Chapter 1319 Meng Po (End)

   "Okay, you're all dead, and Ben will go back to the underworld to be tried. They're all waiting for you." The ghost general said expressionlessly.

   If it wasn't for the soul of a fairy, it would be impossible for a ghost general to come over. After all, the strength of ordinary yin poor is too poor.

   Underworld, Xue Yun was a little happy to see Lu Shuang.

  Lu Shuang felt very guilty: "Ayun, I'm sorry, I forgot about you again."

   "It doesn't matter." Xue Yun didn't care about this, "I have killed Henry Zhang, and now he is no longer the Emperor of Heaven, and it can be regarded as avenging for both of us. We will reincarnate in the future and slowly atone for our sins."

  Lu Shuang was a little moved: "Okay."

   The two looked at each other, and their minds were very clear at this time.

  Xue Yun didn't know what was going on. At this time, he had no idea of ​​making small moves. He just wanted to atone for his sins as soon as possible so that he could really be with Lu Shuang.

  If he asked Qianyan, Qianyan could answer.

  Because the plot of the story ends, Xue Yun is no longer involved in the plot, and his whole personality begins to plump up, and he also has different thinking abilities. Especially after going through all kinds of things, many thoughts change over time and events.

   Next, Xue Yun and Lu Shuang will both lose their memory in Samsara, and it will be difficult to meet each other. Once they meet, it must be a bad fate.

  Xue Yun looked into the distance and murmured softly, "Alright."

Later, when Lu Shuang was reincarnated, Qianyan found that the other party had given all the good fortune to Xue Yun, and she said, "Our reincarnation is very long, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Right now, I want to treat Ayun better. Hopefully the only good fortune I have left can lighten some of the punishment for him."

  The Emperor of Heaven has done a lot of dirty things. He stood on the merits and demerits for several days, and the judges looked at the various things on it.

   As expected by Xue Yun, it is completely impossible for the Heavenly Emperor to be reincarnated as a human being. The next reincarnation will be a beast, and when it will end, it will have to wait for all his sins to be atonement.

   Nearly 300,000 years in office, Qianyan and Jiang Youhuai discussed retirement.

   In fact, both of them felt that they were leaving here.

  There are many forgetfulness flowers by the Naihe Bridge, but recently one of the most special and gorgeous ones has grown.

  If there is no accident, this should be the next Meng Po.

   "Who will take care of Jiang Diqiao?" Qianyan asked.

  Jiang Youhuai said: "In this world, a general who died in battle."

  Qianyan removed the pot and spoon, which were Meng Po's tokens, from the imprint of her divine sense. At the same time, a forgetfulness flower by the bridge took shape, bowed to her, and then began to boil the soup.

   Qianyan taught each other the method of making soup, so as to avoid those reincarnated ghosts being picky eaters.

  A general in armor appeared on the Jiang Di Bridge. After receiving all the information, the general excitedly bowed to Jiang Youhuai: "I didn't expect to be fortunate enough to meet Jiang Di here, it's worth it."

   Jiang Youhuai: "I'll leave it to you here."


  Jiang Youhuai came to Qianyan's side, and the two disappeared into the underworld hand in hand.

   Zhou Hui and the judges seemed to feel it, and they appeared by the Naihe Bridge.

  Cui Ju was a little dazed: "Didn't they retire? Why did they disappear?"

   "If it's not from this side, how can you keep it. Why do you think this king dare not drive them?" Zhou Hui regretted.

   Those two are existences that the way of heaven must draw together.


   Jiang Wenwen reincarnated again and came to the familiar Naihe Bridge, but found that her familiar mother Meng was gone.

   Seeing Jiang Wenwen's appearance, the new mother Meng explained, "She's gone."


Where did you go?

   "I don't know where we went, it must be a place we can't get to, and we went with Jiang Di."

   Jiang Wenwen looked at Jiangdi Bridge, and saw that the person sitting there playing the qin was no longer Emperor Jiang.

   This time, Jiang Wenwen did not go to Mu Yu again.

   The two met at Naihe Bridge on the day they were reincarnated. Jiang Wenwen noticed Mu Yu's gaze: "I'm tired."

   After she finished speaking, she picked up Mother Meng and drank it.

   She can tolerate being forgotten by Mu Yu after being reincarnated, but she cannot accept returning to the underworld and Mu Yu ignores her.

   Decades passed in the world, and Mu Yu didn't meet Jiang Wenwen again when he came back. Only after inquiring did he find out that she had been reincarnated.

   "She was able to reincarnate early every time with a good identity, but because she wanted to wait for you, she gave up her good identity. Otherwise, why do you think it would be such a coincidence that she could meet every time?" said Madam Meng.

   Mu Yu quickly drank the Meng Po soup.

   Later, they met in the human world, and they entangled each other with no good results, but they never met again in the underworld.

  Jiang Wenwen died before him every time. When he died, he would be reincarnated immediately, no longer waiting for him.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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