Chapter 1351 Love yourself, love the world (32)

  Meng Tinghuai took Qianyan to their seats and sat down. Coincidentally, Zhou Quandong and Xu Baoyi were next to them.

  The two didn't know what happened in the live broadcast room, but Meng Tinghuai and Qianyan made them vigilant as soon as they appeared.

  There is no other reason, Meng Tinghuai and Qianyan are very good in appearance and temperament, sitting beside them can only be a foil.

   There is also a name on the seat. This name is not the real name, but the nickname of the platform account.

   One is Mingjing-Ahuai and the other is Yan 123456789.

   Zhou Quandong's face was a little stiff, and Xu Baoyi was not too happy.

   Zhou Quandong wanted to get to know Boss Yan, but he didn't expect that Boss Yan was not only rich, but also good-looking. To be honest, Xu Baoyi couldn't watch enough in front of her, she was just a little girl who didn't know the world.

   But Qianyan's unique queen temperament made Zhou Quandong not dare to approach.

A woman like    must not be selected as the object of control. If you dare to take action against such a woman, you will definitely die ugly.

   If Xu Baoyi wasn't there today, he might choose to get to know him. Even if he couldn't control his mind, it would be good to make friends, and he would be able to make some money then.

   Now his goal is Xu Baoyi, and his control over Xu Baoyi has not reached the later stage. If he rushes to pay attention to other outstanding women, the plan will fall short.

  Unless Xu Baoyi became dependent on him, he couldn't do without him.

   "Bao'er, are you thirsty?" Zhou Quandong withdrew his gaze and asked Xu Baoyi in a soft voice. Such a gentle and attentive appearance made Xu Baoyi very happy.

   "A bit."

   "What would you like to drink?" Zhou Quandong was very satisfied when he saw Xu Baoyi's appearance. According to the conversation between the two sides, he learned that Xu Baoyi was a little lady who lacked love and did not fit in well. There is a lot of pocket money, but I look forward to the attention of my parents.

  Especially recently, the other's parents gave her a younger brother, and the family conflicts are even bigger. This time period is the easiest to get to the bottom of her heart.

  Qianyan never stopped practicing. Despite the noise at the scene, she still heard the conversation between Zhou Quandong and the two, and even out of the corner of the eye, she noticed their expressions.

   Zhou Quandong is currently taking a gentle offensive, intending to penetrate Xu Baoyi's heart.

   "Boss Yan knows him?" Meng Tinghuai glanced at Zhou Quandong.

   Of course he knows who Zhou Quandong is, the one who often buys navy troops to black him in the live broadcast room.

   He has checked all the navy who came to hack him, but he doesn't care about the little things. After all, Zhou Quandong still has to work for him to make money.

   Qianyan: "It doesn't count as acquaintance."

   Meng Tinghuai came back to his senses, there was a nickname on the seat, Boss Yan should have seen it, her attention was normal, after all, Zhou Quandong often PKed with him.

   "Need to get to know him?" Meng Tinghuai clenched the water glass tightly, but he was reluctant in his heart, and his paralyzed expression became even more stinky, but he buried his head slightly, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

   Qianyan: "Not interested."

  Meng Tinghuai raised his head, sat up straight, his tense body relaxed, the corners of his lips rose unconsciously, and his face softened: "Oh."

   Next is the annual meeting and awards, performances, and finally the dinner.

   Apart from talking to Qianyan, Meng Tinghuai hardly communicated with other people. He looked like no one was allowed to enter, and no one else would come to make a cold face.

   Meng Zhang originally wanted to greet Meng Tinghuai, but when he saw Qianyan sitting beside him, he pretended not to know him at all and wandered elsewhere.

  Weibo went crazy, who didn't know that Ms. Ye was the boss of Yan.

   Meng Tinghuai noticed Meng Zhang's mischievous expression and decided to pretend he didn't know each other.

   When the dinner was about to end, Meng Tinghuai's cell phone rang, and his expression changed slightly after picking it up, attracting Qianyan's attention.

   "Boss Yan, excuse me for now." Meng Tinghuai said in a low voice, "I have something urgent."

  Qianyan noticed that he didn't hang up on the phone, guessed that the target of Meng Tinghuai appeared, and replied lightly: "Okay."

   She watched Meng Tinghuai leave, but put a trace of consciousness on him.

   Then she walked to the bathroom with her bag, but turned around and ran to the rooftop halfway.

   She is very familiar with the road here.

  Today, she came over to feel the route, and put some small things by the way.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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