Chapter 1341 Love yourself, love the world (22)

   Except for some free gifts and small gifts, most of them are fans discussing the game.

   For example, if A Huai kills the enemy hero, grabs the opponent on the opposite side, kills three times and five times, they will call 666, the anchor is awesome.

   Another example is that A Huai was implicated by the pig teammates and lost, some teammates who pretended to be weird prevented A Huai from playing in the wild, and some actors deliberately gave heads, etc., fans would be very angry. All kinds of barrages scolding actors and teammates for not worthy of winning will appear.

   Of course, there are also some black fans. As long as Ah Huai loses the game, he will be rewarded. That's all, let him stop playing the game, and quickly take the wrench to the factory to unscrew the screws. Now they are still recruiting people.

  However, once Ah Huai plays the game, it is immersive. Even if he encounters a big headwind, there are actors and four pig teammates, he can play the game.

   Zhou Quandong's gift exceeded this again. Half of the PK time passed, and Qianyan recharged again. Since she was watching the live broadcast here, she definitely couldn't let A Huai lose to Zhou Quandong.

   So, she smashed a hundred castles at once.

  A Huai live broadcast room audience: ! ! !

  ——With a bang, the boss's 500,000 smashed into the live broadcast room.

  ——With a bang, my down payment here was smashed by the boss.

  ——Listen, that is the voice of money and local tyrants.

  ——Ah ah ah, Boss, why don't you take care of someone else, do you think I can do it?

  ——Boss atmosphere!

  ——Boss, you can't figure it out.

   - Boss, Boss, do you need a bed warmer gadget? Look at me.

   Zhou Quandong fans and Zhou Quandong in the live broadcast room: ! ! !

   Zhou Quandong's smile stiffened. I have to say that the one on the other side of the list is really powerful, one hundred at a time, too arrogant.

   "The big guys on the opposite list are really not comparable." Zhou Quandong said, "Everyone do your best, there is no need to fight."

   Zhou Quandong said this, he was sure that Baoer would definitely help him fight.

   Sure enough, Boa smashed one hundred and one castles at once.

   Zhou Quandong thanked him excitedly, and the fans in the live broadcast room also complimented him in various ways, which made Baoer very happy, and said that he would definitely help Zhou Quandong to defend and not let him lose.

   Qianyan moved her fingers, continued to recharge, and went down one hundred castles again.

   Hundreds of millions, she still doesn't see it.

   In addition to investing money in various companies, she also made a lot of money in fund stocks.

  ——Ah, ah, 500,000 again, boss, do you want to keep your eyes open and look at me.

  ——Boss, there is a big guy upstairs, don't believe it.

  ——A Huai is still playing games seriously, and he doesn't know that the boss throws a million for him.

  ——I am worried about A Huai's attitude every day. The boss will run away at any time. For the sake of A Huai, my father is heartbroken.

   Zhou Quandong's team was stunned, but Bo'er didn't respond for a while.

   Zhou Quandong controlled his facial expressions and comforted everyone in the live broadcast room with a soft voice.

   In fact, today's gift income is already very good. If there is no A Huai, the platform will be the first.

   However, a local tyrant on Ah Huai's side is the one who takes everything, and he is also very helpless.

   Such a big local tyrant, stupid and rich, why isn't he in the live broadcast room?

   He peeked at the other party's information, but he didn't have anything, and he was only concerned about A Huai, which made people very jealous.

   Qianyan was very satisfied when she saw that there was no movement on the other side.

   Ah Huai finished a game and finally watched the barrage. He pinched the brim of his hat and stared at the computer carefully for a long time.

   The audience in the live broadcast room was amused by his appearance.

  ——Hahaha, this kid is dumbfounded.

   Added 2 chapters



   (end of this chapter)

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