Chapter 1359 Love yourself, love the world (40)

   This day, light rain.

   Qin Lianying broadcasted indoors, and chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room about what happened in the village in the past.

   She will select some questions to answer in the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room.

   "It was bitter back then, let alone eating meat, it was content to eat half full."

   "At that time, where was it now? There are many opportunities now, and there are everywhere. Even if you can't get rich and rich, it's not a problem to eat a meal."

   "We didn't have a chance at that time, our thoughts were fixed, and the girl had to get married when she was old."

  ——Grandma Qin, I am very envious that everyone lived a good life at that time, and they would not think about things like they are now. They are just that kind of person all their lives, and now people are arrogant and impetuous.

  ——I especially envy the former male lead outside and female lead inside, working together to live together is really good.

When Qin Lianying saw these two barrages, she couldn't help but say: "I've been alone in my life. If the two are together, that's really good. However, it was not as beautiful as you thought before, and many of them couldn't do anything about it. I have no choice but to think of how to resist."

   "I am very envious of young people of your era, at least they have more choices when they are uncomfortable."

   Qin Lianying is still wrapping dumplings in her hands, and the dumplings are very beautiful on the plate, staring at the barrage from time to time.

   "You young people, cherish the current environment, don't always put the seemingly beautiful things from the past on your head. When you really experience those things, it may not be what you think."

"It's so good now, you can have dreams, you can have opportunities, and you can't starve to death if you have a pair of hardworking hands. Although there are many injustices in this world, there are many things to choose from. When the basic necessities of life are solved, our thinking will definitely be I have to make progress and pursue a more comfortable and meaningful life.”

Qin Lianying looked at a plate full of dumplings and said, "Just like these dumplings, now I can eat as much as I want, and now I can cook them. If I was young, this plate of dumplings would go to the pot. It was cooked and I couldn't even taste it, so I had to bring it to the table immediately, where there was an old man and two children waiting. When I turned around to clean up the kitchen, all that was left on the table were empty plates already."

"During New Year's and festivals, the family treats guests, the people at the wine table are lively, eating and drinking. I am busy in the kitchen, and I am dizzy in the small kitchen. After I am busy, they have finished eating, and I can finally eat. , and there is nothing left on the table, so I can only eat some soup and rice. At that time, I didn’t think much about it. Women from every household came here like this. Now that I think about it, those days were really unpleasant.”

   "The house has to be kept clean. If you don't do well, people outside will say that this house has a lazy woman."

   "You have to take care of the baby well. If you don't take it well, people outside will say, this mother-in-law is really useless, and even the baby doesn't look good. The baby is in trouble, and people outside still say that the child's mother didn't teach it well."

   "When you are beaten, people outside will say that something must have been done to anger the men at home."

   "Being beaten up, taught children a lesson, and gave up on picking a child. People outside will say that this woman is cruel, lazy and delicious, and she is not satisfied with such a good life."

   Qin Lianying had a smile on her face and was still making dumplings: "I have lived for most of my life, and I almost didn't understand why I lived."

   (end of this chapter)

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