Chapter 1342 Love yourself, love the world (23)

  ——A Huai, have you counted clearly? I didn't know how to ask my father, but my father told you how much Boss Yan gave you.

  ——A Huai, this child was very popular with local tyrants since he was a child.

   Ah Huai did see it clearly, he raised his hat and looked directly at the camera: "Boss Yan, thank you."

--That's it?

  ——A Huai, two more words, bosses like you are easy to run away.

   Ah Huai was really thinking about what to say: "Are you playing games?"

   Audiences: Forget it, let’s go.

   Yan 123456789: Don't play.

   Ah Huai: "Then I will continue."

   Yan 123456789: Good.

   - woo woo woo, hit it, we Ah Huai also have a boss who loves him.

  ——The boss really loves Ah Huai.

  ——A Huai, a child who can’t speak since he was a child, but he is only hurt by the boss.

  ——Thank you to the boss, the boss is generous, the boss is magnanimous, the children can't speak, we as parents can't be silent, everyone praises it.

  ——I wish Boss Yan the eternal youth.

  ——I wish Boss Yan a long life.

  ——Boss Yan should make a fortune.

  ——Boss Yan will be safe, healthy and smooth all his life, and he will do whatever he wants.


   This round of PK is over, and it is naturally Ah Huai who wins.

   Qianyan and A Huai were not excited, one watched the live broadcast and the other continued to play the game.

   The audience in the live broadcast room was very active, and various barrages flew up.

   On Zhou Quandong's side, the barrage is comforting Zhou Quandong, and Zhou Quandong is comforting fans and Baoer.

  At eleven o'clock in the evening, not long after Ah Huai's live broadcast ended, Qian Yan received a private message from Ah Huai.

   Mirror-A Huai: Boss Yan, have you received an invitation letter from the platform for the annual meeting next Friday?

   Qianyan checked the backstage, and sure enough, she did not pay much attention to these news, and replied: Yes.

   Mirror-A Huai: Do you want to participate?

   Yan 123456789: Participate.

  Der Spiegel-A Huai: Okay.

  Der Spiegel-A Huai: It’s not good to stay up late, go to bed earlier.

   Yan 123456789: Good.

   It turns out that next week will be the platform annual meeting. The original owner does not remember it. At that time, she was already squatting at home and did not dare to go out. Because Zhou Quandong wanted to help her with things, he did not mention that he would attend the annual meeting.

   The only thing in my memory is the date of A Huai jumping off the building. After all, this is a big news.

   But because of the original owner, Ah Huai's death didn't cause much disturbance.

  The original owner has been paying attention to the news on the Internet, and only then noticed that A Huai jumped off the building.

   Qianyan flipped through the invitation letter and found that the date of the platform annual meeting was the day Ah Huai jumped off the building.

   She went to the annual meeting. First, she planned to get acquainted with A Huai, so everything would be justifiable, such as checking who wanted to harm A Huai.

   This is the second one. The Baoer in Zhou Quandong's live broadcast room is very likely to be Zhou Quandong's next target. The other party has become Zhou Quandong's number one in a short period of time. There will be an opportunity to meet at the annual meeting, and he will definitely go.

  According to her speculation, BoA should be young.

   She has screenshots of various PUA remarks from Zhou Quandong's emotional exchange group. When she first came here, she took the opportunity to infiltrate the group.

   Zhou Quandong is a newcomer in the group. She escaped immediately at first, without any evidence of the opponent's PUA.

   Bao'er is very likely Zhou Quandong's target, and he may be able to use Bao'er to hammer Zhou Quandong to death.

   I was able to see last year to see where this Baoer is from.

   Being able to throw so much money in the live broadcast room is obviously not bad. But she couldn't hit her with gifts, indicating that she has not yet controlled the financial power.

   In short, Baoer's family is not bad. If Zhou Quandong's true face is exposed, no matter what Baoer thinks, Baoer's family will definitely not let him go.

   (end of this chapter)

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