Chapter 1345 Love yourself, love the world (26)

   Originally, the poor old man was a frantic output to Ye Defu, and there was a group of old people who helped him and recounted the past events one by one.

   also spoke out about the abuse of her when the original owner went home to repair the house, gave the two money to buy a house in the county seat, and abused her.

  The three of Ye Defu were so stunned that they couldn't speak at all. Qin Lianying crossed her waist: "If you have the ability to bully Yanyan, why don't you dare to answer my question?"

   "Ye Defu, how dare you say that you haven't done those things? If you lie, all the old Ye family will be extinct, and you will be extinct in your next life."

   Ye Defu blushed, he didn't dare to say a word, this oath really took his lifeline.

   The three of them did not dare to line up, these old men and women are really fierce.

   And the people in the program team reminded them that it is best not to say anything nonsense.

   So, they just shut the door.

   Qin Lianying scolded outside for a while, but did not leave, just squatted there and told netizens about the original owner when she was a child, wiping her tears as she spoke.

   Netizens were also moved.

   Of course, some netizens also questioned whether this old lady was the navy performer invited by Qianyan.

   The group of people who helped Ye Defu saw this and immediately poured dirty water on Qin Lianying, indicating that she was the sailor invited by Ye Qianyan.

   As a result, large numbers of navy troops began to wash the ground.

   Qin Lianying was really **** off, but the viewers who watched the whole live broadcast room were not so easy to deceive.

   Ye Defu didn't dare to come out and face it at all, which shows that there is something tricky.

  The people who helped Ye Defu also found out. It is estimated that this matter is not easy to step down. If it continues, the truth will be exposed sooner or later.

  Just in time, Meng Zhang's investigation results have come out.

   That night, Meng Zhang dumped all kinds of evidence.

  Compared to Ye Defu's empty slander, what Meng Zhang investigated is justifiable and well-founded, and netizens don't believe it.

   The netizens used to sympathize with Ye Defu, but now they hate Ye Defu and several others, and the Internet is full of words that abuse Ye Defu and the three.

   But in the same way, there are still a group of remarks that everyone in the world is not a parent. No matter what kind of evidence, it is impossible to change their cognition, and they feel that Ye Qianyan is too cruel.

  No matter what, the truth of the matter was announced.

   Netizens quickly remembered the "Happy Family" program group and called them out to be beaten.

   The program team did come out to apologize quickly, saying that it was the negligence of the staff. At that time, Ye Defu was very pitiful, so he chose to help. I didn’t expect that he would work with the villagers to deceive the staff.

   However, Meng Zhang once again released some videos and recordings of the program team, which were all videos of the program team staff teaching Ye Defu how to speak.

  Ye Defu: "It's so troublesome? Do you have to say that? She's my daughter, so it's right for me to be old-aged, and if I don't, I'm not filial."

Ye Defu: "What? You have to say that hitting her when she was a child taught her to be an adult? It's obviously a useless girl, I just see her not pleasing to the eye, hit her and hit her, why are you so troublesome. I hit my daughter, that's what It is right and proper, even if she is beaten to death, it should be, who made her a girl. She made me lose face, lose face, and can't raise my head in the village. "

  Ye Defu: "Okay, okay, just as you said, that **** has long wings and wants to fly, she wants to be beautiful."

Ye Defu: "I can't tell you to let her hand over the company to the runner-up? The runner-up is the only male in my Ye family. Isn't it normal to leave it to a man? She is a girl who is not qualified to manage the company. Okay, okay, I won't say this. But you have to help persuade her to give the company to the runner-up."

   (end of this chapter)

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