Chapter 1318 Meng Po (54)

   "Jun Yan, what are we going to do now?" Lu Ju asked.

Yan Jundao: "Everything has a certain number, wait for the end of the matter." At this point, he glanced at Qianyan, "Meng Po, can you borrow some of your immortal cable from this king? Some immortal souls did not come to the underworld, This king is afraid that they will go to other places to make trouble, so it's better to catch them back. Let's underworld, just let the dead."

   "I don't know if the Emperor of Heaven will die this time." Zhou Hui added silently.

  The judges also silently added in their hearts: It is best to be killed by the demon king.

   Then they can put the Heavenly Emperor on the merit and demerit book, and give the guy a good calculation. That guy is full of bad water and must have done a lot of wicked things.

  Qianyan took out a large bundle of immortal tying ropes, which were originally prepared for immortal tying.

   She had expected that the result of the Heavenly Emperor would not be very good, but the day finally came.

   But I didn't expect that the Heavenly Emperor would have such an involvement with the Demon King. If you think about it carefully, you won't be surprised. Sure enough, no matter how strange the script is, as long as the plot of the script ends, the subsequent plots can be filled automatically, making the whole world rational.

   When the judges saw Qianyan take out an unknown number of immortal bundles, their expressions became very subtle.

There are so many    bundles of immortal ropes, and there will definitely be no shortage of soul hooking ropes.

   So Mother Meng was really not arranged by Heaven to supervise them?

  Whether it is or not, it has little effect on them. After all, they don't commit crimes, so the judges relax.

After    got the bundle of immortals, Zhou Hui immediately arranged for ghosts to capture the souls of the dead immortals.

The effect of    Binding Immortal Cable is very good. It didn't take long for Zhou Hui to receive feedback from the ghost generals, and he would put the Immortal Binding Cable to the soul of the immortal.

   Binding Immortal Rope can not only bind immortals, but also demons.

   Zhou Hui was overjoyed, urging the ghost generals to work quickly, not to let those immortals escape and cause trouble everywhere.

  The mortals are the most vulnerable and cannot withstand their devastation.

   But the immortals in this heaven like to run to the world to get benefits.

   "It's still fighting." Jiang Youhuai said, "But according to the time in the heavens, only ten days have passed."

   But the underworld has passed for a long time, and the souls of the immortals who have fallen have been captured by the ghost generals arranged by Zhou Hui. They are currently calculating their merits and demerits and giving them a reincarnation date.

   Those who came down from the fairy world, Zhou Hui did not want to keep them.

   These guys are very ambitious and have a lot of thoughts. It is not a good thing to stay in the underworld. Let’s send them to reincarnation.

  The demon king and the emperor fought in the heaven for a month. The strength of the two was comparable, and they both had backers, but the demon king was more desperate than the emperor.

   The end of the battle was still about Lu Shuang. The Emperor of Heaven had already arranged for someone to capture Lu Shuang, and he wanted the demon king to capture him without hesitation.

   With Lu Shuang as a threat, the demon king did compromise.

   But no one thought that Lu Shuang died in front of the two of them because he had never been treated.

   At that moment, the Heavenly Emperor only felt the cold wind everywhere, and he was full of annoyance in the face of the Demon King.

   When the demon king is angry, the emperor of heaven is in danger.

   The two fought again, and the fight was dark and dark, and countless gods in the heavens suffered and had to flee.

   Soon after, the heavens were all shattered, and the demon king paid the price of burning his own life, and finally beat the emperor to death.

   Heavenly Emperor's body was destroyed, and just after he became a soul state, he was caught by a bundle of immortal ropes. The same is true of the demon king's soul. Seeing the sudden appearance of ghost generals, he is ready to resist.

The ghost general hurriedly said, "Xue Yun, Lu Shuang's soul has returned to the underworld."

  Xue Yun no longer resisted, since Lu Shuang's soul was still there, he killed the Heavenly Emperor, and the Heavenly Emperor was also seduced, so forget it.

   He looked at the stunned and angry look of the Heavenly Emperor, and his mood became better.

   No matter how many lives he and Lu Shuang would have to go through before they could truly be together, at least the kid Tiandi was pulled down by him, and he would never think about the emperor again.

  This kid only needs to walk on the merit and demerit book for the filthy things done, maybe he can't even do it in the next life, he can only be a beast.

   "Hahahaha, Henry Zhang, I didn't expect you to have today." Xue Yun laughed loudly.

   Henry Zhang's expression collapsed: "Mad man!"

   (end of this chapter)

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