Chapter 1347 Love yourself, love the world (28)

   "It worked better than expected."

  Meng Zhang sat in front of Meng Tinghuai, holding his mobile phone and constantly flipping through the Internet.

   The victim this time is quite special. He doesn't seem to pay much attention to the things on the Internet, but after finding out the truth of the incident, he has a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

  Meng Zhang was excited here for a long time and felt that Meng Tinghuai was not moving. Looking up, Meng Tinghuai was holding his chin in his hand, and the other hand was drinking from a milk tea cup.

  I don’t quite understand.

   This guy has a deep and world-weary face that is mostly covered by a hat, and he actually likes drinking milk tea so much.

   is particularly inappropriate.

   "I'm so old, and I like to drink milk tea."

   "I'm afraid you can't find a girlfriend like this."

   "It's not good to eat too much sweet, you know?"

  Meng Tinghuai slowly raised his head: "No sugar."

   Meng Zhang was stunned: "Don't tell me that the milk tea you used to drink didn't have any sugar?"

   "No." Meng Tinghuai buried his head, is this strange?

   Meng Zhang was speechless, he had never asked about this, and subconsciously thought that milk tea was sweet.

  Dare they know each other for so many years, Ah Huai is drinking from a milk tea cup every time, but it is not real milk tea at all?

   He suddenly felt the deception from the world.

   "You have a milk tea without sugar."

   Meng Tinghuai didn't mind Meng Zhang's tone, "I want to drink water with a straw when I'm thinking, it's a hobby developed as a child."

   "Isn't the milk tea in the milk tea cup?" Meng Zhang suddenly asked.

  Meng Tinghuai: "Well, plain water."

  Meng Zhang: "..."

"By the way, what happened to you and that Boss Yan?" Meng Zhang changed the subject, "I went to your live broadcast room to take a look, this Boss Yan has spent a lot of money on you, as long as she is there, no matter who is on the other side. , will definitely help you win PK."

   "A Huai, is this love... ah?"

   "One day the official announcement will make your CP fans in the live broadcast room happy."

  Meng Tinghuai raised his eyes and couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "It's too condescending for you not to write novels."

   "Boss Yan is a serious person, she just wants to watch me play games."

  Meng Zhang tsk tsk: "Yeah, just watching you play games, I will cost you more than a million in one night."

   "No matter, I think this is love."

   Meng Tinghuai: "..." I can't understand.

   "Isn't the platform going to hold an annual meeting? Will Boss Yan attend?"

"Will do."

  Meng Zhang's eyes were all wrong: "Give me an invitation, I'm going."

   "Didn't I send you one backstage?"

  Meng Zhang felt embarrassed and touched his head: "I didn't pay attention, I'll take a look." He logged into his account, and sure enough, he found an invitation in the background, and quickly clicked to confirm.

   "By the way, there are still three months before the old man's birthday." Speaking of this, Meng Zhang was much more serious, "The old man's health is getting worse and worse, which is really worrying."

   Meng Tinghuai's expression also became serious, and the body that had been leaning lazily on the chair sat upright: "It will be fine, he is only seventy-six."

   "People like him will at least live a hundred years." Meng Tinghuai's dull voice contained some blessings and expectations.

  The two suddenly fell into silence, and it was Meng Zhang's cell phone ringtone that broke the silence.

"What did you say? Ms. Ye is looking for me? Okay, you can transfer it." Meng Zhang covered the microphone and whispered to Meng Tinghuai, "Ms. Ye from Spring Leaf was looking for me, and I was targeted by the other party. "

  Meng Zhang's expression was exaggeratedly happy, but Meng Tinghuai's face was still paralyzed, his eyes staring blankly somewhere.

   (end of this chapter)

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