

To say they were running, it would be better to use the word "jump" to describe it more appropriately. The two of them were almost jumping down level by level, completely regardless of whether this water purification tower that had been in disrepair could withstand a fully equipped person. The impact of soldiers falling from a high place - the growth rate of those fleshy bacteria blankets is too fast, just like dough with yeast added under the accelerated lens. In just a few seconds, the original steel structure dome has been completely Can't see it anymore.

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20190713222052769 for the 100 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. I finally found some time this afternoon to watch "The Wandering Earth 2" that I have been longing for. I originally planned to go see it on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but either I had arrangements and no time, or I couldn't get a ticket at the right time and location, so I put it off until the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

I won’t spoil the specific content. In short, my evaluation is just one sentence: It’s so damn exciting!

The three-hour length and top-notch special effects are completely worth the ticket price. Even if the movie ticket costs twice as much, I still think it is worth it! There is no peeing throughout the three hours, the plot is compact, there are a lot of easter eggs and jokes, the multi-line plot is advanced at the same time, plus various foreshadowings that echo the first part and new holes have been dug, many non-original parties are in The things I didn’t understand in the first part were all explained very well in the second part... I originally thought that sequels that are generally called masterpieces would have a hard time surpassing their predecessors, so I didn’t have high expectations this time. expectations, but as a result, this film has surpassed itself in every aspect. I can even say that it is the best movie I have seen in the past ten years! 】

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