Chapter 1340 Love yourself, love the world (21)

   Meng Tinghuai's death was a few days ago, and Qianyan contacted a private detective.

"Boss, everything is business as usual here." These are the words of a private detective. "Because the boss is generous, we gave the boss a service here, and we paid attention to the surroundings of several other Meng surnames. Just today, we are staring at other Meng surnames. All the people have been evacuated, and I was planning to tell the boss, but I didn't expect to receive a message from the boss."

  Qianyan paused and asked, "The people staring at Meng Tinghuai haven't withdrawn, have they?"

   "The boss is very knowledgeable, and that's true. Don't worry, we have arranged a lot of bodyguards. Even the auntie who cleans the apartment is our bodyguard, and he will definitely ensure Meng Tinghuai's safety."

   "Okay, you continue to stare, especially in the last week, you must not relax."


  The boss is very generous with his money, and what they ask them to do is to protect Meng Tinghuai's safety, which is simply too easy.

   came back to his senses, Qianyan continued to open the live broadcast room to watch.

   happened to meet Meng Tinghuai and Zhou Quandong at PK, and without even looking at it, he threw ten castles into it.

  Originally this week, Quan Dong’s side was already far ahead, but when Qianyan came, he was instantly overtaken.

   I have to say that Zhou Quandong is still very attractive to fans. After all, he has good looks, good singing, and good speech, which is especially attractive to rich women.

   After Qianyan threw ten castles to Meng Tinghuai, the rich woman over there was unwilling to be left behind and threw twenty to Zhou Quandong.

  Qianyan glanced at the situation over there, and the one who gave Zhou Quandong a gift was a nickname called "Bao'er". From the various avatar decorations in the nickname, one word could be seen - expensive.

   Zhou Quandong was a little unhappy at first, but as a result, "Bao'er", the new leader in his live broadcast room, made a lot of money and smashed 20 castles for him at once, and he laughed even more happily.

   Zhou Quandong: "Thank you, Sister Bao'er, for letting you spend money."

  Baoer: Don’t worry, brother Xiaodong, I will help you keep the list and won’t let others surpass you.

   The smile on Zhou Quandong's face was even more gentle: "Then thank you sister Bao'er."

  —— Baoer's sister, the rich woman, can you post it?

  ——My sister is mighty. With my sister here tonight, it is impossible for the other side to do it.

  ——I was really embarrassed before I said that. It was obvious that the other party was the first on the list. Every time I met the opponent Xiaodong, I still lost.

  ——Fortunately, sister Boa is here.

  ——I was really unwilling to see Xiaodong lose before, but unfortunately I have only that ability. The local tyrant on the opposite side simply doesn't treat money as money.

  ——In fact, there is nothing scary on the opposite side. There is only one wild goose 123456789. We have many bosses in Xiaodong to help.

  ——That is, after all, Xiaodong looks handsome, sings nicely, and speaks softly.

  ——A certain anchor is different. He has a stinky face all day long, and he doesn't have a word in a live broadcast. I doubt whether the one named Yan 123456789 is his trumpet.

  Administrator: Please don’t talk about other streamers. Although you know that everyone is just maintaining Xiaodong, these words are easily seen by people who care about Xiaodong. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, the important thing is that you are all there.

  Qianyan is the situation of Zhou Quandong's live broadcast room that he watched on the computer web page without logging in to his account.

   Zhou Quandong's live broadcast room is really lively, except for the one named Baoer, the other big guys on the list are more powerful, and there will be some gift special effects from time to time.

   Although it is not as rich as Baoer, it gives people the feeling that there are countless local tyrants in this live broadcast room, which is true.

   Ah Huai's live broadcast room is much simpler, and there are constant free gifts and small gifts. After all, he is a top-notch streamer with countless die-hard fans.

   And these diehard fans are of high quality and may not be rich, but they are definitely the best wave of the same game technology on the entire live broadcast platform.

   (end of this chapter)

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