Chapter 1352 Love yourself, love the world (33)

  Qianyan rode another elevator to the top floor, and her sense of consciousness kept paying attention to Meng Tinghuai's situation.

   His elevator went first, and he had reached the top floor. To get to the rooftop, one has to climb a flight of stairs. When Meng Tinghuai stepped out of the elevator, he walked quickly to the rooftop. It was not difficult to see his anxiety, and his expressionless face showed a bit of sadness and tension.

He took his mobile phone and called back to communicate: "Is the old man still awake? He will be on the rooftop soon. I looked at the window before. There is the moon tonight, and the night scene I took will be beautiful... He should like it. ."

  Qianyan paused and quickly walked out of the elevator. Divine consciousness enveloped the surroundings, and she had already sensed that on the rooftop, two strangers were holding baseball bats waiting on either side of the exit.

   Although it was absolutely impossible to see Meng Tinghuai's tragedy repeating with her here, she still ran up quickly.

   She had already guessed how Meng Tinghuai fell from the building and was knocked out and thrown down.

   The murderer used Meng Tinghuai's nervous old man to attract his attention, making him unable to be vigilant about the surroundings and completely lacking his usual calmness.

   Maybe he never thought that someone would use this method to kill him.

   So far, she hasn't figured out how Meng Tinghuai caused her death.

   It's not that she couldn't figure it out, but that she caught those people and figured it out in advance. Some charges were not convicted, and it was too cheap for the other party.

   If she guessed correctly, the old man should be Meng Yuanxin.

  Meng Tinghuai's face was anxious, nervous and worried, but not angry, indicating that the other party was not threatening him to go to the rooftop, but just looking for something related to the old man, it sounded like the other party was dying.

   At this moment, Qianyan heard a sound, and her divine sense sensed that Meng Tinghuai was knocked out by a baseball bat just after he went to the rooftop.

   Both wore gloves and had shoe covers on their shoes, so they were well prepared.

   They carried Meng Tinghuai to the edge of the rooftop. Perhaps the mission was about to succeed, and the two couldn't help but chat in a low voice.

   "It's bad luck for this kid."

   "Who said no, it's also that Mr. Meng is confused. He doesn't choose the one next to him. He insists on choosing someone who can't be beaten by eight poles. He also said that this kid is the most suitable."

   "Since it's in the way, there's nothing I can do."

"Boy, in this life you are lucky to meet Meng Lao, and unfortunately you also meet Meng Lao. If you meet Meng Lao again in the next life, remember not to be so smart, be stupid, if you don't get caught by Meng Lao, you will not be killed. ."

   "Stop talking nonsense, just throw this kid down."

   "Eighteen floors, smashed to pieces."

   Seeing that the two were about to place Meng Tinghuai on the edge of the roof, Qianyan grabbed the baseball bat that was placed at the exit, rushed over with a stride, and instantly came to the two of them.

   The two of them only felt a gust of cool wind blowing by suddenly behind them, but they didn't react.

   Qianyan's strength is very precise, one person and one stick will only knock them out, not fatal.


   At this moment, a group of tall and tall bodyguards poured out from all directions. I don’t know who turned on the lights and illuminated the place so brightly that everything in the darkness was invisible.

  The bodyguards looked at the woman in the white suit standing in the center, holding a baseball bat. Now they finally understood why she told them not to move, and everything obeyed her orders.

   The boss's skills are much more ferocious than theirs, especially the speed of the lunge just now, they ask themselves that they can't reach it.

   (end of this chapter)

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