Chapter 1344 Love yourself, love the world (25)

   "Ye Defu has no conscience since he was a child, has a bad temper, and likes to steal chickens and dogs. I said a few words. If I wanted to correct his mistakes, he was beaten to death by his father. Can you handle it? This beast has grown up and has the same temperament as his father."

   "The child Yanyan has been beaten since he was a child. As a grandmother, I am not Ye Defu's biological mother. I really don't have a position. I can only protect it at critical times."

   "I don't have much patience, so this child has suffered a lot."

   "All I could do back then was to see the child being beaten and go help."

   "Afterwards, I tried to save money to send that child to school. If I stay in the village, it will be over."

   "Everyone in the village knows what kind of hardship the child has suffered, but now he is very good at talking nonsense. What does it mean that the child is not filial, it is obviously Ye Defu who is not a man."

Qin Lianying angrily told her old friend what happened back then: "God **** Ye Defu, now he's old and can't move anymore. He wants someone to retire and Yanyan's property, so he poured dirty water on her on the Internet. "

   "Yan Yanyou has suffered a lot today, it's not easy, I feel bad."

   "I can't take this breath."

   "I've never seen such a shameless dog thing."

"As long as the two of them are nice to Yanyan and let Yanyan be filial to them, I don't have any opinion. But when Yanyan was either kicked by Ye Defu or slapped, the front teeth were knocked out. Fortunately, at that time He hasn't changed his teeth yet, otherwise he won't be able to break his face. He has no reason to beat the child, it's all up to his mood."

  The old lady and old man present felt so miserable when he heard about Qianyan's childhood experiences.

   "Ye Defu beats everyone. He beats his children and his wife. As a stepmother, he usually doesn't do anything, but he doesn't have much respect. When he is beaten by his father, this white-eyed wolf is watching jokes."

"The old man died later. I think he lived alone. He just didn't need to give me the old age. He also had a brother, who was about the same morality, but gave birth to a boy. His temper was slightly better, but he was still a white-eyed wolf. His brother Both of you think I'm a bad stepmother and never thought about giving me retirement."

   "I have hands and feet, and I don't want to suffer from that anger. If I can't move one day, I'll die if I die. It's easier to live alone."

   Qin Lianying completely aroused the anger of her elderly friends, expressing her support for her exposure of Ye Defu's actions.

   "Qin Lianying, what are you going to do about this?"

"There will definitely be a riot, and Ye Defu can't say anything good." Qin Lianying said, "Most of the Internet is still scolding Yanyan for being unfilial, and a small number of people have heard about Yanyan's helper idea, and some sympathize with it. , I want to know the truth."

   "I support the trouble." An old lady said, "This matter can't make the children feel wronged. Your granddaughter builds a house for them, and also buys a house in the county town. You can see that they can't stand up."

   "Yes, I support it too."

Qin Lianying felt a little more at ease: "I want to take everyone with me, and I'll treat you after the trouble. Yanyan is a very kind child. He is still doing charity work online, focusing on disabled elderly people. If they are not too much, they don't treat Yanyan as a human being. , and will definitely be filial to them.”

   Qin Lianying pointed out the donation information. There were still many elderly people who were very slippery with their mobile phones. After seeing it, they all sighed.

   If he wasn't angry, why would he only pay attention to strange old people.

   "Qin Lianying, isn't live broadcast popular now? Or, you can start a live broadcast to make a fuss, so that everyone can see, let's go together." An old man dressed in fashion said, "Nowadays young people like to watch live broadcasts."

   Qin Lianying's eyes lit up, and she immediately discussed with people about the live broadcast to make trouble. A group of old men and women discussed how to name them.

   The final name is relatively straightforward: Ye Qianyan's grandmother.

   After the account is registered and the name is chosen, they start to act.

   In the afternoon, assistant Xiaoxi reminded Qianyan that her grandmother's live broadcast was a hot search.

   Qianyan: "..."

   She clicked on the hot search and took a look, and it turned out to be all kinds of discussions.

   Then he opened the live broadcast room, and a group of old ladies and old men appeared in it.

   Among them, Qin Lianying was very prominent. She wiped her tears and said that her granddaughter was really pitiful, and that Ye Defu was just a white-eyed wolf, and complained bitterly about his various behaviors.

  Bodyguards help to take pictures with mobile phones.

   Not long after, Qin Lianying surrounded Ye Defu and the three.

   (end of this chapter)

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