Chapter 1346 Love yourself, love the world (27)

Huang Xiangyu: "Can't you be persuaded to get married? She's already old, she's an old girl, what does it look like if she doesn't get married? Well, let's not mention it. We privately told her about marriage on a blind date, and it's better to have a son earlier. No If the son's waist is not hard, don't give birth to a girl in one child. If one child does not work, then have more than one child, and always have a son."

  Huang Xiangyu: "Can't you talk about her building a house for the family? I understand, that's just the matter that she never came home."

Ye Yajun: "Don't worry, I will never talk nonsense. My uncle and aunt also think that she is easy to be deceived when she is alone. If you manage such a big company, if you have family members to help, it will definitely be better than before. Let yourself suffer."


   The expressions of netizens are indescribable, these three people are really disgusting.

  ——The program group "Happy Family" is also disgusting.

   - vomited and vomited, it was so disgusting for these three people.

  ——I knew before that there was a reversal, and every time I mentioned it, I was scolded, and said I was washing the floor, washing your M's land.

  ——Ye Qianyan is really miserable, I heard that my grandmother said that her front teeth were knocked out when she was a child.

--It's too awful.

  Qianyan did not expect that Meng Zhang's speed would be so fast, releasing all the evidence.

   Originally, she thought she could brew for a while, but Qin Lianying and Meng Zhang were very anxious.

   Maybe it was her and Qin Lianying's impetus that made Meng Zhang know where to look, and the speed was naturally faster.

  Otherwise, with the personality of the villagers, it is really not that easy for Meng Zhang to find out the truth.

   "Boss, the live broadcast room is crowded!" Xiaoxi hurried over, "The number of orders has also exploded, and the link will be empty in seconds."

   "Most of the goods on the official website have been sold out."

   "The anchor asked them to consume rationally, but they said no."

Qianyan didn't feel much: "If it's out of stock, download the link, and then upload it when it's in stock. Remind the factory to pay attention to quality control. We are a long-term business. No matter what their attitude is, we must make our own products well. Remember, we are merchants and they are consumers."

   "They also said they could not ship."

  Qianyan: "Just listen, don't take it seriously, just do what you want to do."


   Qianyan was not surprised by the reactions of netizens, but so what?

  It was them who stepped on the original owner, and they were the ones who held people up.

   She is telling the truth, she is a business, they are consumers, there is no other relationship, that’s all.

  The woman in the wishing space was also very calm, and was not much touched by such a result.

   She will never forget those ruthless and poisonous abuses that crushed her.

   Originally, she was the leaf of that spring, full of hope, she could slowly heal the hurt in her heart, but she was ruthlessly obliterated by others.

   Qianyan said that she is a businessman and they are consumers, which calmed her down.

"I'm going to set up a foundation, as you wish, to help those who have been slandered and whose families have suffered misfortune. It's called the May Foundation. What do you think?" Qianyan said to the women in the wishing space. Yes, because her name is Ye Wuyue.

  May is late spring, and it is about to summer, which means that the leaves have grown and lush, which can withstand violent storms and cover the summer sun.

   Ye Wuyue choked: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Empress."

   "I have no regrets."

"I want to be reincarnated, forget these things, and start a new life. You are doing so well, with you taking good care of my grandma, she will enjoy her old age. I really appreciate you, showing me a different life, and letting me I understand a lot."

   In fact, the most important thing for her is never to take revenge on Ye Defu and others, but to live her life well, be better to herself, take good care of her grandmother, and help those in need when she is able.

   I hope there will be fewer such tragedies in this world. Whether it's her tragic childhood, or her dreams shattered by Ye Defu's slander, the fewer people experience it, the better.

   She said that she was not strong enough to have such a tragedy.

   Her Majesty the Empress said that the environment around her was too bad, and she was stronger than many people. No one is perfect, no need to blame yourself.

   She was very moved when she heard this, and it made her come back to life.

  Many people want the victim to be a perfect person, but they don’t think deeply, if the victim is so perfect, will they still be the victim?

   The reason why she is reluctant to explain the truth to the public is that when Meng Zhang announced everything, some people still said that the reason why she was so tragic was because of her personal character. Said she shouldn't hide, said she was timid and cowardly, said she didn't know people well, and said she was too short of men, and liked all kinds of things.

   But, she has been working hard to live.

   She yearned for a better life, but was destroyed by Ye Defu's rumors. Being strong for too long will make her very tired too.

  Before today, she was always swinging between hope and destruction.

   Meng Zhang's hope given to her by those people, and the destruction given to her by critics on the Internet.

   Her Majesty the Empress said that no one is perfect, so she was right.

   It's not necessary to embarrass yourself for those who don't understand her.

   She is going to be born with those words of blessing and concern for her.

   Qianyan: "You will be happy in your next life."

  Ye May: "Thank you, I will try my best to make myself happy."

   Ye Wuyue's soul gradually became transparent, and Qianyan sensed the blessings bestowed by the world consciousness to Ye Wuyue.

   In fact, most of the world consciousness will send some blessings to the original owner. Because the original owner sacrificed half of his soul to let her come over, he made this place better by the way.

   Sending blessings and replenishing the soul is a feedback to them.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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